There’s just no pleasing some people. Despite how well bitcoin is doing as of late – the currency just swung past the $12,000 mark – Warren Buffett, the CEO of Berkshire Hathaway, is still turning his back on the world’s number one digital currency by market cap and investing in gold.Warren Buffett Invests in Gold Mining FirmNot that there’s really anything wrong with this. After all, the asset has been doing quite well as of late. It’s trading for a high of nearly $2,000 per ounce at press...
Read More »#950 Bitcoin als Lösung von Finanzcrash, FED USA CBDC & Top Bitcoin Mining Pool verliert Hashpower
Hey Informanten, willkommen zur Bitcoin-Informant Show Nr. 950. Im heutigen Video geht’s um folgende Themen: Der schlimmste Finanzcrash steht bevor, FED USA CBDC & Top Bitcoin Mining Pool verliert 15% Hashrate aufgrund Unwetter. Die heutige Show wird gesponsert von – Krypto mit Kreditkarte SOFORT verkaufen & kaufen ohne versteckte Gebühren. 1.) Der schlimmste Finanzcrash steht bevor. Bitcoin die...
Read More »Upstate New York Is a Growing Hotspot for BTC Miners
New York is a growing hotspot for bitcoin and cryptocurrency mining companies like Greenidge Generation.New York – Where Bitcoin Miners Never SleepOften, New York is known for being a rather expensive place. The real estate alone attracts only the rich and famous, while a bowl of soup in an upscale Manhattan restaurant is likely to cost $100 or more. New York may be pricier than other places, but its upstate region appears to offer some relatively cheap energy, which makes it a prime location...
Read More »Dave Portnoy Buys $200,000 in Bitcoin – As a Total Crypto Noob
Dave Portnoy has bought $200,000 in bitcoin and $50,000 in chainlink in a video with the Winklevoss twins. Portnoy bought the crypto despite understanding almost nothing about Bitcoin. The video also sees the trader plan his own “DaveCoin,” and accept the idea that Elon Musk will soon crash gold by mining it on asteroids. Dave Portnoy has bought crypto in a bizarre “crash course” video with the Winklevoss twins. Posted to Twitter, the clip shows the trader trying — and...
Read More »Dai Supply Hits Record $400 Million on DeFi Momentum
Demand for stablecoins has surged this year, mainly on the back of the DeFi sector, which has seen countless crypto earning opportunities arise. MakerDAO’s stablecoin, Dai, has just reached a milestone $400 million supply following the minting of a further $10 million.This 10 million DAI mint brings the total DAI supply to over 400 million ?— Anthony Sassano | sassal.eth ?? (@sassal0x) August 10, 2020Surging Dai DemandSince the beginning of July, Dai market...
Read More »Passives Einkommen: So funktioniert Staking!
Ist Staking das neue Mining? Immer mehr Bitcoin-Börsen bieten neben dem Bitcoin-Kauf, Bitcoin-Trading nun auch das Staking von bestimmten Kryptowährungen an. Doch was ist Staking? Beim Staking werden Gelder in einer Kryptowährungs-Wallet gehalten, um das Wachstum des Blockchain-Netzwerks zu fördern. Die Teilnehmer, welche meist mit einer persönlichen Krypto-Wallet wie Trust...
Read More »Ethereum Classic Suffers Another 51% Attack, Buterin Suggests Switch to PoS
Ethereum Classic has been in the wars again with a second 51% attack within a week. This incursion has brought the security of the network under the spotlight again, though ETC prices remain largely unmoved at the time of writing.Earlier today, August 6, tweeted that its Ethermine affiliated mining pool had disabled ETC pool payouts after more than 4,000 blocks had been reorganized.Today another large 51% attack occurred on the #ETC which caused a reorganization of over 4000...
Read More »Ampleforth Confirms 10 Years of Liquidity Mining Incentives
Ampleforth (AMPL) is one of the projects in the decentralized finance (DeFi) space that took the community by a storm, despite being on the market for over a year.Over the past couple of months, AMPL managed to become arguably one of the most widely-discussed protocols, largely because of its quick exponential growth.Now, however, the team has taken an essential step towards providing its users with further incentives to provide liquidity to its pools and receive attractive yields.Ampleforth...
Read More »Thailand Gets Its Sixth Official Crypto Exchange
Thailand is a growing cryptocurrency hub. The country has just approved six new cryptocurrency exchange licenses to permit the further growth of digital trading within the nation’s borders.Thailand Is the New Home of Crypto LoversAsian regions have long been huge cryptocurrency advocates. Despite a lengthy period of debate over whether to ban bitcoin and crypto mining, China eventually gave in and permitted the practice, citing that it’s effects on the environment were not as strong or as...
Read More »5th Birthday: Ethereum Miners Rejoice Over High Network Fees
Ethereum has not only surged to its highest price for over a year, it has tapped milestone highs in other on-chain metrics as well. Today is the network’s 5th anniversary.Hash Rates at 20-Month HighETH 1.0 is still proof of work, which means there are still miners seeking profits by producing more blocks. Mining profitability is mostly a product of difficulty and price, and when prices are high, so is profitability.Hash rate is a measure of the computational power on the network, and the...
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