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123GOV and 123 SWAP

123GOV is a 123SWAP token. On a blockchain project, the 123SWAP token symbolizes polling power. 123SWAP is a financial ecosystem whose goal is to facilitate peer-to-peer crypto resource sharing. Only 123SWAP has been able to simplify the cryptocurrency exchange mechanism while providing the lowest potential slippage. Representation of voting power These tokens are digital currencies that represent the voting power of a blockchain project. 123SWAP tokens provide vote and governance rights to their holders. It allows people to submit governance proposals and vote on them. When a user successfully votes, the 123swap tokens directly influence the vote’s direction and characteristics. 123SWAP tokens aid us by providing the following features DECENTRALIZATION Because

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123GOV is a 123SWAP token. On a blockchain project, the 123SWAP token symbolizes polling power. 123SWAP is a financial ecosystem whose goal is to facilitate peer-to-peer crypto resource sharing. Only 123SWAP has been able to simplify the cryptocurrency exchange mechanism while providing the lowest potential slippage.

Representation of voting power

These tokens are digital currencies that represent the voting power of a blockchain project. 123SWAP tokens provide vote and governance rights to their holders. It allows people to submit governance proposals and vote on them. When a user successfully votes, the 123swap tokens directly influence the vote’s direction and characteristics.

123SWAP tokens aid us by providing the following features


Because 123SWAP coins are government tokens, 123 has added a ‘DE’ to their DEFI PLATFORM.


With 123SWAP tokens, users have both a purpose and a way to actively shape a project’s route and direction, which leads to more engaged communities.


As with 123SWAP tokens, it is a way for users to create and vote, and Voting paves the way for debate, and debate opens the way for collaboration.


The help of governance models like 123SWAP tokens puts the life developer at ease in coming up with tangible solutions and putting the improvements in place that their community demands.

Let’s have a look at 123SWAP token sale details.


The 123SWAP token is 123SWAP and has the ticker symbol 123, with token decimals up to 18.

Background of 123SWAP AND TOKEN TYPE

123SWAP has a BEP-20/ETH 20 backdrop, and its token type is Governance/Utility.

123SWAP token is platform dependent

The token sale date for the 123SWAP token is 2021 Q4. The token selling criteria vary depending on the token sale platform; however, KYP/AML is typically necessary. Certain nations are banned from purchasing 123SWAP tokens. However, this is dependent on the token sale platform.

Project Status

The project for 123SWAP is MVP: ready and TEAM: Ready.

123SWAP Token Distribution

123GOV and 123 SWAP

123SWAP Token Sale Details

  • On seed, the total supply is 5.4%, the Token amount is 7.000.000, 123 price is 0.03 USD, rise in USD is 210.000. Lock duration and vesting are six months lockup followed by six months equal vesting.
  • On Private Sale, the total supply is 14%, the Token amount is 18.000.000, 123 price is 0.075 USD, rise in USD is 1.350.000. 1-month lockup followed five-month equal vesting
  • On Public Sale, the total supply is 1.6%, the Token amount is 2.000.000, 123 price is 0.12 USD, rise in USD is 240.000. 50% unlocked followed by 1-month vesting.
  • On Liquidity, the total supply is 1.6%, the Token amount is 2.000.000. unlocked
  • On Team / Advisors / Development, the total supply is 23.2%, the Token amount is 30.000.000,6 months lockup followed by 36-month equal vesting.
  • On Staking / Farming reward, the total supply is 15.5%, the Token amount is 20.000.000, 3 months lockup.
  • On Marketing/ Bounty / Referrals, the total supply is 7.7%, the Token amount is 10.000.000, 1-month lockup followed 36-month equal vesting.
  • On Reserves, the total supply is 31%, the Token amount is 40.000.000, 12 months lockup followed 5-year equal vesting.

The entire supply is 100 percent, with a total token amount of 129.000.000 and a USD raised of 1.800.000. o rely on the platform for token sales


The 123swap platform is wholly controlled and owned by 123Gov, the 123SWAP coin, and its holders.

The 123swap platform is mainly self-funded, therefore thus requires project governance. As a result, the bulk of tokens will be sold during the pre-sale. The general public and venture capitalists will have equal rights.

123swap returns financial authority to the people, allowing them to save and develop money collectively.

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