Fairspin, a blockchain casino that offers games from gaming top providers, has announced the gaming stats of the last month, and it is revealed that the new record win took place in March.On March 7, the lucky winner got 2,5 BTC ($22,000 at the time of the withdrawal) during only one day. The win came from a $1,900 deposit. The biggest one-time win took place in the Hip Hop Panda game (PG Soft provider) when the player got $6,000 from a $180 betThis win is backed by a relevant transaction on...
Read More »Adoption: $12M Wheat Shipment Deal From North American To Indonesia With Blockchain
Blockchain technology proved its worth recently in a wheat shipment deal from North America to Indonesia worth $12 million. The U.S.-based Cargill Incorporated and the Singaporean international trading company, Agrocorp, completed the trade using the dltledgers blockchain platform. $12 Million Deal On DLT Cargill Incorporated is an American privately held global corporation, whereas Agrocorp is a large International trade firm serving markets with globally sourced commodities. Both entities...
Read More »Tutoriel : installer un noeud Bitcoin + Lightning Network
Dans ce tutoriel nous allons installer un noeud Bitcoin ainsi qu’Eclair, l’implémentation du Lightning Network de la société française Acinq. 1. Choix du matériel – Installation du système d’exploitation Si votre objectif est une utilisation personnelle, un pc classique, voir même un Raspberry Pi, feront l’affaire. Pour que votre node devienne un relai conséquent du réseau, la location d’un serveur dédié est recommandée.En avril...
Read More »Bitcoin Halving: Das passiert beim wichtigsten Event dieses Jahres
Alle vier Jahre steht für die weltberühmte Kryptowährung Bitcoin eines der wichtigsten Events an: das Bitcoin Halving. Voraussichtlich im Mai 2020 wird es wieder soweit sein. Doch was genau geschieht beim Bitcoin Halving, und welche Auswirkungen wird dieses Ereignis auf den Kurs der Kryptowährung haben? Diese Fragen werden ihnen in diesem Beitrag beantwortet und erläutert. Was geschieht beim Bitcoin Halving? Bitcoin Halving ist eine Methode, um einer Inflation des...
Read More »#862 Bitcoin nur eine Chance auf Erfolg, China Blockchain-Netzwerk & Craig Wright Satoshi Nakamoto
Hey Krypto Fans, willkommen zur Bitcoin-Informant Show Nr. 862. Heute sprechen wir über folgende Themen: Bitcoin hat nur die eine Chance auf Erfolg, China startet Blockchain-Netzwerk & Craig Wright muss bis 17. April Zugang zu 1.1 Millionen Coins beweisen. 1.) Bitcoin hat laut BTC-Gegner und Milliardär Mark Cuban nur die eine Chance auf Erfolghttps://cryptomonday.de/bitcoin-hat-laut-btc-gegner-und-milliardaer-mark-cuban-nur-die-eine-chance-auf-erfolg/ 2.) China...
Read More »John McAfee Announces GHOST: A New Privacy Coin
John McAfee recently announced on an up-coming launch of a new privacy coin called GHOST, unveiling the project’s new Twitter account and accompanying website.McAfee states that the whitepaper and more details will be posted in one month on May 15th.The GHOST website reveals that the proof of stake privacy coin will help protect user’s privacy by making users “nothing but a ‘ghost’ when transacting online.”According to the official website, GHOST transactions will utilize a state-of-the-art...
Read More »Coin Gecko Says the De Fi Arena Is Expanding Quickly
The decentralized finance (De Fi) arena is growing rapidly despite the recent falls of cryptocurrencies.De Fi: The Future of Money?As digital currency assets are dropping in price thanks to the coronavirus pandemic, the industry of decentralized finance is experiencing positive results. The arena centers on users providing and receiving digital currency payments to garner goods and services without the necessity of third parties or regulatory steps.Bobby Ong – the co-founder of Coin Gecko, a...
Read More »ICO, IEO and STO Models Have Failed: What’s Next for Crypto Fundraising?
ICO’s, IEO’s, and even STO’s have failed to live up to their promised hype as it became difficult for blockchain companies to raise capital through them. However, some companies have found success in the token sale model.The cryptocurrency frenzy of 2016, followed by the market-wide rally in 2017, brought Initial Coin Offerings (ICO’s) to the limelight. However, a study published in 2018 concluded that 80 percent of ICO’s completed during these two years were either fraudulent or a scam,...
Read More »Billionaire Mark Cuban Still Not Convinced On Bitcoin: It’s Easier To Trade Bananas Than Cryptocurrencies
Billionaire American entrepreneur and investor, Mark Cuban, said that he can more easily trade bananas as a commodity than Bitcoin. He noted that the largest cryptocurrency needs to be easier to use and comprehend from people. BTC’s time, however, could come now as world central banks are printing excessive amounts of fiat money.Cuban: Bananas Are Easier Than BitcoinThe popular cryptocurrency proponent, Anthony “Pomp” Pompliano recently interviewed Mark Cuban on his podcast. The start of the...
Read More »Rediffusion : Table ronde du Cercle du coin
Le Cercle du Coin, association francophone sur le Bitcoin, les monnaies décentralisées et les blockchains, a organisé mercredi sa seconde table ronde virtuelle. Thème du jour : Bitcoin, pendant et après la catastrophe. 1. Bitcoin monnaie du confinement (comme dans une cabine spatiale) : monnaie collaborative des makers ? 2. Bitcoin dans un possible black out : quels risques ? quelles parades ? 3....
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