About The Book:Your Money and the World: How to Spend, Save, Donate and Invest Sustainably. Winner of the SKBI Prize for Sustainable Finance Literacy as part of the Money Awareness and Inclusion Awards (MAIA). Cecile Biccari, sustainable investment expert helps young readers understand how money works—and how spending, saving, donating and investing can change the world. Financial literacy is an important skill in life. At around the age of seven, children develop attitudes and beliefs about money that will stay with them for the rest of their lives. Through a story in comic book form about finding a treasure, Your Money and the World enables young readers everywhere to tackle complex concepts, such as what a company is, how banks work, why some backpacks cost more than others, and how
Read More »Articles by Bitcoin Schweiz News
Kühner neuer Plan um PEP-20 lässt Bitcoin-Fans aufhorchen
1 day agoWährend Ethereum und Solana um den zweiten Platz kämpfen, ist ein neuer Anwärter aufgetaucht, der das Machtgefüge der Kryptowährung auf den Kopf stellen könnte.
Der revolutionäre PEP-20-Standard von Bitcoin Pepe sorgt in der gesamten Branche für Aufsehen und verspricht, die vertrauenswürdigste Blockchain der Welt auf das Niveau von Solana zu bringen. Pump.fun-Wahnsinn kombiniert mit Bitcoins 2-Billionen-Dollar-Marktkapitalisierung und erstklassiger Sicherheit? Das nehmen wir – und die
Märkte auch.
In nur 17 Tagen hat der BPEP Presale bereits 3,2 Millionen US-Dollar eingespielt: ein beeindruckender Start, aber angesichts der Perspektiven kaum überraschend. Das erste Meme-ICO auf Bitcoin, angetrieben von Pepe’s Meme-Power und der Infrastruktur der nächsten Entwicklung des Meme-Marktes in
Read More »Droht der Schweiz das Finanz-Aus? Warum CBDCs und das Ende des Bankgeheimnisses alles verändern könnten
3 days agoAbout The Book:Your Money and the World: How to Spend, Save, Donate and Invest Sustainably. Winner of the SKBI Prize for Sustainable Finance Literacy as part of the Money Awareness and Inclusion Awards (MAIA). Cecile Biccari, sustainable investment expert helps young readers understand how money works—and how spending, saving, donating and investing can change the world. Financial literacy is an important skill in life. At around the age of seven, children develop attitudes and beliefs about money that will stay with them for the rest of their lives. Through a story in comic book form about finding a treasure, Your Money and the World enables young readers everywhere to tackle complex concepts, such as what a company is, how banks work, why some backpacks cost more than others, and how
Read More »Bitcoin-Initiative Schweiz: Webseite des Komittees live!
4 days agoIn den letzten Jahren hat sich Bitcoin von einer obskuren digitalen Währung zu einem bedeutenden geopolitischen Vermögenswert entwickelt. Seine dezentrale Natur, begrenzte Verfügbarkeit und zunehmende Akzeptanz haben ihn zu einem potenziellen Schutz gegen Inflation und wirtschaftliche Unsicherheit gemacht. Vor diesem Hintergrund hat eine Gruppe von Schweizer Bürgerinnen und Bürgern eine Initiative gestartet, die darauf abzielt, Bitcoin als offizielles Reservevermögen der Schweizerischen Nationalbank (SNB) in der Bundesverfassung zu verankern. Doch ist das ernst gemeint? Und was würde das für die Schweiz bedeuten?
Die Idee hinter der Initiative
Die Initiative basiert auf der Überzeugung, dass Bitcoin nicht nur eine innovative Technologie ist, sondern auch ein strategisches Instrument, das
Federal Council strengthens Switzerland as a blockchain location
4 days agoAbout The Book:Your Money and the World: How to Spend, Save, Donate and Invest Sustainably. Winner of the SKBI Prize for Sustainable Finance Literacy as part of the Money Awareness and Inclusion Awards (MAIA). Cecile Biccari, sustainable investment expert helps young readers understand how money works—and how spending, saving, donating and investing can change the world. Financial literacy is an important skill in life. At around the age of seven, children develop attitudes and beliefs about money that will stay with them for the rest of their lives. Through a story in comic book form about finding a treasure, Your Money and the World enables young readers everywhere to tackle complex concepts, such as what a company is, how banks work, why some backpacks cost more than others, and how
Read More »Diese neue Fitness-App bezahlt einen fürs Laufen 🏃💸
4 days agoAbout The Book:Your Money and the World: How to Spend, Save, Donate and Invest Sustainably. Winner of the SKBI Prize for Sustainable Finance Literacy as part of the Money Awareness and Inclusion Awards (MAIA). Cecile Biccari, sustainable investment expert helps young readers understand how money works—and how spending, saving, donating and investing can change the world. Financial literacy is an important skill in life. At around the age of seven, children develop attitudes and beliefs about money that will stay with them for the rest of their lives. Through a story in comic book form about finding a treasure, Your Money and the World enables young readers everywhere to tackle complex concepts, such as what a company is, how banks work, why some backpacks cost more than others, and how
Read More »1000x höher als erwartet: Solana auf Bitcoin ICO sammelt in Sekunden 420.000 US-Dollar
8 days agoDie Welt steht unter Schock. Bitcoin Pepe hat alle Presale Rekorde gebrochen und in wenigen Sekunden einen unglaublichen Betrag von 420.000 US-Dollar eingesammelt.
Dieser revolutionäre Layer-2 baut einen neuen Meme-Layer für Bitcoin auf und bringt Solana-ähnliche Geschwindigkeit und Benutzererfahrung in das Krypto-OG-Netzwerk. Dies ist nicht nur ein Presale, sondern möglicherweise eine Gelegenheit, generationenübergreifenden Wohlstand zu schaffen.
Könnte BPEP in diesem Jahr den 1.000-fachen Gewinn erzielen? Lesen Sie weiter, um zu erfahren, warum Investoren diesen Layer-2 nachahmen, der „Solana auf Bitcoin“ aufbaut.
Bitcoin Pepe: BTCs neuester Layer-2
Bitcoin Pepe wird das Spiel für immer verändern. Dieser bahnbrechende Layer 2 ist der Meme-Layer, auf den die Bitcoin-Märkte gewartet
The Bitcoin Race: Der Wettlauf um die digitale Vorherrschaft
10 days agoLange Zeit galt Bitcoin als eine Randerscheinung, ein Experiment für Technik-Nerds und libertäre Idealisten. Doch in einem sich rapide verändernden globalen Finanzsystem ist die Kryptowährung zu einer geopolitischen Waffe geworden. Der Wettlauf um Bitcoin hat begonnen – und er wird mit einer Intensität geführt, die an das Wettrennen um Gold in vergangenen Jahrhunderten erinnert.
Die neuen Bitcoin-Jäger
Vor allem aufstrebende Wirtschaftsmächte haben erkannt, dass Bitcoin nicht nur digitales Gold ist, sondern auch ein Instrument zur Absicherung gegen geopolitische und wirtschaftliche Unsicherheiten. BRICS-Staaten wie China, Russland, Indien und Brasilien haben in den letzten Jahren die Kontrolle über ihre Währungsreserven hinterfragt und Alternativen zum US-Dollar gesucht. Gold war lange die
Gold statt Schulden: Trumps kühnster Finanzplan?
10 days agoAbout The Book:Your Money and the World: How to Spend, Save, Donate and Invest Sustainably. Winner of the SKBI Prize for Sustainable Finance Literacy as part of the Money Awareness and Inclusion Awards (MAIA). Cecile Biccari, sustainable investment expert helps young readers understand how money works—and how spending, saving, donating and investing can change the world. Financial literacy is an important skill in life. At around the age of seven, children develop attitudes and beliefs about money that will stay with them for the rest of their lives. Through a story in comic book form about finding a treasure, Your Money and the World enables young readers everywhere to tackle complex concepts, such as what a company is, how banks work, why some backpacks cost more than others, and how
Read More »Früh in Meme Coins einsteigen?
10 days agoMeme Coins sind die wilden Pferde des Kryptomarktes. Sie entstehen oft aus einem Internettrend, einem Insiderwitz oder der Begeisterung einer Community – und können in kürzester Zeit gigantische Renditen liefern. Doch wie erkennt man solche Gelegenheiten frühzeitig, bevor ein Coin durch Social-Media-Hypes explodiert? Es kann auch ein Vorteil sein, auf Bitcoin-Börsen wie bsp. KuCoin einen verifizierten Account zu haben.
Die richtigen Quellen nutzen
Wer früh in einen Meme Coin einsteigen will, muss wissen, wo neue Projekte zuerst auftauchen. Plattformen wie Twitter (X), Discord, Telegram und spezialisierte Krypto-Foren sind oft der Ursprung solcher Hypes. Insbesondere X-Accounts von Krypto-Influencern und Blockchain-Entwicklern liefern Hinweise darauf, welche Coins in der Szene gerade
In Stein gemeißelt: Wie Bitcoin zur ewigen Datenbank wird
10 days agoAbout The Book:Your Money and the World: How to Spend, Save, Donate and Invest Sustainably. Winner of the SKBI Prize for Sustainable Finance Literacy as part of the Money Awareness and Inclusion Awards (MAIA). Cecile Biccari, sustainable investment expert helps young readers understand how money works—and how spending, saving, donating and investing can change the world. Financial literacy is an important skill in life. At around the age of seven, children develop attitudes and beliefs about money that will stay with them for the rest of their lives. Through a story in comic book form about finding a treasure, Your Money and the World enables young readers everywhere to tackle complex concepts, such as what a company is, how banks work, why some backpacks cost more than others, and how
Read More »Elon Musk entfacht Debatte über Fort Knox – Bitcoin als Lösung?
10 days agoAbout The Book:Your Money and the World: How to Spend, Save, Donate and Invest Sustainably. Winner of the SKBI Prize for Sustainable Finance Literacy as part of the Money Awareness and Inclusion Awards (MAIA). Cecile Biccari, sustainable investment expert helps young readers understand how money works—and how spending, saving, donating and investing can change the world. Financial literacy is an important skill in life. At around the age of seven, children develop attitudes and beliefs about money that will stay with them for the rest of their lives. Through a story in comic book form about finding a treasure, Your Money and the World enables young readers everywhere to tackle complex concepts, such as what a company is, how banks work, why some backpacks cost more than others, and how
Read More »El Salvador: Bitcoin-Bildung in der Nationalbibliothek
10 days agoAbout The Book:Your Money and the World: How to Spend, Save, Donate and Invest Sustainably. Winner of the SKBI Prize for Sustainable Finance Literacy as part of the Money Awareness and Inclusion Awards (MAIA). Cecile Biccari, sustainable investment expert helps young readers understand how money works—and how spending, saving, donating and investing can change the world. Financial literacy is an important skill in life. At around the age of seven, children develop attitudes and beliefs about money that will stay with them for the rest of their lives. Through a story in comic book form about finding a treasure, Your Money and the World enables young readers everywhere to tackle complex concepts, such as what a company is, how banks work, why some backpacks cost more than others, and how
Read More »So lagert die SNB ihr Gold: Sicherheit und Strategie der Schweizer Goldreserven
11 days agoAbout The Book:Your Money and the World: How to Spend, Save, Donate and Invest Sustainably. Winner of the SKBI Prize for Sustainable Finance Literacy as part of the Money Awareness and Inclusion Awards (MAIA). Cecile Biccari, sustainable investment expert helps young readers understand how money works—and how spending, saving, donating and investing can change the world. Financial literacy is an important skill in life. At around the age of seven, children develop attitudes and beliefs about money that will stay with them for the rest of their lives. Through a story in comic book form about finding a treasure, Your Money and the World enables young readers everywhere to tackle complex concepts, such as what a company is, how banks work, why some backpacks cost more than others, and how
Read More »Panzer oder Prozessoren: Wohin soll die Regierung investieren?
11 days agoAbout The Book:Your Money and the World: How to Spend, Save, Donate and Invest Sustainably. Winner of the SKBI Prize for Sustainable Finance Literacy as part of the Money Awareness and Inclusion Awards (MAIA). Cecile Biccari, sustainable investment expert helps young readers understand how money works—and how spending, saving, donating and investing can change the world. Financial literacy is an important skill in life. At around the age of seven, children develop attitudes and beliefs about money that will stay with them for the rest of their lives. Through a story in comic book form about finding a treasure, Your Money and the World enables young readers everywhere to tackle complex concepts, such as what a company is, how banks work, why some backpacks cost more than others, and how
Read More »Das bietet die Karte BTC Map: Bitcoin-freundliche Orte weltweit entdecken
11 days agoAbout The Book:Your Money and the World: How to Spend, Save, Donate and Invest Sustainably. Winner of the SKBI Prize for Sustainable Finance Literacy as part of the Money Awareness and Inclusion Awards (MAIA). Cecile Biccari, sustainable investment expert helps young readers understand how money works—and how spending, saving, donating and investing can change the world. Financial literacy is an important skill in life. At around the age of seven, children develop attitudes and beliefs about money that will stay with them for the rest of their lives. Through a story in comic book form about finding a treasure, Your Money and the World enables young readers everywhere to tackle complex concepts, such as what a company is, how banks work, why some backpacks cost more than others, and how
Read More »Kreiert Tether den digitalen US-Dollar? Zusammenarbeit mit US-Parlamentariern zur Stablecoin-Regulierung
11 days agoAbout The Book:Your Money and the World: How to Spend, Save, Donate and Invest Sustainably. Winner of the SKBI Prize for Sustainable Finance Literacy as part of the Money Awareness and Inclusion Awards (MAIA). Cecile Biccari, sustainable investment expert helps young readers understand how money works—and how spending, saving, donating and investing can change the world. Financial literacy is an important skill in life. At around the age of seven, children develop attitudes and beliefs about money that will stay with them for the rest of their lives. Through a story in comic book form about finding a treasure, Your Money and the World enables young readers everywhere to tackle complex concepts, such as what a company is, how banks work, why some backpacks cost more than others, and how
Read More »Chainlink: Das unsichtbare Rückgrat von DeFi, GameFi, AI und NFTs
11 days agoDie Krypto-Welt wächst rasant und zieht zunehmend verschiedene Sektoren an, die auf Blockchain-Technologie angewiesen sind. Eine der zentralen Stützen dieses wachsenden Ökosystems ist Chainlink. Chainlink hat sich als unverzichtbare Technologie in verschiedenen Bereichen etabliert, von DeFi über GameFi bis hin zu Künstlicher Intelligenz (AI) und NFTs. Diese Sektoren, die zunehmend die Finanz-, Gaming- und Technologiebranche prägen, werden durch Chainlink auf ein neues Niveau gehoben.
Chainlink und DeFi: Revolution des Finanzwesens
Dezentralisierte Finanzen (DeFi) haben die Finanzlandschaft bereits erheblich verändert. Chainlink spielt hierbei eine Schlüsselrolle, da das Netzwerk eine zuverlässige, sichere und skalierbare Brücke zwischen der Blockchain und realen Daten schafft. Smart
Matrix trifft Bitcoin: Memes, die die Krypto-Welt erobern
11 days agoAbout The Book:Your Money and the World: How to Spend, Save, Donate and Invest Sustainably. Winner of the SKBI Prize for Sustainable Finance Literacy as part of the Money Awareness and Inclusion Awards (MAIA). Cecile Biccari, sustainable investment expert helps young readers understand how money works—and how spending, saving, donating and investing can change the world. Financial literacy is an important skill in life. At around the age of seven, children develop attitudes and beliefs about money that will stay with them for the rest of their lives. Through a story in comic book form about finding a treasure, Your Money and the World enables young readers everywhere to tackle complex concepts, such as what a company is, how banks work, why some backpacks cost more than others, and how
Read More »Das ist eine Bitcoin Burning Address: Wohin Bitcoins für immer verschwinden
11 days agoAbout The Book:Your Money and the World: How to Spend, Save, Donate and Invest Sustainably. Winner of the SKBI Prize for Sustainable Finance Literacy as part of the Money Awareness and Inclusion Awards (MAIA). Cecile Biccari, sustainable investment expert helps young readers understand how money works—and how spending, saving, donating and investing can change the world. Financial literacy is an important skill in life. At around the age of seven, children develop attitudes and beliefs about money that will stay with them for the rest of their lives. Through a story in comic book form about finding a treasure, Your Money and the World enables young readers everywhere to tackle complex concepts, such as what a company is, how banks work, why some backpacks cost more than others, and how
Read More »Meme-Coin-Experiment in der Zentralafrikanischen Republik: Präsident Touadéra sorgte für Aufsehen
11 days agoFaustin-Archange Touadéra, Präsident der Zentralafrikanischen Republik (CAR), hat mit der Einführung eines Meme-Coins weltweit Schlagzeilen gemacht. Das Projekt mit dem Namen $CAR sollte das Land bekannter machen und möglicherweise neue Investoren anlocken. Doch nach einer kurzen Erfolgswelle folgte der Absturz – innerhalb weniger Tage verlor der Coin bis zu 90 % seines Wertes.
Today, we are launching $CAR – an experiment designed to show how something as simple as a meme can unite people, support national development, and put the Central African Republic on the world stage in a unique way.
Contract: 7oBYdEhV4GkXC19ZfgAvXpJWp2Rn9pm1Bx2cVNxFpump
— Faustin-Archange Touadéra (@FA_Touadera) February 9, 2025
Meme-Coins sind eine spezielle Form von Kryptowährungen, die meist auf Internettrends
Read More »Krypto-Revolution: Coinbase-CEO prognostiziert Milliarden-Zukunft
11 days agoAbout The Book:Your Money and the World: How to Spend, Save, Donate and Invest Sustainably. Winner of the SKBI Prize for Sustainable Finance Literacy as part of the Money Awareness and Inclusion Awards (MAIA). Cecile Biccari, sustainable investment expert helps young readers understand how money works—and how spending, saving, donating and investing can change the world. Financial literacy is an important skill in life. At around the age of seven, children develop attitudes and beliefs about money that will stay with them for the rest of their lives. Through a story in comic book form about finding a treasure, Your Money and the World enables young readers everywhere to tackle complex concepts, such as what a company is, how banks work, why some backpacks cost more than others, and how
Read More »Solana schlägt Ethereum: Warum Transaktionen hier schneller und günstiger sind
11 days agoAbout The Book:Your Money and the World: How to Spend, Save, Donate and Invest Sustainably. Winner of the SKBI Prize for Sustainable Finance Literacy as part of the Money Awareness and Inclusion Awards (MAIA). Cecile Biccari, sustainable investment expert helps young readers understand how money works—and how spending, saving, donating and investing can change the world. Financial literacy is an important skill in life. At around the age of seven, children develop attitudes and beliefs about money that will stay with them for the rest of their lives. Through a story in comic book form about finding a treasure, Your Money and the World enables young readers everywhere to tackle complex concepts, such as what a company is, how banks work, why some backpacks cost more than others, and how
Read More »Airalo eSIM: Die beste App für grenzenloses Internet auf Reisen
11 days agoAbout The Book:Your Money and the World: How to Spend, Save, Donate and Invest Sustainably. Winner of the SKBI Prize for Sustainable Finance Literacy as part of the Money Awareness and Inclusion Awards (MAIA). Cecile Biccari, sustainable investment expert helps young readers understand how money works—and how spending, saving, donating and investing can change the world. Financial literacy is an important skill in life. At around the age of seven, children develop attitudes and beliefs about money that will stay with them for the rest of their lives. Through a story in comic book form about finding a treasure, Your Money and the World enables young readers everywhere to tackle complex concepts, such as what a company is, how banks work, why some backpacks cost more than others, and how
Read More »Darum gilt es als das einzig wahre Sound Money
12 days agoAbout The Book:Your Money and the World: How to Spend, Save, Donate and Invest Sustainably. Winner of the SKBI Prize for Sustainable Finance Literacy as part of the Money Awareness and Inclusion Awards (MAIA). Cecile Biccari, sustainable investment expert helps young readers understand how money works—and how spending, saving, donating and investing can change the world. Financial literacy is an important skill in life. At around the age of seven, children develop attitudes and beliefs about money that will stay with them for the rest of their lives. Through a story in comic book form about finding a treasure, Your Money and the World enables young readers everywhere to tackle complex concepts, such as what a company is, how banks work, why some backpacks cost more than others, and how
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12 days agoAbout The Book:Your Money and the World: How to Spend, Save, Donate and Invest Sustainably. Winner of the SKBI Prize for Sustainable Finance Literacy as part of the Money Awareness and Inclusion Awards (MAIA). Cecile Biccari, sustainable investment expert helps young readers understand how money works—and how spending, saving, donating and investing can change the world. Financial literacy is an important skill in life. At around the age of seven, children develop attitudes and beliefs about money that will stay with them for the rest of their lives. Through a story in comic book form about finding a treasure, Your Money and the World enables young readers everywhere to tackle complex concepts, such as what a company is, how banks work, why some backpacks cost more than others, and how
Read More »Bitget startet Global Graduate Program
12 days agoBitget, die führende Kryptowährungsbörse und Web3-Firma, gab den Start ihres ersten Bitget Graduate Program bekannt, einer Initiative, die darauf abzielt, die nächste Generation von Blockchain- und Web3-Talenten aus den besten Universitäten der Welt zu rekrutieren und zu fördern. Als Teil von Bitgets Blockchain4Youth Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Initiative steht dieses Programm im Einklang mit den Plänen des Unternehmens, Bildung, Innovation und langfristiges Wachstum in der Blockchain-Branche zu fördern.
Das Bitget Graduate Program sucht herausragende Absolventen mit einer globalen Denkweise, einer Leidenschaft für Innovation und starker Motivation, die Zukunft von Web3 zu erforschen. Das Programm bietet Karrieremöglichkeiten in verschiedenen Bereichen wie Betrieb,
Read More »Blockchain-Technologie: Die Gamechangerin für Online-Casinos und die digitale Welt
12 days agoBlockchain hat längst den Sprung von einer simplen Bitcoin-Basis hin zu einer der disruptivsten Innovationen der letzten Jahrzehnte geschafft. Sie räumt mit zentralisierten Strukturen auf und bringt mehr Transparenz, Sicherheit und Effizienz in zahlreiche Branchen. Gerade in der Welt der Online-Casinos macht sie sich bezahlt: Faires Spiel, blitzschnelle Transaktionen und maximale Anonymität – das sind die Trümpfe, die Blockchain hier ausspielt.
Casinos wie Slott Casino setzen auf Kryptowährungen für Ein- und Auszahlungen und lassen klassische Banken links liegen. Keine Verzögerungen, keine versteckten Gebühren, kein lästiger Papierkram – stattdessen schnelle, direkte Transaktionen dank dezentraler Netzwerke. Die Technologie macht Schummeleien schlichtweg unmöglich und sorgt dafür, dass
Glücksgriff: Sammler zieht Bitcoin-Karte im Wert von über 100’000 Dollar
12 days agoAbout The Book:Your Money and the World: How to Spend, Save, Donate and Invest Sustainably. Winner of the SKBI Prize for Sustainable Finance Literacy as part of the Money Awareness and Inclusion Awards (MAIA). Cecile Biccari, sustainable investment expert helps young readers understand how money works—and how spending, saving, donating and investing can change the world. Financial literacy is an important skill in life. At around the age of seven, children develop attitudes and beliefs about money that will stay with them for the rest of their lives. Through a story in comic book form about finding a treasure, Your Money and the World enables young readers everywhere to tackle complex concepts, such as what a company is, how banks work, why some backpacks cost more than others, and how
Read More »Deep Dive into Blockchain 2025: Cardano Foundation erneut Hauptsponsor
12 days agoAbout The Book:Your Money and the World: How to Spend, Save, Donate and Invest Sustainably. Winner of the SKBI Prize for Sustainable Finance Literacy as part of the Money Awareness and Inclusion Awards (MAIA). Cecile Biccari, sustainable investment expert helps young readers understand how money works—and how spending, saving, donating and investing can change the world. Financial literacy is an important skill in life. At around the age of seven, children develop attitudes and beliefs about money that will stay with them for the rest of their lives. Through a story in comic book form about finding a treasure, Your Money and the World enables young readers everywhere to tackle complex concepts, such as what a company is, how banks work, why some backpacks cost more than others, and how
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