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Bitcoin (BTC)

CoinCorner Taps Dubai’s Royal Family to Facilitate Bitcoin Transactions

Douglas-based cryptocurrency exchange CoinCorner has partnered with Seed Group, a company of the Private Office of Sheikh Saeed bin Ahmed Al Maktoum, to facilitate Bitcoin transactions in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Under the agreement, Seed Group will aid in the expansion of CoinCorner’s operations across the emiratesand the wider Middle East as well as access to top decision-makers in the government and private sectors. Promoting the exchange’s Bitcoin transaction...

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Russland setzt jetzt offiziell auf Bitcoin

Die internationalen Sanktionen gegen Russland haben dem Cryptomarkt bisher nicht geholfen, vielleicht haben sie ihm sogar geschadet. Doch dies könnte sich nun ändern, da Russland diese Woche angekündigt hat, seine Crypto-Strategie zu ändern. Crypto News: Russland setzt jetzt offiziell auf BitcoinDie russische Zentralbank hat nun offiziell die Legalisierung von Cryptocoins für internationale Transaktionen angekündigt. Zwar hatte man bisher keine offene Anti-Crypto-Haltung eingenommen, aber es...

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Mendoza, Argentina Will Permit Crypto Tax Payments

Mendoza – a province in the western region of Argentina and the fifth most populous area in the country – says it’s allowing residents to use cryptocurrencies like bitcoin to pay for taxes and other city-based bills. Argentina Continues Its Crypto Acceptance Run The move is pushing the goals of bitcoin and its digital counterparts closer to being achieved. What many people likely forget is that while bitcoin and many of its crypto cousins have taken on either speculative...

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Guatemalan Town Cleans Local Lake Using Bitcoin Miners

A Guatemalan circular Bitcoin economy known as “Bitcoin Lake” is leveraging Bitcoin ASICs to clean the nearby Lake Atitlán while generating income for the community.  As Bitcoin Lake Founder Patrick Melder explained, the “Kaboom” mining project is repurposing used cooking oil to help mine Bitcoin, rather than pollute the local environment.  Mining Helping the Environment? As Melder told Bitcoin Magazine, the project is a follow-up to prior attempts at cleaning the lake that...

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Buy Bitcoin Bank Really Wants to Educate Crypto Traders

There’s a new crypto bank in town. Known as Buy Bitcoin Bank, the digital currency firm is looking to ensure all crypto traders have the tools, resources, and education they need to trade intelligently and make appropriate decisions when it comes to adding digital currencies to their portfolios. Buy Bitcoin Bank Is Pushing for Stronger Education There’s nothing wrong with investing, nor is there anything wrong with diversifying one’s portfolio. However, what can be...

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Meetup Becrypto à Soignie (Belgique)

Le prochain meetup BECRYPTO aura lieu lundi 26 septembre à 19h00. ATTENTION ! Il se déroulera à SOIGNIES, au MAD Coworking, 37 rue de Mons – 7060 Soignies Avec une belle présentation, très attendue en cette période de cours incertain… Un point sur l’état des marchés cryptos, par Cara. Cara est un trader entré très tôt dans le monde des cryptomonnaies et du trading. Esprit pragmatique et...

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Weekend Watch: Dogecoin Soars 6.5%, Bitcoin Fights for $19K

After the recent volatility and the latest multi-month low, bitcoin has calmed slightly around the $19,000 mark. Most alts have painted insignificant losses today, while Dogecoin has emerged as the top performer from the large-cap ones. Bitcoin Battles for $19K The past several days were quite volatile for BTC, starting with the dip to $18,300 on September 19. At the time, that marked a three-month low for the asset. Bitcoin went on the offensive in the following hours and...

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CryptoJon : Bitcoin est-il condamné sur le long terme?

« Que se passera-t-il se passera quand les 21 millions de bitcoin seront tous minés, ou quasiment tous minés ? J’ai passé pas mal de temps à approfondir le sujet cette semaine. Dans cette vidéo je suis d’abord vous présenter les inquiétudes formulées par Vitalik Buterin lui-même. Ensuite on va discuter de la façon dont bitcoin maintiendra sa sécurité dans le futur et je finirai par vous donner mon avis personnel sur la question suivante : Est-ce que Bitcoin est condamné à échouer...

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Découvre Bitcoin : Introduction aux fonctions de hachage cryptographique

Bitcoin utilise des fonctions de hachage cryptographique pour lier les pages de la Timechain, mais aussi pour générer des adresses Bitcoin. L’objectif est de transformer une information de taille arbitraire en une information de taille fixe. Une fonction de hachage fonctionne dans un seul sens. A partir de n’importe quel contenu, nous pouvons générer un hachage (une empreinte numérique) mais à partir d’un hachage, il n’y a aucun moyen de retrouver le contenu qui lui est associé....

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Singapore Wants to Introduce New Laws Restricting Retail Crypto Trades

Singapore says it’s considering introducing new laws that will make it much harder for crypto retail investors to trade digital assets during this time. The nation’s regulators say they are truly concerned about the ongoing risks involved with virtual money. Singapore Is Worried About Crypto Trading Singapore has stated that many people getting involved in crypto are simply doing so because they are experiencing fear of missing out or “FOMO.” Regulators say people are...

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