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Tag Archives: Security & Ransomware

Bad Packets Will Scan Entire Internet to Prevent Crypto Jacking

Researchers at the hacking group Bad Packets are doing a widespread scan of the internet to see which pages, sites and channels are potentially using the sandbox software Docker as a means of mining cryptocurrency.Bad Packets: Good SolutionsMalicious actors are running rampant in the cryptocurrency world. We’ve seen this recently through the hack of popular South Korean crypto exchange Up Bit, which was robbed of nearly $50 million in ether funds just last Wednesday. It wasn’t a pretty sight,...

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Crypto Security Technology Mimble Wimble May Not Be as Strong as We Thought

A privacy-based technology known as Mimble Wimble has been integrated into various privacy tokens since last January. The trouble is, it may not be as private as people originally thought.Mimble Wimble Isn’t Doing Enough to Keep Your Identity a SecretA new study shows that the first privacy coins to implement the technology are ones referred to as Grin and Beam, both of which are very new and are hardly being used at all at press time. This could be why the technology is so easily...

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New SIM-Swapping Case Ends with Threats of Violence

SIM-swapping cases appear to be a recurring incident in the cryptocurrency world, but the latest case involves two individuals displaying aggression that has yet to be seen in situations like this.SIM-Swapping: Is It Becoming More Common?The two people accused of the SIM-swapping are 21-year-old Eric Meiggs and 20-year-old Declan Harrington, who reportedly went after two very high-ranking social media executives. When they were caught, they allegedly spewed out threats to the victims’ family...

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Ever Coin Offers New Hardware Wallet That Assists in the Recovery of Private Keys

Digital wallet provider Ever Coin is offering the Ever Coin 2, a new mobile hardware wallet designed to give people more security when storing their crypto funds.Ever Coin Offering a New Way to Secure Your MoneyKeeping digital money in a hardware wallet is a lot safer than storing it in a standard exchange, which for the most part, remains vulnerable to hackers and other malicious actors. Many times, these hardware wallets require the knowledge of private keys in order to gain access to the...

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Rybkin Sentencing: More Proof That Criminals Like BTC

The following is proof that work hours should be devoted to work. Andrei Rybkin, a former Russian nuclear scientist, has been sentenced to three years in prison for mining bitcoin utilizing a plant’s computing power.Rybkin: Heading to JailAside from serving time behind bars, Rybkin will have to pay a fee of more than $3,000 (about 200,000 rubles) to court authorities. Sentenced on Thursday, Rybkin is one of three people that were potentially involved in an illegal mining network that...

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Tor Browser Plays Host to BTC-Stealing Malware

If there’s one thing bitcoin enthusiasts are having a hard time avoiding, its crypto scams and thefts. From Mt. Gox to Coincheck, thefts can ring through the industry like the bells of Notre Dame, and sometimes, they can lead to harsh consequences for the crypto and blockchain space. The latest scam is coming by way of the Tor Browser, which is being monitored by criminals as a means of stealing unsuspecting persons’ bitcoins.Tor Browser Is Home to Some Malicious ActorsThus far, the amounts...

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“Save Yourself” BTC Malware Is Doing More Damage These Days

Bitcoin has grown exponentially over the past year or so, and this has made many hackers and malicious actors want to target cryptocurrency owners. Now, a new strain of bitcoin-based malware entitled “Save Yourself” is making the rounds, and while analysts have been warning enthusiasts about it for the past week, it seems to be much worse than originally thought.How to “Save Yourself” from MalwareSave Yourself has been here for some time. Originally, it was a form of malware designed to...

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Jerez de la Frontera Under Attack by BTC Cyber Thief

As we have seen in the crypto world, nobody is safe from crypto-based ransomware, and in the case of one Spanish city – Jerez de la Frontera – that lesson is being learned all over again.Jerez Under FireA hacker has apparently taken an entire city hostage. The computer network of Jerez de la Frontera has been locked up by a malicious actor who is demanding bitcoins in exchange for loosening his or her hold on the system. The attack first began on Tuesday night with what were deemed small...

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