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INX Crypto Trading Platform Will Use Brave New Coin’s BTC and ETH Indices for Forthcoming IPO

Photo: ShutterstockPer a recent announcement, blockchain and cryptography data and research company Brave New Coin (BNC) has said that its cryptocurrency indices will now be applied by crypto trading service INX, as it prepares to launch its first fully approved security token sale. INX is focused on making sure that its offerings and practices are strict and as transparent as possible, a decision that has pointed the digital asset trading service in the BNC direction.According to BNC, INX...

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#734 Bitcoin Death Cross, Anonyme Coins auf Vormarsch & Trump hat Bitcoin gezähmt

Hey Krypto Fans, willkommen zur Bitcoin-Informant Show Nr. 734. Heute geht’s um folgende Themen: Bitcoin Kurs bedroht durch das Death Cross, Kriminelle werden in anonyme Coins getrieben & Trump Administration hat Bitcoin Blase zum Platzen gebracht. 1.) Bitcoin Kurs bedroht durch das Death Cross? Bearisher Indikator bahnt sich an 4.) Bitcoin Informant bei iTunes als...

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Is Latin America the New Blockchain Haven?

Photo: Fight to Fame / FacebookLatin America as a region has a number of unique economic challenges. Currency devaluation in Venezuela has continued to crater the economy and impact the lives of millions while tariffs impact trade in Mexico. There seems to be no singular solution to the region’s problems as each country has its own unique set of economic and social challenges, but moving towards decentralized platforms may provide a new path forward and Latin American countries have been...

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Revolut Partners With Mastercard for Debit Card Issuance in the U.S.

Revolut Ltd, the financial technology and financial institution based in London, has entered an official partnership with Mastercard which will see the card giant handling all of Revolut’s debit cards when it launches in the United States before the year runs out.According to an official press release, MasterCard will not only handle Revolut’s cards in the U.S., but will also run at least 50 percent of all Revolut cards in all of Europe, including existing and future cards. Reportedly, this...

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Sicherheit durch Token: Raiffeisen startet Testversuch

Raiffeisen International testet Security Token. Auch in der Schweiz arbeitet die Raiffeisen Bank mit Swisscom und Daura AG an einem Token-Projekt. Foto: Gebäude der Raiffeisen Schweiz in St. Gallen. Lizenz: CC 4.0 by JoachimKohlerBremen, Wikipedia Zusammen mit fast zwanzig anderen Banken startet Raiffeisen einen globalen Token-Test auf der durch Microsoft Azure gehosteten...

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#733 McAfee verdoppelt Bitcoin Prognose, Monero eine Gefahr & Universität Malta Blockchain Master-Studiengang

Hey Krypto Fans, willkommen zur Bitcoin-Informant Show Nr. 733. Heute geht’s um folgende Themen: McAfee verdoppelt Bitcoin Prognose für Ende 2020, Bundesfinanzministerium erkennt in Monero eine Gefahr & Universität Malta bietet Master-Studiengang für Blockchain und DLT an. 1.) McAfee tut es wieder: Er verdoppelt seine Bitcoin Kurs Prognose für Ende 2020

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Fortnite Clone ‘Lightnite’ is a Battle Royale Shooter With Bitcoin

Satoshis Games Studio has announced the first-ever Bitcoin battle royale game, dubbed Lightnite in a rather conspicuous reference to Epic Games flagship Fortnite, albeit without the fanfare of its game-changing Chapter 2 launch. So how does it work? What Is Lightnite? As of writing details are scarce, but Lightnite features all the trappings of any battle royale shooter worthy of the name, except with the Bitcoin twist mixed in. In a Medium post sharing the announcement, Satoshis Games...

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#732 Poloniex wird Polo Digital Assets, Krypto im Fokus der Zentralbanken & Fiat 27 Jahre Lebensdauer

Hey Krypto Fans, willkommen zur Bitcoin-Informant Show Nr. 732. Heute geht’s um folgende Themen: Poloniex wird zu Polo Digital Assets – US-Kunden müssen draußen bleiben, Kryptowährungen im Fokus der Zentralbanken & Fiat 27 Jahre Lebensdauer. 1.) Poloniex wird zu Polo Digital Assets – US-Kunden müssen draußen bleiben 2.) Why Cryptocurrency is in The Spotlight For More...

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Leveraging Risk: 17% Claim They Got Into Debt by Buying Bitcoin in 2017

The highly volatile nature of cryptocurrency markets makes this industry simultaneously exciting and very risky.The price of bitcoin rapidly moved from around $600 in November 2016 to an all-time high of nearly $20,000 in December 2017.Of course, many, due to FOMO, bought Bitcoin worth hundreds to thousands of dollars during the “crypto bubble” period, hoping that the price would “moon”.It was also in that period that the ICO craze begun. Many novice and experienced investors threw their...

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Online Geld verdienen mit Steem – Was ist Steemit?

Online Geld verdienen war noch nie so einfach – macht’s möglich endlich für das Posten von Inhalten bezahlt zu werden… Jetzt kostenlos auf Steemit anmelden: Steem Account ohne Wartezeit und mit 15 Steem Power (SP) für $2.5 mit Kreditkarte kaufen und SOFORT loslegen…

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