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#720 Zerbricht Libra von innen, nationale Digitalwährung USA & macht dicht

Hey Krypto Fans, willkommen zur Bitcoin-Informant Show Nr. 720. Heute geht’s um folgende Themen: Vier große Partner der Facebook Coin Libra bekommen kalte Füße, Nationale digitale Währunge in den USA & macht aus finanziellen Gründen dicht 1.) Zerbricht Libra von innen? Vier große Partner der Facebook Coin bekommen kalte Füße 2.) US...

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Mit dem Security Token Offering der ezzy AG in einen Mega-Trend investieren

ezzy will den Online-Handel revolutionieren, ihn schneller, günstiger und interaktiver machen. Seit Anfang September führt die Liechtensteiner ezzy AG eine Finanzierungsrunde im Rahmen eines Security Token Offering (STO) für einen völlig neuartigen E-Commerce-Marktplatz durch. Mit zahlreichen technischen Innovationen und dem konsequenten Einsatz der Blockchain-Technologie wird das bislang 19-köpfige Expertenteam aus dem Fürstentum...

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German Serial Entrepreneur Marvin Steinberg Discusses the Benefits of STOs

Photo: ShutterstockAn abbreviation STO stands for Security Token Offering. STOs are similar to ICOs but have some fundamental differences. For instance, security tokens are regulated offering like traditional securities and are subject to the same legal compliance requirements. Their key difference is that a security token records the ownership of the investment product on a blockchain.The interest in STO lists has grown recently as startups and established companies are looking for new...

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There Are Only 10% Alive ICOs, How Did They Survive?

Out of the multitude of ICO projects, raising money, only a small part actually delivered something that could be called a product. Almost 90% of all ICOs failed. There’s a term in venture capital, “a death valley”, meaning the period from the receiving initial investments to the moment of becoming profitable.Usually, a very small percentage of projects manage to cross the death valley, because every unexpected obstacle can ruin their plans. It happens due to a lack of experience, bad...

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#719 Ripple gibt 1 Milliarde XRP frei, WEG Bank Salamantex Zusammenarbeit & BayernLB $90.000 Bitcoin in 2020

Hey Krypto Fans, willkommen zur Bitcoin-Informant Show Nr. 719. Heute geht’s um folgende Themen: Ripple gibt 1 Milliarde XRP frei, WEG Bank und Salamantex geben Zusammenarbeit bekannt & Bayerische Landesbank prognostiziert Bitcoin-Kurs von 90.000 US-Dollar. 1.) Ripple gibt 1 Milliarde XRP frei und verkauft 60 Millionen XRP via OTC 2.) Bezahlen mit Bitcoin: WEG Bank und...

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Dethroning Visa: Blockchain Technology May Enable Greater Transaction Speeds than the Payments Giant

Featured – The advertising technology sector, usually abbreviated to AdTech, is a vast and growing industry – but it’s going through some growing pains. One of the most challenging processes in the digital advertising industry is ensuring that pay per click, or ‘PPC’ ads, are tracked and served effectively. Visitors arriving on a website through PPC ads are 50% more likely to make a purchase than organic visitors, and in 2017 alone, over $10 billion was spent on PPC ads.With such substantial...

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U.S. SEC Charges for Its $4 Billion ICO and It’s Not as Heavy as You Think

Photo: Block.oneThe EOS blockchain developer has been charged by the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) over its 2017-2018 ICO which raised about $4.1 Billion during the process. The Commission charged the company with the relatively low sum of $24 Million which boils down to about 0.58% of the sum raised during the offering which is relatively light when comparing the amount raised to the amount charged.Following the DAO report which highlighted several types...

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#718 Mark Cuban Bitcoin wertlos, SEC $24 Millionen Strafe für & Bitcoin Mining Farm brennt

Hey Krypto Fans, willkommen zur Bitcoin-Informant Show Nr. 718. Heute geht’s um folgende Themen: Mark Cuban Bitcoin wertloser als Bananen, SEC $24 Millionen Strafe für & Bitcoin Mining Farm in China brennt ab. 1.) Kryptowährung wertloser als Sammelkarten? – Milliardär Mark Cuban rechnet ab 2.) SEC Reaches $24 Million Settlement With EOS Parent Firm...

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Bakkt’s Launch Caused Bitcoin Price Loss, Says JPMorgan Analysts

After quite a long period of incubation and regulatory pursuits, the Intercontinental Exchange (ICE), eventually launched its Bakkt’s Bitcoin futures contracts last week. The platform had always been heralded as the main ingredient that will serve as the proper Bitcoin catalyst but has failed so far. In fact, a day after Bakkt officially launched, Bitcoin shed almost 20% of its weight and dropped to $8,000 price level for the first time in months.Now Bloomberg reports that analyst from...

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Nasdaq Stifles IPOs of Small Chinese Companies

Nasdaq has officially begun taking deliberate steps to stifle as much as possible, initial public offerings (IPOs) of small Chinese companies going public in the U.S. The index, according to a Reuters report, is doing this by slapping several restrictions on these firms and frustrating their efforts for approval. Supposedly, the Nasdaq index is doing this because the majority of these firms usually end up raising most of their initial capital from Chinese backers, rather than investors in the...

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