Hey Informanten, willkommen zur Bitcoin-Informant Show Nr. 946. Im heutigen Video geht’s um folgende Themen: MicroStrategy bestätigt seine 21.000 Bitcoin (BTC)-Investition, Russland geht gegen Monero und Dash vor & Steuern in Krypto zahlen in Venezuela. 1.) MicroStrategy bestätigt seine 21.000 Bitcoin (BTC)-Investitionhttps://blockchain-hero.com/microstrategy-bestaetigt-seine-21-000-bitcoin-btc-investition/ 2.) Russland: Behörde sagt Monero und Dash den Kampf...
Read More »Three Teens Unveil Rari Capital, a New Decentralized Finance and Crypto Platform
Getting a business off the ground is hard work, but for three crypto-loving teenagers, that dream has become a reality. Jai Bhavnani, Jack Lipstone and David Lucid are between the ages of 18 and 19, but they’re already in charge of a new crypto startup called Rari Capital.Rari Capital Has Grown Into Something Much BiggerThe company is both a traditional manager of portfolios and assets and a provider of long-term investing strategies. All three of the company’s founders have been actively...
Read More »Goldman Sachs Is Looking to Build Its Own Cryptocurrency
Goldman Sachs appears to be changing its tune yet again on bitcoin and is delving deeper into the crypto space.Goldman Sachs Is Changing Its Stance on BTCThe company announced that it is appointing a new head of crypto and says that it will look into potentially building its own virtual token as a means of competing with the world’s number one digital currency by market cap. These are big words coming from a business that just three months ago, hosted an entire seminar about why bitcoin...
Read More »#945 Ethereum 2.0 Testnetz, 33 Prozent ADA im Staking & Master Debit Karte Gewinner
Hey Informanten, willkommen zur Bitcoin-Informant Show Nr. 945. Im heutigen Video geht’s um folgende Themen: Ethereum 2.0 Testnetz verläuft positiv, 33 Prozent des Cardano (ADA) Supply sind im Staking & Master Debit Karte Gewinner. 1.) Ethereum 2.0 Testnetz verläuft positiv – über 1 Mio. „ETH“ wurden gestakedhttps://cryptomonday.de/ethereum-2-0-testnetz-verlaeuft-positiv-ueber-1-mio-eth-wurden-gestaked/ 2.) Cardano: 33 Prozent des ADA Supply befinden sich im...
Read More »#944 Interview Jan Heinrich Meyer Dash Embassy DACH – Die Krypto Revolution
Hey Informanten, willkommen zur Bitcoin-Informant Show Nr. 944. Im heutigen Video spreche ich mit Jan Heinrich Meyer von der Dash Embassy DACH (https://www.dash-embassy.org) über aktuelle Themen. Etwas später kommt noch Andreas Meyer von Bitcou (https://bit.ly/BitCou-Gutscheine BITCOU) hinzu – Bitcoin & Altcoins in nationale und internationale Gutscheine tauschen Telegram Kanal: https://t.me/bitcoininformantLBRY.tv:...
Read More »Millennials and Institutions are Pushing the Bitcoin Space Forward
Bitcoin and cryptocurrency continue to make serious headway, and according to one source, the reason for this is purely because people have become more intrigued by what crypto can do.Bitcoin Is the Choice of Young Traders EverywhereThe interest is primarily driven by millennials and institutional players. Millennials have long been a strong audience for crypto for several reasons. For one thing, many members of younger generations grew up during financially unstable times such as the Great...
Read More »#943 Massive TV Kampagne für BTC, Ethereum und Ripple & Die gestohlene Bitcoin Revolution
Hey Informanten, willkommen zur Bitcoin-Informant Show Nr. 943. Heute sprechen wir über folgende Themen: Massive TV Kampagne für Bitcoin, Ethereum und Ripple (XRP) gestartet & Die gestohlene Bitcoin Revolution. 1.) Massive TV Kampagne für Bitcoin, Ethereum und Ripple (XRP) gestartethttps://www.crypto-news-flash.com/de/massive-tv-kampagne-fuer-bitcoin-ethereum-und-ripple-xrp-gestartet/ 2.) Bitcoin’s Stolen Revolutionhttps://www.coindesk.com/bitcoins-stolen-revolution...
Read More »The Happy Story of How One Man Got His $300K in Bitcoin Back
Bitcoin has a lot going for it, which is why there are many traders out there that would likely feel the hurt if they ever lost their coins or couldn’t gain access to them. For one person, that pain has become a thing of the past thanks to the help of a rather savvy computer expert.Bitcoin Can Be Lost for GoodWhile roughly 18 million of 21 million bitcoin units have been mined over the past 12 years, it is estimated that there are far less in circulation given how many units have been lost or...
Read More »Bitcoin IRA Recently Offered a New Gold and Crypto Seminar
August 6 saw Los Angeles-based Bitcoin IRA offering a seminar that showed viewers how they could uncover the price patterns of both bitcoin and gold.Bitcoin IRA Brings Gold and BTC TogetherThis is likely the stuff of intrigue for many crypto advocates throughout the world right about now considering both bitcoin and gold appear to be shifting into bullish territory at the same time. One could almost make the argument that the two are more correlated now than bitcoin and the stock...
Read More »Binance Encounters Problems with Its Bitcoin Futures
Binance – the world’s largest and most prominent cryptocurrency exchange by market cap – has been experiencing a few problems over the past few days. It looks like one customer’s trading activities is responsible for sending the price of certain bitcoin futures up into the $100K range.Binance Deals with a Naughty CustomerBinance chief executive Changpeng Zhao explained in a tweet:Another day in crypto. A user’s [algorithm] went ballistic and sent multiple orders to achieve this.The good news...
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