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Tag Archives: Companies

Forex Broker FXCM Trading Group Introduces New Crypo Basket Service for Retailers

The FXCM Group, an international online platform that offers foreign exchange (FOREX) trading, digital asset trading, as well as contracts-for-difference (CFD), has announced the start of a new offering for cryptocurrency baskets, targeted at the company’s retail patrons.According to an official FXCM press release, the new crypto basket is called CryptoMajor and will allow retailers handle a pool of five different digital currencies at once. The announcement specifies that the assets...

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Mark Zuckerberg Holding Private Dinners with Conservative Influencers

Photo: Alessio Jacona / FlickrIt seems that Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg decided to go other way and against everything he once was talking about. Since he is loosing all the biggest supporters at the enormous speed, he has started turning to the white supremacists, leaders and journalists who have been known for supporting, well, white race to be exact.Politico reported Zuckerberg has been organizing dinners with conservative leaders as, for example, is Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham,...

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Pixel 4 and Other Stuff to Watch out for at Google’s Hardware Event

On Tuesday the 15th of this month Google’s annual hardware event will be occurring and much has been expected this year; some of the things to expect have been leaked to the media already. The main center of attraction will be the Pixel 4 with similar features to Apple‘s iPhone 11. With the recent media leaks of the event in general and the Pixel 4 in particular, it seems that we already know everything there is to know about Googles’ star product.The truth, however, is that there may be more...

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TON vs SEC: What Is Telegram’s Next Move?

In an interesting but not entirely surprising turn of events, the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has asked Telegram to halt issuance of its forthcoming GRAM tokens. In a press release dated Oct. 11, the Commission said that it had already “filed an emergency action” and also a restraining order against Telegram Group Inc. as well as TON Issuer Inc., a subsidiary of the former. This came just a few weeks before Telegram promised to officially issue the tokens to...

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Sensor Tower Data Shows App Revenue Rose 23% YoY to $21.9B in Q3

Sensor Tower, a company that supplies publishers and marketers with the information needed to enhance the mobile app ecosystem, revealed the latest data. According to this information, in the third quarter of this year, people spent around $21.9 bln on gaming and non-gaming apps on such platforms as the App Store and Google Play. The report shows a 22.9% YoY rise from the $17.9 bln in the same period of 2018.Please, pay your attention that the data here is provided for the third quarter of...

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Ted Livingston States Kik Messenger Is Not Shutting Down

Photo: Microsiervos / FlickrAt the end of September, we reported that a popular messaging app Kik made the world reel with the announcement about shutting down. At that time, Kik CEO Ted Livingston explained this decision with the company’s downturn position and the necessity to focus more on the development of its Kin (KIN) token. The company was also planning to cut down the number of its employees from over 100 people to a 19 person team. Besides, Kik has a legal battle against the U.S....

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G7 States Libra May Pose Threat to Financial Stability

It seems Facebook‘s Libra association is falling deeper and deeper each day. As per G7, the group of the biggest economies in the world report, it has, as quickly as possible, to prove that it is safe and secure and poses no risk for its users.In a massive slap to the social media company, the report says that cryptocurrencies (including not only Libra) are a big risk to a world’s financial system.The report says that even if Libra’s creators are able to address global concerns – the project...

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Government Threats Visa, Mastercard and Others that Choose Libra, Says VanEck Director

On Saturday we reported how, after PayPal Holdings Inc. abandoned Facebook’s association Libra, the other big payment giants followed its example.Mastercard, Visa, eBay, Stripe and Mercado Pago have also pulled out and it seems this could become pretty large obstacle to the development of this cryptocurrency.Director at VanEck Gabor Gurbacs said the companies that abandoned Libra Association were actually pressured into leaving.As per Gurbacs, there is growing concern for Facebook’s ability...

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Telegram May Delay Token Launch as SEC Halts U.S. Sales

In an unfortunate turn of events, messaging giant Telegram is facing major resistance from the U.S. SEC for token-sale of its native Gram (GRM) tokens. This has further resulted in the delay of the launch of the Telegram Open Network (TON) blockchain.Last Friday, the SEC issued an order calling Telegram’s token sale as “unlawful” under the agency’s securities laws. As a result, Telegram has push-ahead its plans of TON blockchain launch and GRM token issuance.Appraising the investors of this...

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Bringing in Blockchain to Third World: the Pattern and Ambition of Distributed E-Commerce BitCherry

Photo: BitCherryThe Black Panther movies produced by Marvel Studios shows us an African country that has never been colonized and raid. As shown in the film, they are using the rare mineral called “Vibranium” to modernize and prosper the growth of their countries under a self-supporting condition. Such scenarios are leading the audience to have full delusions towards another possibility in Africa. But, is it possible for African countries, in reality, to use their natural resources to...

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