Everyone sure keeps talking about bitcoin as of late. The currency has reached a new all-time high of roughly $23,000 per unit, and while the asset is doing extremely well, we cannot forget about the smaller altcoins that share the crypto limelight with bitcoin. We’re talking, of course, about currencies such as Ripple’s XRP and Ethereum.Bitcoin Is Doing Well, but So Is Everything ElseEthereum is the second-largest cryptocurrency by market cap and the number one competitor to bitcoin. At the...
Read More »Goldman Sachs: BTC and Gold Can Easily Coexist
A new report issued by Goldman Sachs suggests that gold and bitcoin can potentially coexist together.Goldman Sachs Believes Gold Isn’t Threatened By BTCThere has been a lot of speculation as of late as to whether gold can survive the coming onslaught of bitcoin price surges. As the world’s largest and most popular digital currency by market cap, the coin has garnered a newfound reputation for being a hedge tool and a “safe haven” similar with gold. The currency is looked at as something that...
Read More »Long-Time Gold Fan Christopher Wood Is Turning to BTC
Are people beginning to give up gold and stocks for bitcoin? This certainly seems like the latest trend as some of the largest financial managers in the world are beginning to turn away from precious metals and other standard assets in favor of the world’s largest digital currency by market cap. The latest gold-turned-bitcoin fan is Christopher Wood, the global head of equity strategies at Jefferies.Christopher Wood Has Found a New Friend in BTCIn a recent turn of a events, Wood – who has...
Read More »#1040 Reich mit DeFi, SEC will Ripple verklagen & Fussball Fan Token Rally
Hey Informanten, willkommen zur Bitcoin-Informant Show Nr. 1040. Im heutigen Video geht’s um folgende Themen: Reich werden mit DeFi, SEC will Ripple verklagen & Paris Saint Germain und Juventus Fan Token Rally. 1.) Angel-Investor über DeFi: Eine der besten Optionen, um reich und erfolgreich zu werdenhttps://coincierge.de/2020/angel-investor-ueber-defi-eine-der-besten-optionen-um-reich-und-erfolgreich-zu-werden/ 2.) SEC set to sue Ripple with XRP in the...
Read More »David Rosenberg Isn’t Crazy About BTC; Calls It a “Bubble”
Bitcoin is doing well as of late. Extremely well one might say, and yet it’s still experiencing doubt from analysts such as David Rosenberg, a well-known economist who at the time of writing, claims bitcoin is trapped within a bubble.David Rosenberg: Bitcoin Is in a BubbleOne of the big problems in Rosenberg’s mind is that people investing in bitcoin are simply doing so because it’s the thing to do right now. They have no idea what it is, how it works, or who even brought it to the financial...
Read More »Bit Fury and FICO Seek to Ensure Safe Crypto Products for All
The Bit Fury Group and FICO have entered a partnership that will develop new risk assessment solutions for monetary systems.FICO Is at the Head of the Crypto GameThe plan is to assist all traditional banks and standard financial institutions that are looking to offer crypto-based services or products to assess the risks associated with providing said items to customers. This represents a huge change in attitude for banks, who for a long time, wanted to stay as far away from crypto not...
Read More »Despite Its Recent Surge, Mark Cuban Still Doesn’t Think Much of BTC
As we all know by now, it doesn’t matter how well bitcoin does. The world’s number one digital currency by market cap is always likely to have its doubters, one of which appears to be billionaire investor Mark Cuban.Mark Cuban Is Still Rejecting BTCIn the past, Cuban has commented that he would rather have “bananas” than bitcoin. However, one would think he would change his tune as of late considering the currency has reached a new all-time high of roughly $22,700 at the time of writing....
Read More »#1039 Bitcoin Entwickler Milliardär & Ledger Data Leak – Achtung Phishing Versuche
Hey Informanten, willkommen zur Bitcoin-Informant Show Nr. 1039. Im heutigen Video geht’s um folgende Themen: Bitcoin Entwickler hat 1.3 Milliarden an Bitcoin zu früh verkauft & Ledger Data Leak – Vorsicht vor weiteren Phishing Versuchen. 1.) Early Bitcoin dev misses out on $1.3B after selling too soonhttps://cointelegraph.com/news/early-bitcoin-dev-misses-out-on-1-3b-after-selling-too-soon 2.) Ledger Wallet Data Leak Dumped on Raidforums for Free, Company Regrets...
Read More »Tom DeMark: The Good Fortune of Bitcoin May Not Last Much Longer
Bitcoin has been doing quite well as of late. In recent days, the currency has hit a new all-time high and has shot beyond the $22,000 mark, bringing the world’s number one cryptocurrency by market cap to its most bullish peak yet.Bitcoin Is Doing Well, But Could This Streak End?However, while the asset appears to be surging, many are worried that the positive waves making their way through the industry won’t last much longer. Some analysts are warning their followers that things are going to...
Read More »Bitcoin Hits New All-Time High, Shoots Above $22,000
Bitcoin has hit a new all-time high. Just 24 hours after shooting beyond the $20,000 mark, the world’s number one digital currency by market cap has surged to $22,700, roughly $2,000 higher than where it stood just 24 hours ago.Bitcoin Is Growing Like Never BeforeThe currency has been on a serious surge over the past few weeks. Considering the asset was, at one point in mid-March, trapped below the $4,000 for a brief period, the currency has added close to $20,000 to its price in just nine...
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