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Tag Archives: Bitcoin News

#753 Kryptowährung als Krisenwährung, Monero Wallet Hack & Novogratz Bitcoin-Fonds

Hey Krypto Fans, willkommen zur Bitcoin-Informant Show Nr. 753 gesponsert von – Heute geht’s um folgende Themen: Kryptowährung als Krisenwährung, Monero Wallet Hack & Novogratz Investmentbank will mit neuen Bitcoin-Fonds ältere Anleger abholen. 1.) Bei Bankrott Bitcoin: Kryptowährung als Krisenwährung 2.) Monero Binaries manipuliert – Diebe stehlen XMR aus den...

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Zurich, Switzerland’s Crypto Reputation Is Growing Every Day

Cryptocurrency is taking over where traditional finance has failed, and Zurich, Switzerland is a prime example of this.Zurich: The New Crypto Capital of the WorldAs we all know, several new crypto and blockchain businesses have sought to make their homes in Switzerland thanks, in part, to the region’s easy-going regulatory stance on digital currencies. The country is even home to what is affectionately known as “Crypto Valley,” a section that’s devoted strictly to crypto startups and product...

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Bit Spark Seeks to Provide Crypto to Developing Regions

Several crypto and blockchain companies out there are looking to ensure the unbanked garner the financial services they need. Sadly, many of these companies have died and no longer exist, though some, like Bit Spark, have managed to retain their positions in the digital finance space to ensure their goals come to life.Bit Spark Has Made a Real Name for ItselfBit Spark was created roughly five years ago. The company came to fruition through an initial coin offering (ICO) that garnered the...

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Peter Schiff Is Predicting Another BTC Crash

Euro Pacific Capital CEO Peter Schiff seems to think that bitcoin is likely to crash soon thanks to the downfall of marijuana stocks.Schiff: Cannabis Falls, So Bitcoin FallsSchiff explained his bearish sentiment in a tweet, writing:Many of the speculators who were buying pot stocks were also buying #bitcoin. With heavy losses in the former, perhaps they will look to realize some gains on the latter or mitigate their losses before the bottom drops out of the crypto market, too.This is one such...

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#752 ProtonMail Bitcoin, Mimblewimble enttarnt & OneCoin Cofounder schuldig

Hey Krypto Fans, willkommen zur Bitcoin-Informant Show Nr. 752 gesponsert von – Heute geht’s um folgende Themen: ProtonMail bekennt sich zu Bitcoin, Mimblewimble Transaktionen zu 96% enttarnt & OneCoin Mitbegründer bekennt sich schuldig. 1.) ProtonMail bekennt sich zu Bitcoin 2.) Mimblewimble Transaktionen zu 96% enttarnt – Das Ende für das...

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Bitcoin Gold Is an Example of a “Good” BTC Fork

Alejandro Regojo is the man behind bitcoin gold, which is widely considered one of the more successful bitcoin forks.Bitcoin Gold: BTC’s “Good” Son?Such forks have happened in the past and can lead to somewhat mixed results. In the case of bitcoin cash (BCH), the currency is still doing quite well and is considered the fourth-largest cryptocurrency by market cap.Bitcoin SV (BSV), however, is an entirely different story. While it’s garnered a place in the industry’s top 20, the currency is...

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BTC Venture Lolli Makes CNBC’s Top 100 Startups List

Bitcoin rewards app Lolli has made a real name for itself.Lolli Is Moving Up the Financial LadderRecently, CNBC placed the company on its list of 2019 startups “to watch.” The list is comprised of approximately 100 new ventures and Lolli is the only one that has to do with bitcoin that seems to have made the cut. Could this be a sign that the currency and the industry surrounding it are about to become far more mainstream?The point of the list is to find companies that could be necessary for...

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#751 BTC Netzwerk Transaktionen überflutet, Bitcoin-ATM Wachstum & Iranische Zentralbank in Flammen

Hey Krypto Fans, willkommen zur Bitcoin-Informant Show Nr. 751 gesponsert von – Heute geht’s um folgende Themen: Bitcoin Netzwerk wird von Satoshi-Transaktionen überflutet, Anzahl der Bitcoin-Geldautomaten auf über 6.000 gestiegen & Büro der iranischen Zentralbank in Brand gesetzt. 1.) Bitcoin Netzwerk wird von Satoshi-Transaktionen überflutet 2.) Anzahl der...

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Week in Review: Bitcoin Is Unexpectedly Bearish

At press time, bitcoin is trading for just over $8,400.Bitcoin: Bearish All Over Again?This figure marks a drop of roughly $700 over the past few days. The currency is incurring some very strange behavior as of late, though there doesn’t seem to be much of an explanation regarding why this behavior is happening.Let’s start off with the basics. To do this, we must go back to the end of October, when bitcoin was really trapped in a rut following the disappointing opening of Bakkt and the Mark...

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Jed McCaleb Discusses His Long Crypto Journey

Jed McCaleb is the co-founder and CTO of Stellar, a top 20 cryptocurrency and primary competitor to bitcoin. In a recent interview, McCaleb explains how he got his start in the crypto industry, and what it was about the space that attracted him.MCCaleb: I was Interested in BTC Because It Was a DisruptorMcCaleb comments that he’s fond of crypto in that it works to defy and disrupt traditional finance, which he says doesn’t always work for everyone. Describing his feelings when he first found...

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