Telegram Open Network (TON) announced in its letter to investors that it is close to its planned launch.Mitja Goroshevsky, CTO of TON Labs, a startup building tools for TON developers, said that TON Labs itself “will run and manage its own validation pool.”He confirmed the authenticity of the letter saying that original investors received emails from the Telegram core team and that is expected from them to provide Telegram with their public keys by Oct. 16 using the key generator in order to...
Read More »Alpha Version of Telegram Messenger for iOS Now Integrates Gram Wallet
Photo: PixabayGood news for Telegram users: the company has developed a wallet for Gram, the native cryptocurrency of the TON Blockchain created by Telegram.Currently, the wallet is available in the alpha version of the Telegram messenger for iOS and functions in the TON testnet. According to the developers, its design is still in progress, and after everything is finished, the wallet will be available in the mainnet as well.Meanwhile, the date of the launch on the mainnet is unknown....
Read More »Coinbase Plans to Add Telegram and 16 Other Digital Assets on its Platform
In the latest blog post announcement, Coinbase highlighted a possible addition of 17 new cryptos to its platform including Telegram. As part of the exploratory process, users may see public-facing APIs and other signs that the exchange is conducting engineering work to potentially support these assets.According to that post from the exchange, Coinbase plans to add Dfinity, Filecoin, Handshake, Avalanche, Celo, Chia, Coda, Nervos, Oasis, Orchid, Kadena, Mobilecoin, Near, Solana, Spacemesh,...
Read More »Mike Novogratz Accepts His Mistake of Missing Out On Telegram’s TON Token Sale
Wall Street veteran and founder of the Galaxy Digital crypto merchants bank, Mike Novogratz, recently accepted that he missed out on the token sale of Telegram‘s TON cryptocurrency.During a recent interview with The Block, Novogratz spoke how he missed the opportunity of investing in the Telegram Open Network (TON). Messaging giant Telegram has been work for over a year on its ambitious blockchain project which can see the light of the day anytime soon.In his interview, Novogratz said that...
Read More »ATAIX Brings Telegram’s Unlocked Gram Tokens to the Public
The ATAIX exchange has announced that it will be the first to sell the native currency of the Telegram Open Network (TON), Gram [GRM], with sales commencing on September 19th. Initially bought by investors during Telegram’s astounding $1.7 billion ICO last year, Gram is one of the most widely talked tokens that have yet to hit the market.ATAIX’s Gram sale will be the earliest opportunity for individual investors to buy Grams, which can then be traded immediately after the launch of TON and...
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