31-year-old Israel resident Simon Leviev – known allegedly for his notorious fraud schemes as the “Tinder Swindler” – says he has made a lot of his money through crypto investing and legitimate business ventures rather than cheating people. Leviev Explains His Side of the Story In a recent interview, Leviev says he purchased bitcoin when the currency was very young. Obviously, the asset has shot up in price since then, and it is due to these price spikes that he has...
Read More »Russia-Ukraine Tensions Cause Bitcoin to Drop
Why is bitcoin experiencing such a dip as of late? The tensions between Russia, Ukraine, and the United States may have something to do with it. Russia and Ukraine Are Having Adverse Effects on BTC Over the last few weeks, we have continuously seen news reports saying that Russia is potentially on the verge of invading and attacking Ukraine. If this were to happen, the United States has mentioned that it would impose sanctions on Russia and find necessary ways to...
Read More »Benjamin Cowen: Bitcoin Is Going to Experience Further Dips
Crypto analyst Benjamin Cowen explained in a recent online statement that the price of bitcoin could wind up taking an even harder fall next month. Benjamin Cowen Predicts Rough Things for BTC Bitcoin has been experiencing somewhat bearish trends as of late. While the currency has shot up by a few thousand dollars since the beginning of February, the asset is nowhere near the all-time high it achieved last November. During that month, the world’s number one digital...
Read More »Kevin O’Leary: BTC Is Nothing Without Institutions
Kevin O’Leary – the legendary investor of “Shark Tank” fame – is telling traders that they shouldn’t get their hopes up on bitcoin unless more institutions feel comfortable enough with the asset. Kevin O’Leary Thinks Institutions Make All the Difference The argument surrounding bitcoin’s abilities are typically centered on institutions. Over the past few years, companies like software giant MicroStrategy and payment processing firm Square have invested billions of...
Read More »Avenue Securities to Offer Crypto Services Starting Next Month
Avenue Securities – a brokerage in Miami, Florida that allows native Brazilians to invest in the United States – is opening its doors to cryptocurrency. The company announced that it has plans to begin trading digital assets like BTC beginning next month. Avenue Securities Turns Towards Crypto Roberto Lee – the chief executive officer and founder – explained in a statement that his firm has seen a lot more demand for crypto-related services from customers, and thus he...
Read More »Barry Bannister: The Bitcoin Price Could Fall Heavily By Next Year
Could bitcoin fall to a low of $10K? According to Stifel’s Barry Bannister, traders could witness the world’s number one digital currency by market cap dip to a price that’s roughly three times less than what it’s at right now. Bannister Predicts Bad Things for BTC Bitcoin has been experiencing some bearish trends as of late. While the currency has recovered somewhat, the asset recently fell into the mid-$30,000 range, which was about 40 percent less than the price it...
Read More »Montana Coal Mine Becomes Crypto Mining Facility, but Not Everyone’s Happy
Montana environmentalists aren’t happy about a decommissioned coal mine going into business again, this time as a crypto mining facility. Crypto Mining Rubs Climate Friendly People the Wrong Way Known as the Hardin generating station, the facility is a 115-megawatt coal plant located near the site of the historic battle of Little BigHorn. It was slated to close in 2018 given the lack of customers, and usage has seriously died down as of late. However, it looks like a...
Read More »Lisa Monaco Discusses FBI’s Plans to Hunt Down Crypto Fraudsters
Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco says that a new division of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has been formed to crack down on cyber fraud and tackle bad actors in the crypto space. Lisa Monaco Says Crypto Security in the U.S. Is a Big Deal The United States as of late appears to be putting the crypto industry at the forefront of its priorities list, though this hasn’t always been a good thing. The recent infrastructure bill passed last summer, for example,...
Read More »Therapists Say Crypto Addiction Is a Real Thing
There’s alcohol, cigarettes, gambling, and all kinds of dangerous things out there that one can get addicted to. According to a string of therapists, crypto should be added to this list. Therapists Are Dealing with a Lot of Crypto Patients Therapists are commenting on the high number of digital currency investors they’re seeing now come into their offices for assistance. It appears their love of crypto has gone too far. They spend all day buying and selling digital...
Read More »Munger Bashes BTC Despite Berkshire Investment
Charlie Munger – the vice president of Berkshire Hathaway, the real estate company headed by Warren Buffett – is a billionaire investor. He knows a lot about money and how to make it. At the same time, he is also 98 years of age, which doesn’t necessarily put him at the top of the “bitcoin geniuses” list. Charlie Munger Hates Bitcoin To be fair to Munger, he’s an incredibly accomplished person. He has assisted in the building of a billion-dollar real estate company that...
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