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Tag Archives: us china trade war

Nasdaq Stifles IPOs of Small Chinese Companies

Nasdaq has officially begun taking deliberate steps to stifle as much as possible, initial public offerings (IPOs) of small Chinese companies going public in the U.S. The index, according to a Reuters report, is doing this by slapping several restrictions on these firms and frustrating their efforts for approval. Supposedly, the Nasdaq index is doing this because the majority of these firms usually end up raising most of their initial capital from Chinese backers, rather than investors in the...

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Don’t You Worry Google, Huawei Is Just Fine

Even though it’s world known fact that Apple products are “made in USA” but assembled in China – it didn’t stop US President Donald Trump to impose sanctions to Chinese companies (every and each one of them) including the 34% year-on-year growth and 14% of market share company – Huawei.The year 2019 has not been a good one for Huawei. Everything started with the US accusations of Huawei spying on US corporations. Trump administration then decided to launch a “one-two punch” combo in its fight...

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Donald Trump Threatens to Delist Chinese Stocks from the Wall Street

This week was pretty severe when talking about tariffs the US imposed on Chinese goods lifting it every day more and more. When talking about US-China trade war, it’s important to stress out that this is something that started happening already back in the 80’s. However, since Donald Trump is sitting in the White House, the situation is slowly getting out of control – but really.We can all understand that one’s statesman policy can be about buying more local products, tightening import,...

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Stock Market Unaffected by Trump Impeachment as It Jumps to Possible U.S.-China Deal

As we reported on Wednesday, proceedings for an official impeachment enquiry against U.S. President Donald Trump, was announced by Nancy Pelosi, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, shocking the entire country and the world at large. When this news spread, a lot of people considered what possible effects the situation could have both for the U.S. Stock Market as well as the prolonged trade tensions with China. Now, it would seem that fears have been allayed a bit, as the stock market...

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New iPhone 11 Could Become Apple’s Next Best-Selling Product in China

It seems that this year will be a boom period for Apple Inc. as both high end and low-end spectrums of its phones are having a great reception albeit in two different continents and markets. Feelers coming in from Apples’ preorders in China indicate that the iPhone 11 might just become just the device that Apple needs to drive sales this year. The Chinese market has already chosen the iPhone 11 as the most popular Apple product this year.Natural Attraction or Business Gimmick?Usually, the...

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