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Tag Archives: ray dalio

BTC’s Latest Fan Ray Dalio Experiences Tragedy

Bitcoin’s latest supporter Ray Dalio is dealing with a harsh family tragedy at the time of writing. He took to social media recently to report that his son, Devon Dalio, had been killed in a car crash.Ray Dalio Reports the Death of His SonThe 71-year-old billionaire hedge fund manager explained on Twitter:It is with great pan that I am sharing with you that my 42-year-old son was killed in a car crash yesterday. My family and I are mourning and processing and would prefer to be incommunicado...

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Ray Dalio Compares Bitcoin Favorably to Gold

It’s always refreshing to see someone who wasn’t a bitcoin believer change their mind. Today, the cryptocurrency appears to have added another “fan” to its roster. That person is Ray Dalio, a billionaire and co-founder of the hedge fund Bridgewater Associates.Ray Dalio Now Sees Bitcoin Through a New LensIn the past, bitcoin has often attracted criticism and scrutiny for its vulnerability to price swings and its volatile behavior. While it’s easy to become wealthy overnight with the help of...

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Ray Dalio Still Doesn’t Quite Get It When It Comes to BTC

Billionaire investor Ray Dalio explained in a recent tweet he’s likely missing something when it comes to bitcoin, though what he’s missing isn’t clear considering he used the rest of his “social media time” to pass negative thoughts on the coin and explain why it could never be used as a mainstream currency.Ray Dalio: Bitcoin Is Too VolatileBitcoin has done quite well as a speculative asset, but at the end of the day, it – along with various other cryptocurrencies – was created to serve as a...

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Ray Dalio: Forget About Bitcoin, Invest in Gold

We’ve said it before, and we’ll say it again… You just can’t please everybody, and when it comes to crypto and bitcoin, this applies double. Another gazillionaire – Ray Dalio – is trashing the world’s leading digital currency by market cap and claims that there are serious problems with investment strategies that revolve around it.Ray Dalio: BTC Isn’t What You Think It IsDalio is a billionaire and the founder of Bridgewater Associates. In a recent interview, he tells his listeners that...

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#796 Ray Dalio, BTC und Davos, Krypto Tracking UK & Bitpay XRP

Hey Krypto Fans, willkommen zur Bitcoin-Informant Show Nr. 796. Heute sprechen wir über folgende Themen: Ray Dalio, BTC und das Weltwirtschaftsforum in Davos, Britische Behörden nehmen Monero und Bitcoin ins Visier & BitPay XRP Zahlungen. 1.) Ray Dalio, BTC und das Weltwirtschaftsforum in Davos 2.) Britische Behörden nehmen Monero und Bitcoin ins Visier – Analyse-Tool...

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Square Crypto Is Paving the Way for Bitcoin to Muscle Cash Out of the Way

Square Crypto is building a Lightning Dev Kit that will give developers more flexibility for Lightning tech and bitcoin wallets. Square’s crypto arm expects that bitcoin payments will overtake cash. Bitcoin’s volatility has gotten in the way of its use case for payments. While some of Twitter gets on Jack Dorsey’s case for allegedly trying to interfere with the presidential election, he has set his sights on something else – crypto. Square Crypto, the Bitcoin...

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Hedge Fund Bridgewater Bets $1B on Market Fall by March 2020, Founder Ray Dalio Denies

Last Friday, November 22, the Wall Street Journal reported that the world’s largest hedge fund Bridgewater Associates is betting a massive $1 billion that the global stock markets will fall by March 2020. This report has certainly stirred the emotions of global investors.Already the ongoing uncertainty with Brexit and the U.S.-China trade war has ensued tension within global investors. The WSJ report spread like a wildfire and investors started discussing the future of markets from these...

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Ray Dalio’s ‘New World Monetary Order’ is a Massive Bitcoin Endorsement

Ray Dalio suggests the current economic climate will lead to a ‘new world order’ similar to post WWII.The next recession will cause national leaders to come together to solve a new world crisis.Dalio is an outspoken crypto skeptic but could he be a secret Bitcoin hodler?Billionaire hedge fund guru Ray Dalio is in China speaking at Bloomberg’s New Economy Forum. Despite being an outspoken critic of cryptocurrency, his latest economic musings sound like a massive endorsement for Bitcoin.The...

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Ray Dalio Says ‘World Has Gone Mad’ and Bitcoin Crowd Cheers

Ray Dalio is making many friends in the crypto community after sounding the alarm about the perilous conditions in the financial system. In a post entitled “The World Has Gone Mad and the System Is Broken,” the billionaire hedge fund manager outlines why something has to give amid unsustainable circumstances comprised of free money, government deficits,  underfunded pension and healthcare systems, and a rising wealth gap. Dalio mentions bitcoin zero times. But he strikes the right...

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