Huobi, a leading global crypto exchange, announced that it plans to launch a fiat gateway in Turkey. If successful, the platform may increase access to over 250 digital tokens for the local investors.Mohit Davar, Huobi’s EMEA regional president, is convinced that this will prove to be a worthwhile investment. He said that the move has come amidst Turkey’s efforts to set up a clearer legal infrastructure for the cryptocurrency market. Reports show that many people in the country already hold...
Read More »Charles Schwab Brokerage Firm will Allow Investors to Trade Fractions of Stocks
Charles Schwab, a San Francisco-based bank and stock brokerage company, has announced they will allow their clients to buy and sell fractions of stocks. The initiative aims at attracting the interest of young investors to Charles Schwab and makes it the first online brokerage that offers its customers such an opportunity.The announcement follows the company’s decision to eliminate trading commissions for U.S. stocks, ETFs and options trades earlier this month, which led to other brokerage...
Read More »8Pay Sponsors DeFi Project of the Year 2019 Award at Europe’s Largest Blockchain Conference
[PRESS RELEASE]8Pay, an automated payment solution built on the Ethereum network, will sponsor the DeFi Project of the Year Award at the forthcoming Malta AI & Blockchain Summit.Europe’s largest blockchain conference will host creative minds from the industry and recognise the year’s milestones and achievements on 7 November at Malta’s Intercontinental Hotel.As well as luminaries from the world of blockchain, the biennial event will bring together figures from sectors such as robotics,...
Read More »Wo liegen die Vorteile der Bitcoin-Nutzung im Glücksspiel?
In den letzten Jahren waren die Kryptowährungen nicht nur in der Schweiz eines der grössten Gesprächsthemen. Kein Wunder, besitzen sie doch nicht zuletzt dank der unterliegenden Blockchain-Technologie ein riesiges Potenzial. Immer öfter fragen sich deshalb Unternehmen, wie sie sich die Idee zunutze machen können. Gleiches gilt in der Glücksspielindustrie. Gibt es eventuell sogar Vorteile gegenüber der Nutzung von Fiatgeld? Grosse Geschwindigkeitsvorteile bislang nicht...
Read More »#731 Deutsche lehnen Libra ab, 18 Millionen BTC gemined & Dash Verlosung Gewinner
Hey Krypto Fans, willkommen zur Bitcoin-Informant Show Nr. 731. Heute geht’s um folgende Themen: Mehrheit der Deutschen lehnt Libra von Facebook ab, 18 Millionen BTC gemined & Dash PowerBank Verlosung Gewinner. 1.) Mehrheit der Deutschen lehnt Libra von Facebook ab 2.) The 18 Millionth Bitcoin To Be Mined this Friday, Only 3 Million...
Read More »8Pay Sponsors DeFi Project of the Year 2019 Award at Europe’s Largest Blockchain Conference
8Pay, an automated payment solution built on the Ethereum network, will sponsor the DeFi Project of the Year Award at the forthcoming Malta AI & Blockchain Summit.Europe’s largest blockchain conference will host creative minds from the industry and recognise the year’s milestones and achievements on 7 November at Malta’s Intercontinental Hotel. As well as luminaries from the world of blockchain, the biennial event will bring together figures from sectors such as robotics, Internet of...
Read More »Is the Nash Exchange Invulnerable to Cyberattacks?
Is it possible to create a cryptocurrency exchange that is in no way vulnerable to hackers? According to the creators of Nash, that’s exactly what’s been done.Nash: A New Kind of Trading Platform?New technology has emerged that makes bitcoin more programmable. Thus, traders do not need to hand over control of their assets until the final moments of a transaction. Nash, a new cryptocurrency trading platform, is utilizing this technology to ensure all its customers’ financial data and digital...
Read More »Bank of America Tests Ripple’s DLT but Has No Plans to Use XRP Yet
Bank of America, one of the most prominent banks in the United States, has taken a bold step by adopting Blockchain technology after testing out Ripple’s Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) in its banking system and appears to be ready to go a bit further with the implementation of the technology.Bank of America’s commitment to Ripple might just stir the storm for other banks too. This development of the course has been in process for a long while and is by no means sudden. Last year in...
Read More »Meet Matic Network – The Most Talked About ETH Scaling Solution
Photo: Matic NetworkWith a young and digital-savvy population, it’s no surprise that India established itself as a technology powerhouse more than a decade ago. Many multinational corporations took advantage of salary arbitrage to outsource or offshore their IT operations, leading to an explosion in India’s digital economy. As of 2018, the Indian tech industry was worth $181 billion.However, in the blockchain space, things look somewhat different. The US is home to Coinbase, Switzerland can...
Read More »Strategies for AOFEX Digital Currency Financial Derivative NSO
Information determines decision-making, but details determine success or failure. That’s the main principle that should be applied to trading and in this article, we will explain to you how it works.JEX was recently acquired by Binance. After Binance’s announcement, JEX’s token rose and fell sharply in just a few days. JEX should be one of the most professional trading platforms for blockchain derivatives and the world’s first digital currency exchange for option trading which was noticed by...
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