It seems like protests are happening all over the world as of late including in the country of Belarus. The nation has been suffering from political unrest ever since its recent presidential election, and some are turning to bitcoin to ensure they have what they need as they continue the protest agenda.Belarus Is the Center of Protests… And Bitcoin LoveThings began on a relatively small scale. The protests began on August 8, when a city hall employee named Maria in Pinsk went to a polling...
Read More »Despite the Harsh Economy, Bitcoin Miners Are Doing Rather Well
Here’s an interesting notion. On paper, bitcoin and crypto miners have appeared to be suffering as of late. The industry has fallen into a pit of blackness following the spread of the coronavirus pandemic as it is not considered a “necessary” field the same way restaurants and grocery chains are.Bitcoin Miners Earned a Lot of Money Last MonthAnd yet in August, according to a new report, bitcoin and cryptocurrency miners have allegedly made well over $300 million. Despite the pandemic, despite...
Read More »Jack Dorsey: Bitcoin Is the Primary Internet Currency
At the time of writing, bitcoin – the world’s number one cryptocurrency by market cap – is trading for just over $10,200, which means that it’s fallen a little further in the past 24 hours. Still, despite the bearish phase the cryptocurrency appears to be experiencing, many people seem to be remaining loyal to the asset, among them Jack Dorsey of both Square and Twitter fame.Jack Dorsey: Bitcoin Is the Most Viable CurrencyAs the CEO of two major companies, Dorsey has long been a top advocate...
Read More »Congressman Soto of Florida Says “Yes” to BTC Campaign Donations
It looks like another congressman has caught the bitcoin bug. Darren Soto – a democratic representative of the state of Florida – has announced that his reelection campaign this year will accept cryptocurrency donations and payments.Darren Soto Has His Eye on BlockchainSoto seems to believe that blockchain has what it takes to lead the U.S. into a new digital age. He’s also confident that the technology offers more benefits than many analysts seem to give it credit for. In a recent interview,...
Read More »Argentina Is in a Fight with a Bitcoin Ransomware Group
We do not negotiate with terrorists… This is the bedrock principle of countries like the United States. We’ve heard these words uttered in several movies and even political briefings, and now the idea of staying vigilant in times of strife appears to be edging its way into the minds of several other nations, including Argentina.Argentina Doesn’t Want to Give Up Its BitcoinRecently, the South American country had a little problem with cyberhackers. The country’s national migration agency was...
Read More »Not Every Analyst Is Convinced That Bitcoin Is Bearish as of Late
As many traders have likely witnessed by now, bitcoin has endured a harsh period of struggle as of late. The currency was initially trading for just over the $12,000 mark at the end of August but has since lost about $2,000 off its price to fall into the low $10,000 range.Has Bitcoin Really Been Falling Hard?It’s a sad time for many bitcoin enthusiasts, though there are several analysts out there that think the recently bearish trends affecting bitcoin aren’t that bad. Even though many...
Read More »Bitcoin Gets Small Boost from Ledger X Futures
Bitcoin has been incurring small gains here and there, though this is nothing to be terribly excited about just yet. The currency has been working to bring itself back up to the top of the financial ladder. The problem is that it’s happening at a snail’s pace.Bitcoin Is Moving Up Very SlowlyRecently, the currency had fallen all the way down to the $10,100 range. From there, it’s risen by about $100 a day to finally reach today’s current price of around $10,400. At this rate, granted bitcoin...
Read More »#968 DeFi Investmentchance des Jahrzehnts & Durchgesickerter Gesetzesentwurf Kryptoregulierung
Hey Informanten, willkommen zur Bitcoin-Informant Show Nr. 968. Im heutigen Video geht’s um folgende Themen: Ist DeFi die Investmentchance des Jahrzehnts & Durchgesickerter Gesetzesentwurf zur europaweiten Kryptoregulierung 1.) DeFi is a ‚once in a decade investment opportunity‘ — True or false? 2.) Leaked draft shows European Union set to be first major jurisdiction to...
Read More »Steven Parker: Bitcoin Can’t Exist without Some Form of Regulation
Bitcoin regulation has always been a rather controversial subject. On the one hand, the cryptocurrency is designed to stand alone and give people the chance to garner financial independence. However, if there is no regulation whatsoever for the world’s number one digital currency by market cap, things could wind up very bad with the space, and cybercrime and other malicious activity could continue to meander throughout the arena without limits.Steven Parker: Bitcoin Must Be Regulated...
Read More »Kraken: The Bitcoin Dip Is About to Get a Lot Worse
As of late, bitcoin has not been the crypto space’s top performing coin. In fact, over the past few weeks, BTC has lost roughly $2,000 from its price, falling from about $12K to the low $10,000 range. According to San Francisco-based digital trading exchange Kraken, things could potentially get a lot worse for the world’s number one digital currency by market cap.Kraken: Things Will Not Be Good This SeptemberIn a recent report, Kraken reminded all traders and investors that September is,...
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