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Introducing Non-Custodial FIAT Ethereum Gateway

Sui Generis Pty Ltd est. 11.11.11 in Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia is a privately held organisation that specializes in medical innovation, research and development. We have a lean international team and work with world class developers to economically bring quality projects to fruition for you.Our first project is an Australian AUSTRAC registered non-custodial digital currency exchange. At launch it features AUD/ETH ETH/DAI trading pairs and DSR savings vault. Our system allows for the instant payments from traditional banking FIAT systems using New Payment Platform (NPP) services PayID and Oska and the customers cryptocurrency is received directly to their is a non-custodial service meaning that the customer retains ownership of their crypto and

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Sui Generis Pty Ltd est. 11.11.11 in Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia is a privately held organisation that specializes in medical innovation, research and development. We have a lean international team and work with world class developers to economically bring quality projects to fruition for you.

Our first project is an Australian AUSTRAC registered non-custodial digital currency exchange. At launch it features AUD/ETH ETH/DAI trading pairs and DSR savings vault. Our system allows for the instant payments from traditional banking FIAT systems using New Payment Platform (NPP) services PayID and Oska and the customers cryptocurrency is received directly to their eth-wallet. is a non-custodial service meaning that the customer retains ownership of their crypto and secures their own private keys. This exchange platform is a vertical integration and represents the onboarding mechanism for our greater ecosystem. There are no other exchanges domestically offering this solution. We also have many forthcoming features and major projects that are incredibly innovative and useful. This project also supports rapid multinational expansion; we are going from Australia to New Zealand and Thailand then India and Fiji in 2021.

The objective of is to facilitate the safe onboarding of newcomers to the crypto space and promote the ownership of one’s own digital assets. We do this by providing MetaMask integration so that we may deliver digital currencies directly to your wallet upon purchase, using New Payments Platform (NPP) processing systems PayID and Osko. is intended to be a simple and friendly portal to get started using the blockchain and is the gateway to our greater ecosystem. The first build is completed and we are planning a soft go-live, end of January, in concert with the private presale for our RIFT token which will have utility in all our projects. The first use case will be provided through a multi tier VIP Staking Partnership with Ferrum Network where our early adopters can earn significant rewards.

First Major Update

Included in the first upgrade to, due 4 months from launch, are system improvements for optimisations to improve speed and reduce costs for customers and the platform itself, backend risk mitigation and transaction monitoring tools, enhanced onboarding and KYC procedure, and upgrades to access more features of Monoova API. Notable new features will include an innovative multiswap protocol, defi lending pools, token holders rewards program, new premium tokens including DOT, wrapping with RENBTC and integration for our own RIFT token to enable favourable rates and features.

Next Project

omniCAT will be teased in our genesis NFT campaign and the forthcoming collectible series. This new platform will be a game changing open sourced and decentralised biometrics screening tool that can improve the lives of many and holds potential for a multitude of applications for individuals, private companies and public and government organisations. The purpose of this project, from a consumer perspective, is to empower patients to own, understand and contribute to their health data; and from a health organisation and public health perspective to empower junior and nursing staff to have confidence in making clinical decisions, standardisation of interpretation, processing of health data, case identification, knowledge sharing and shared decision making, monitoring of population and many other applications. Currently health data is all siloed; most will just be lost and are not used in a proactive and actionable way, we intend to leverage Ai-ML to actively process, interpret, analyse data to the benefit of our customers health. This private blockchain system built on HyperLedger with BESU is true to our calling as a medical innovation, research and development company. RIFT token will be required to access this platform. This project has a 150 day build time following the launch the aforementioned exchange.


Our vision is to establish a multi-site Hospital and Health Service supporting residents of Pacific Island nations and empowering those diligent and hardworking people with the blockchain tools of open healthcare, and decentralised solutions for open banking and free-market enterprise so that they may rise above the hardships they face. This implementation requires a multi-node hospital network supported by a roaming Scientific Research and Humanitarian Aid Vessel equipped with various innovative rapid transport and emergency retrievals vehicles and aircraft. We plan to execute a multitude of projects all designed to generate revenue and develop the competencies required to achieve our vision.

“The motivation behind this goal is driven by the accomplishments of my late grandfather, who passed in 2020. This is the greatest man i have known, simple, diligent and hardworking; he loved God and gave so much for many people. He worked the fields in Fiji as a sugar cane farmer and raised my mother to be Doctor thus giving her and me a life that he could never have hoped for. He was successful through ingenuity and community; forming a syndicate of farmers he was able to improve the circumstances of an entire community and they faced many hardships, together. This is something that I have only ever dreamed and so now I seek to perpetuate my grandfather’s vision in his home country for this generation and the next.”hari

Our team members hold positions as healthcare and legal professionals. We primarily operate through a corporate entity Sui Generis est. 11.11.11 [86154229875] with a registered office at Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia. The core skills of our team are; primary and tertiary healthcare, business and law

Hari K Muralidharan [Gold Coast, Australia]
David Chung [Brisbane, Australia] development team [Sofia, Bulgaria]

Hari K Muralidharan

“Born in New Zealand; I grew up all over New Zealand and Australia and now I live at Gold Coast in Queensland, Australia.. My dad is from India and mom is indian from Fiji, they are both doctors and divorced when I was young. My father’s family is from Anna Nagar, Chennai and my mother’s adoptive parents are from Salem, Tamil Nadu. I work for Gold Coast Health state-owned Hospitals and Health Services in Clinical Governance primarily at Gold Coast University Hospital. I also run my own companies in the private sector Gold Coast Medical Corporation and our own Sui Generis Pty Ltd both are healthcare-focused. I went to high school at Somerset College, Gold Coast and university at Bond University and Griffith University. Co-founder David and I met in high school 9th grade, we are as brothers and went to law and business school together. He went on to practice Law while I favour Healthcare.”

David Chung

“I am a co-founder with Hari, we’ve known each other since early high school and we grew up together on the Gold Coast. I now live in Brisbane, Australia, where I run a commercial law firm which I founded in 2017. My area of speciality is startups and early stage businesses and blockchain and crypto law. I also have a connection with the medical/health field as I co-founded a health-tech startup in 2016 which is one of the largest telehealth solutions in Australia for psychology services. Feel free to reach out to me directly if you have any queries regarding our exciting project ethrift!” our developers in Sofia, Bulgaria and the product and omniCAT can be verified to exist through them or by our legal services at and we can be contacted at the socials below.

Hari Kaushul Muralidharan:
David Chung:

Our Roadmap

Q1 Soft Launch

RIFT Token Generation

Private Token Presale Round 1

Ferrum Network VIP Staking

DexTools Sponsorship

Private Token Presales Rounds 2 and 3 (Tentative) Hard Launch

Q2 2021Public Token Sale

Begin omniCAT Development

Begin First Major Update

Foster New Zealand Partnerships

Bring Thailand Team Online

Q3 2021Deploy First Major Update

omniCAT Launch

Foster Thailand Partnerships

Q4 2021Begin New Zealand Integrations Development

Begin Thailand Integrations Development

Focus Team Building

2022Continue Development of International FIAT Onramps

Implement omniCAT Strategic Marketing

Begin Pacific Islands Hospital and Health Service Strategic Planning

Deploy DAO

Thank you for your support!


Hari K Muralidharan
Managing Director
Sui Generis Pty Ltd

Australian Business Number 86 154 229 875
AUSTRAC Registered Digital Currency Exchange Provider No. 100567087-001
Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia

Twitter: @eth_rift
Reddit: r/ethrift
Medium: @ethrift
Email: [email protected]

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