Executives of JPMorgan Chase & Co. believe that CME Group is going to be the company that dominates the bitcoin futures contracts arena.CME Group Is Heading the MarchAs we all know, other markets have opened the doorway to bitcoin futures trading in the past, a big example being Bakkt which began business in September 2019 after a long year of delays. The platform experienced a rather lackluster debut and is widely considered to be the reason for bitcoin’s dismal price performance just...
Read More »Elon Musk: Bitcoin Is Not My Safe Word
Elon Musk – the head honcho behind SpaceX and Tesla – got under crypto enthusiasts’ skin this week when he submitted a very strange tweet about bitcoin.Elon Musk Is Up to His Old TricksThe world’s number one cryptocurrency has a very bad habit of attracting unwanted attention and controversy wherever it goes. While many are in favor of the digital asset, others see it as something to utilize in malicious actions or as a means of stirring the wrong kinds of feelings within the industry.It is...
Read More »The Bitcoin Hash Rate Could Be Behind Its Recent Spikes
As we all know, bitcoin has spent the last few days gaining steam and jumping into higher ranges. While we’ve been quick to assume it has something to do with the political unrest due to tension between the U.S. and Iran, another source is claiming something different.The Bitcoin Hash Rate May Have Something To Do with ThisBitcoin first began jumping upward on January 3 following a U.S. drone strike on Iran that killed off one of the latter country’s top generals. From there, bitcoin – which...
Read More »Sonny Singh: BTC Will Reach the $20,000 Mark Over the Next 12 Months
Another bitcoin price prediction is in the books. This time, the words come from Sonny Singh, an executive with Bit Pay.Singh Predicts Big Things for BTC This YearIn a recent interview, Singh explained that he thinks 2020 will be the year in which bitcoin strikes $20,000 territory again. Thus, crypto enthusiasts will see three 20s this year; $20,000 in 2020. One wonders if this is meant to be funny…On the one hand, it’s good news. Bitcoin – which recently fell back into the $7,000 range...
Read More »Bitcoin Falls Back Into the $7,000 Range
What did we tell you all? Political unrest has a lot to do with bitcoin’s sudden rise to power. Now that relations between the United States and Iran are easing up a bit, it appears bitcoin has quickly descended back into the $7,000 range.Bitcoin Is Falling Back DownAt the time of writing, the world’s number one cryptocurrency by market cap is trading for just over $7,800. While this is not a massive difference from yesterday’s $8,000, it’s still a punch in the gut. Many enthusiasts thought...
Read More »#788 Ripple APP für SCB Bank, Derivatebörse Deribit Panama & Bitcoin Kalendar Gewinner
Hey Krypto Fans, willkommen zur Bitcoin-Informant Show Nr. 788. Heute sprechen wir über folgende Themen: Ripple führt Thailands älteste Bank ins digitale Zeitalter, Krypto Derivatebörse Deribit verlagert Sitz nach Panama & Bitcoin Kalendar Gewinner. 1.) Ripple führt Thailands älteste Bank ins digitale Zeitalterhttps://www.btc-echo.de/ripple-fuehrt-thailands-aelteste-bank-ins-digitale-zeitalter/ 2.) Krypto Derivatebörse Deribit verlagert Sitz nach...
Read More »Political Unrest Is the Likely Cause for Bitcoin’s Ascension
At the time of writing, it looks like political unrest is the primary instigator of bitcoin’s continued price spikes.Unrest Causes BTC to Jump FurtherThis has been something we’ve discussed in previous articles, though more evidence is being offered on account of bitcoin’s sudden jump beyond $8,000 given that the United States has undergone alleged attacks from Iran. The latter country has launched missiles at several military bases belonging to the U.S. in Iraq. Thankfully, no casualties...
Read More »Analysts Remain Divided on the Upcoming Halving
The halving for bitcoin is still months away, yet many analysts are still deeply divided on where the event will take us. Is the currency likely to go up as it’s done in the past, or will things remain as they are?Will the Halving Do Anything for the Industry?The rewards garnered by bitcoin miners will be cut in half, and the currency is set to become much rarer. Something that’s rare is likely to have a lot more value than something that’s common, but several industry leaders still believe...
Read More »Bitcoin Shoots Past the $8,000 Line
It’s happened, folks. After roughly two months of waiting, bitcoin (BTC) – the world’s most powerful cryptocurrency by market cap – has jumped past the $8,000 mark.Bitcoin Is Heading for the StarsThis is not only good news, but it’s a testament to the coin’s resilience and maturity. According to Bloomberg’s 2020 crypto outlook report, bitcoin is edging its way closer to being considered “digital gold,” as many analysts and enthusiasts have referred to it over the years. While there are still...
Read More »#787 Hauptfaktoren für den Monero Aufschwung & Bitcoin Suisse Dash Staking
Hey Krypto Fans, willkommen zur Bitcoin-Informant Show Nr. 787. Heute sprechen wir über folgende Themen: Hauptfaktoren für den Monero Aufschwung, Bitcoin Suisse bietet Kunden jetzt Dash Staking auch ohne Masternode & Bitcoin Kalendar 2020 1.) Monero ist in der letzten Woche um 30% gestiegen, was sind die Hauptfaktoren für diesen Aufschwung?https://coincierge.de/2020/monero-ist-in-der-letzten-woche-um-30-gestiegen-was-sind-die-hauptfaktoren-fuer-diesen-aufschwung/...
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