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Tag Archives: Bitcoin News

More than 100 Alleged Plus Token Criminals Apprehended

China has arrested more than 100 separate individuals who may have taken part in the Plus Token scam that resulted in more than $1 billion in stolen crypto funds.Plus Token Is One of the Biggest Ponzi SchemesInitially based in South Korea, Plus Token was designed to be a “high-yield” investment plan that allegedly offered massive funds for all who took part. As much as 18 percent yield was promised to investors from both South Korea and China granted that they were willing to store...

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Just How Dominant Is Bitcoin in the Crypto Space?

Bitcoin is arguably the dominant cryptocurrency throughout the digital asset space, but how much of its dominance is real?How Dominant Is Bitcoin, Exactly?When placed up against all other crypto assets, bitcoin’s dominance sits at roughly 60 percent. However, many analysts believe that placing it up against all other coins or tokens isn’t entirely fair, and that it should only be placed up against currencies that are trying their best to be legitimate money or that are working to replace...

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FOMO Is Spreading Throughout the Bitcoin Space

Bitcoin has incurred another serious rise and is now trading for over $11,800.The FOMO Attitude Has Come Back to BitcoinMany analysts believe that an attitude of FOMO (or “fear of missing out”) has returned to the crypto space. With bitcoin on the rise of late, many new players are looking to get involved in the bitcoin market and play their hands, hoping to come up with a win. This is the same attitude that meandered throughout the crypto space in late 2017, when the asset was reaching its...

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Bitcoin Continues to Surge; Is $12K Coming Soon?

Is bitcoin on the verge of striking the $12,000 mark?Bitcoin Is on a Serious RollIt sure looks that way considering how high bitcoin has been moving over the past two weeks. Initially crossing the $10K mark and breaking that psychological barrier, the currency then rose past $11K, a step many people didn’t expect the digital coin to take. Now, at the time of writing, bitcoin is continuing its present ascension and is trading for $11,353, the highest it’s been in roughly one year.The previous...

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Graham Clark Revealed as the Alleged Twitter-BTC Perpetrator

The alleged hacker behind the recent Twitter fiasco has allegedly been identified. 17-year-old Florida teenager Graham Clark has been arrested and is now facing up to 30 separate felony charges for potentially “scamming people across America.”Graham Clark: The Man Behind the Mask?The recent Twitter bitcoin hack that took place on July 15 is among one of the most well-known and prominent bitcoin-based scams to occur in the history of the space. Several high-ranking accounts – such as those...

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The Practice of Hodling Bitcoin Is Up, Up, Up

The amount of hodling that is occurring in the bitcoin space has increased tenfold. According to a new chart unveiled by Unchained Capital, the number of bitcoin holders that haven’t moved their digital funds over the past year has surged to an all-time high.Hodling Has Reached an All-Time HighThis makes perfect sense when one considers the economic conditions people everywhere are facing. The coronavirus pandemic has caused major shifts in global economies. Fiat currencies have lost much of...

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Paxful: BTC Trading in Russia Has Exploded

Peer-to-peer (P2P) trading platform Paxful says that Russians are growing very weary of the coronavirus pandemic and that they are regularly turning to bitcoin as a means of keeping themselves safe and their wealth hedged against weakening economic conditions.Paxful Has Seen a Surge in Russian Trading ActivityThe pandemic has had some nasty effects on global markets around the world. The United States, for example, has released $1,200 stimulus checks to all citizens making less than $75,000...

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Analyst: The Bitcoin Price Is Spiking Because It’s Rarer

Bitcoin has been experiencing some extremely bullish patterns as of late. The currency has managed to spike by roughly $2,000 in just a matter of weeks, jumping from the low $9,000 range beyond $11,100 at the time of writing.The Bitcoin Price Surge Could Easily ContinueThe currency recently rose by more than 12 percent in a single 24-hour period, marking the highest it’s been in more than six months. This represents a nice change for the world’s number one cryptocurrency by market cap, which...

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BTC Futures Trading on Bakkt Surges

It looks like Bakkt is experiencing a sudden surge in business.Bakkt Is Pulling a Few Unexpected PunchesRecently, it was reported that the institutional crypto trading platform owned and governed by the Intercontinental Exchange (ICO) was doing rather poorly as of late, having traded zero bitcoin options since mid-June. Now, more than 30 days later, that still hasn’t changed.However, the platform has witnessed a surge in bitcoin futures trading. Just last Monday alone, Coin Market Cap...

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#937 Aaron Koenig Interview zum Buch Krisenfest – Handbuch der finanziellen Freiheit

Hey Informanten, willkommen zur Bitcoin-Informant Show Nr. 937. Heute spreche ich mit Aaron Koenig über sein neues Buch „Krisenfest“. Aaron Koenig ist Unternehmer, Berater, Film­produzent und Autor mehrerer Bücher über Bitcoin und Blockchain-Technologie, darunter der Bestseller Cryptocoins – ­Investieren in digitale Währungen. Zudem kreiert Koenig kommerzielle Kurzfilme für Kunden, die meisten von ihnen Bitcoin- und Blockchain-Start-ups. Die heutige Show wird gesponsert...

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