According to one source, the bitcoin sell-off is showing no signs of calming down, but this might not necessarily affect the currency in a negative way.Will Bitcoin Survive the Sell-Off?As we all remember, bitcoin has had a very mixed two months in both October and November. Things ultimately started in late September when Bakkt – the institutional crypto trading platform owned and governed by the Intercontinental Exchange (ICE) – made its official debut on September 23. Despite nearly a year...
Read More »Will December Be a Strong Month for Bitcoin?
The month of December has just started and already we’re off to a good start. Bitcoin – the world’s largest and most prominent cryptocurrency by market cap – has seemingly jumped in price by another $100, leaving many enthusiasts to wonder if perhaps the currency is about to enter another bull run.December Has Often Been Good to BitcoinOf course, to assume this means anything would be a mistake. Bitcoin can go up just as easily as it can go down. We all witnessed that over the past few...
Read More »#763 Ende für CryptoBridge, Bitfinex Lightning Network & Bakkt BTC Auszahlung
Hey Krypto Fans, willkommen zur Bitcoin-Informant Show Nr. 763. Heute sprechen wir über folgende Themen: CryptoBridge Exchange stellt den Betrieb ein, Bitfinex ermöglicht Lightning Network Zahlungen & Niemand nutzt Auslieferung von BTC bei Bakkt. 1.) CryptoBridge stellt den Betrieb ein – Regulierung bereitet dezentraler Börse Probleme 2.) Bitfinex ermöglicht...
Read More »Marc Friedrich – Bitcoin und der grösste Crash aller Zeiten – Schadensmaximierung auf Kosten der Steuerzahler
Hey Krypto Fans, willkommen zur Bitcoin-Informant Show. Heute habe ich den Bestseller Autor und Crashpropheten Marc Friedrich im Interview zu seinem neuen Buch: Der größte Crash aller Zeiten: Wirtschaft, Politik, Gesellschaft. Wie Sie jetzt noch Ihr Geld schützen können Der studierte Betriebswirt erlebte 2001 den Staatsbankrott der argentinischen Regierung und dessen ruinöse Folgen für das Land und seine Bürger aus nächster Nähe mit. Bereits in jungen Jahren sammelte er...
Read More »Bitcoin: Where Does the End of Thanksgiving Leave It?
At the time of writing, bitcoin has dropped to about $7,200 – a near $200 drop from just 24 hours ago.Bitcoin: A Minor Drop, Nothing MoreThe currency is continuing its present volatile run, and there’s no way to predict how or where it will end up. November is typically a crazy month for the cryptocurrency – at least it has been in the past – but as the Thanksgiving holiday comes to an end, perhaps we can all be a little thankful that while this month did bring about a few scares, things...
Read More »Banks in Germany Will Start Selling Crypto to Customers Next Year
Germany has recently announced that its traditional banks are about to start selling bitcoin on a regular basis.Germany To Start Selling CryptoThe news is a huge step forward in that traditional financial enterprises and cryptocurrencies have always been at war with each other. Banks deliver centralized tools and services to people. They are controlled by financial agencies and government regulators and prevent bad actors from doing too much damage.This is all a very good thing, but the main...
Read More »Jack Dorsey: I Will Bring BTC to Africa
Bitcoin has had a very up and down year when it comes to its price, but for men like Jack Dorsey, the CEO of both Twitter and Square, the cryptocurrency is very much the future of finance.Dorsey: BTC Is Going PlacesDorsey has been promoting bitcoin since the beginning. Just last year he announced that he believed bitcoin would become a global currency. In other words, individual fiats would not exist. Everyone across the continents, whether they were in Asia, North America or Europe, would be...
Read More »#762 Bitcoin Dezember Volatilität, China Security Token Offerings (STOs) & Nordkorea Reise Virgil Griffith verhaftet
Hey Krypto Fans, willkommen zur Bitcoin-Informant Show Nr. 762. Heute sprechen wir über folgende Themen: Bitcoin historische Volatilität im Dezember, China Security Token Offerings (STOs) & Nordkorea Reise führt zur Verhaftung von Virgil Griffith. 1.) Bitcoin Moves 30% in December Since 2015 — Will 2019 Be Different? 2.) China könnte bald die Türen für Security Token...
Read More »The ECB: We’ll Make Our Own Digital Currency
Not everyone is pleased with bitcoin, but now the European Central Bank (ECB) – which described bitcoin as the “evil” spawn of 2008’s financial crisis – says it’s on the verge of doing something about it.The ECB and Its Digital PlansWhat is this plan? To develop a new centralized cryptocurrency issued by the bank. This isn’t much of a plan when you really think about it considering just how many countries and governments say they’re looking to exact the same steps. China, for example,...
Read More »Charles Hoskinson: BTC Will Hit the Six-Figure Mark Soon
Ethereum co-founder Charles Hoskinson believes that bitcoin is about to achieve big things.Hoskinson: BTC Will Reach $100,000Via Twitter, Hoskinson posted his beliefs that bitcoin could easily reach $100,000 in the coming years. This arguably puts him up there with the likes of venture capitalist Tim Draper, who has stated that bitcoin is likely to hit the six-figure mark by the time 2023 rolls in.Hoskinson’s words are intriguing in that he is the co-builder of arguably bitcoin’s biggest...
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