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Tag Archives: Altcoins

Binance US Set to Open Its Doors Next Week

Photo: BinanceCryptocurrency exchange Binance has already finished the total setup for operations in the United States. In a post on their official medium handle, Binance US using the domain name: gave the required steps that will ensure users based in the United States get to operate the platform.Binance pulled out of the United States due to uncertainty in the regulatory environment and the US government’s recent anti-crypto stance.The United States Operates by a Different Set...

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Seed CX’s Subsidiary Zero Hash Will Now Support Crypto Derivatives Transactions

Seed CX is a cryptocurrency derivatives platform. Now with the help of its subsidiary Zero Hash, the company plans to offer bilateral crypto derivatives transactions. That way, Seed CX aims to attract financial institutions to settle derivatives on their platform.The company announced that initially, it will support back-office settlement functions for Bitcoin forwards. Later, the firm plans to add support for options as well, but the approximate time frame wasn’t specified.As the company...

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DAO.Casino Rebrands to DAOBet for Enhanced Market Positioning

One of the core elements to business strategies is name branding, as businesses always want to leave an impression that speaks of their products or services and to stand out among the competition. Gaming infrastructure platform DAO.Casino is one such firm to use this strategy to bring its users the best of blockchain to the gambling industry. The new name, DAObet, is one it believes will help provide more visibility for the platform with regards to their core operation.The responsibility of...

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Circle CEO Thinks China’s Cryptocurrency Will Lead the Crypto Competition

Over the last few months, big organizations and government institutions have shown interest in the crypto space. China’s central bank – People’s Bank of China (PBoC) – has fast-tracked its work on introducing a central bank digital currency (CBDC) to the market. However, China’s attempts to launching a CBDC come as a measure to counter the potential competition by Facebook‘s Libra.Commenting on this, Circle CEO Jeremy Allaire said that China has the most progressive approach towards CBDC....

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Nasdaq Lists New Index for Decentralized Finance Projects Called Defix

U.S. Stock Exchange Nasdaq has announced the listing of a new index that offers “real-time” tracking of blockchain projects within the decentralized finance (DeFi) segment. Dubbed as Defix, the index will track blockchain projects like MakerDao, Augur, Gnosis, Numerai, 0x and Amoveo.As per the official press release, the London-based Exante brokerage helped to launch Defix. Nasdaq has listed this Index under the ticker DEFX, which can also be tracked on Google and TradingView along with a...

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Binance’ New Futures Trading Platform Hits All-Time High of $150M in Daily Trading Volume

Leading Cryptocurrency exchange Binance recently launched its Tether (USDT) backed futures trading platform. The platform which is still in the early testing phase is available by invitation only. A Reddit post indicates that the platform has already reached an all-time high of $150 million within the past twenty-four hours. The futures platform covers only the USDT/BTC platform at this time.This comes after Binances’ announcement of the creation of the testnet for the futures platform...

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Crypto Trading: Please Hold My Hand

The cryptocurrency market is more than a few years old now and is still waxing strong. Bitcoin, the first major decentralized digital asset was released back in 2009 and even though that’s about a decade ago, it might not be a very long time in the grand scheme of things.New innovation always comes with some skepticism and cryptocurrency is no different. With the crypto market, four main factors have been identified as the major factors stifling growth in the market. They are general...

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Facebook’s Libra to Be Tied to Major Fiat Currencies, Except Chinese Yuan

When Facebook unveiled its Libra whitepaper back in June 2019, it already announced that it will be backed by a number of global fiat currencies. However, this time, the social media giant has shared additional details about the Libra’s fiat-pegged options.As per the Bloomberg report, Facebook told the U.S. senators that each Libra token will be supposedly tied to fiat currencies like Euro, Yen, British Pound, U.S. Dollar, and Singapore Dollar. However, the Chinese Yuan is exempted from the...

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Ethereum mit technischen Problemen

Ethereum trifft auf Widerstand. Die technologische Entwicklung ist an einem Punkt angekommen, an dem Vitalik Buterin ein Ass aus dem Ärmel ziehen muss. Der Markt befindet sich bereits in Lauerstellung und Neuinvestitionen geraten ins Stocken. Wohin geht die Reise für den ETH?Ethereum News: Ethereum mit technischen ProblemenDie ETH-Volatilität hat einen neuen Tiefpunkt erreicht, was bedeutet, dass vor allem Daytrader den ETH-Markt verlassen. Im Vergleich zum Bitcoin konnten auch...

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Möglicherweise steht eine XRP Fork kurz bevor

Zumindest wenn es nach vielen XRP Investoren geht, muss eine Fork des Ripple durchgeführt werden, um Ripple daran zu hindern, den eigenen Cryptocoin mit neuen Token zu überfluten. Damit wird der XRP Kurs klein gehalten, während gleichzeitig jedoch Ripple große Gewinne einfährt.Crypto News: Möglicherweise steht eine XRP Fork kurz bevorDer XRP steht spätestens seit seinem Aufstieg in die Top 10 der Cryptocoins in der Kritik, weil die Firma Ripple im Hintergrund das zentrale Sagen über den Token...

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