Canadian crypto mining firm Bit Farms is swamped with high-interest debt.How Will Bit Farms Pay Everything Off?The company has been struggling to pay off much of what it owes. Straddled with declining revenue, the company is scheduled to pay more than $20 million by the time 2021 rings in, which means the venture could be in a heap of trouble.The mining industry has been treated very poorly over the past several months largely due to the coronavirus pandemic that has been spreading across the...
Read More »Bitcoin Is on the Verge of Striking $11,000
Bitcoin has done it. The world’s number one digital currency by market cap has surged beyond the $10,000 mark and is now trading for an impressive $10,800, noting an 11 percent jump over the past week alone.Bitcoin Shoots Beyond $10,000Why, suddenly? What could cause the currency to shoot up so fast, and what is in place that would allow bitcoin to potentially keep its current price position? It’s not like bitcoin hasn’t crossed the $10K threshold throughout 2019, and yet so far, the jumps...
Read More »#934 Gold Allzeithoch, Bitcoin Suisse Funding-Runde & Twitch bringt Bitcoin zurück
Hey Informanten, willkommen zur Bitcoin-Informant Show Nr. 934. Heute sprechen wir über folgende Themen: Gold erreicht Allzeithoch, Bitcoin Suisse schließt 42 Millionen Euro Funding-Runde ab & Streaming Dienst Twitch bringt Bitcoin-Zahlungen zurück. Die heutige Show wird gesponsert von Bitwala Blockchain Banking – HODLer aufgepasst – Wie wäre es mit bis zu 4,03% auf deine BTC jährlich und 20 Euro Willkommenbonus? Das bietet dir dein persönliches Bitwala Bitcoin...
Read More »Anthony Ghosn Sends $500K in BTC to Men Who Helped His Father Escape Justice
Bitcoin and cryptocurrency seem to have a knack for getting involved in criminal agendas, and the situation at hand doesn’t appear any different. It is being reported that the son of former Nissan Motor Company Chairman Carlos Ghosn wired several bitcoins to men who potentially helped his father escape justice while in Japan.Carlos Ghosn Has Potentially Escaped JusticeAs much as $500,000 in BTC payments were sent to one of two men in Massachusetts. Both are accused of assisting Carlos Ghosn...
Read More »Coins Like Ethereum and Cardano Are Surging as of Late
One source is reporting that bitcoin – the world’s number one cryptocurrency – is “floundering,” and that other smaller altcoins – such as Ethereum, Stellar and Cardano – are all way up at the time of writing, with some of these currencies having doubled their prices in just the last few months alone.Ethereum and Cardano Are Two High-Ranking CoinsFirst off, it would be inaccurate to claim that bitcoin is “floundering.” BTC is presently trading for just under $10,000 again, and should it...
Read More »Bitcoin Is About to Hit $10,000 Again
At the time of writing, bitcoin – the world’s number one cryptocurrency by market cap – has shot up to just under $9,900. About $100 more to go and bitcoin will have again struck the $10,000 mark this year.The Bitcoin Price is ExplodingIt’s hard to say whether the asset – should it hit the five-figure range – will remain above $10,000 for the rest of the year. To be perfectly fair, the jump to $10K has been relatively slow and steady this time around, and it’s taken much of last week to hit...
Read More »BITCOU – Bitcoin & Altcoins in nationale und internationale Gutscheine tauschen
Hey Leute, heute spreche ich mit Andreas Meyer von Bitcou – Bitcoin & Altcoins in nationale und internationale Gutscheine tauschen Tausche Bitcoins und Altcoins einfach, schnell und zuverlässig in Gutscheine, zum Verschenken, Shoppen oder Aufbewahren. Sonnige Grüsse Dennis
Read More »#933 Ethereum DeFi Hype, Zweiter USA Stimulus Cheque & Weiss Ratings Milliarden Dollar Revolution
Hey Informanten, willkommen zur Bitcoin-Informant Show Nr. 933. Heute sprechen wir über folgende Themen: Ethereum zeigt Stärke durch DeFi Hype, Zweiter Stimulus Cheque in den USA kommt & Weiss Ratings sieht Milliarden Dollar Revolution aber nicht bei Bitcoin. Die heutige Show wird gesponsert von Bitwala Blockchain Banking – HODLer aufgepasst – Wie wäre es mit bis zu 4,03% auf deine BTC jährlich und 20 Euro Willkommenbonus? Das bietet dir dein persönliches Bitwala Bitcoin Ertragskonto....
Read More »Bakkt Hasn’t Experienced Any BTC Options Trading Since Mid-June
Is it safe to say that Bakkt has been a total failure?Bakkt Really Hasn’t Amounted to MuchIt has been roughly one year since the institutional crypto trading platform came about, and one honestly wonders what it’s contributed to the space, especially when examining the latest trading figures the platform has been experiencing. For more than a month, bitcoin options have not been traded via the platform, and since June 15 of this year, the numbers for Bakkt have been stuck at a big fat zero.To...
Read More »Charles Edwards: BTC Could Shoot Up with Banks’ Help
Charles Edwards – the digital asset manager at Capriole – says the price of bitcoin could easily shoot up to $20,000 if U.S. banks put in at least one percent of their assets into crypto.Charles Edwards: Banks Can Make BTC Hit $20,000This may be asking much from banks, but one percent, for the most part, isn’t much, and it looks like interest in bitcoin has been increasing over the past several months between both retailers and institutional players alike, so perhaps the figure he’s...
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