Pavel Durov – co-founder of encrypted messaging service Telegram – isn’t taking his latest defeat sitting down. The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has recently brought the company’s TON blockchain program to a crashing halt, and Durov is frustrated about the situation.What Does the Defeat of Telegram Mean for the Future?In a recent interview, Durov explained that the news is bad for other countries in that while they can elect their officials, they are still very dependent on the...
Read More »#884 XRP neuer weltweiter Zahlungsstandard, BTC Mining Pool Furore & McAfee Ghost Coin kopiert
Hey Krypto Fans, willkommen zur Bitcoin-Informant Show Nr. 884. Heute sprechen wir über folgende Themen: XRP als Brückenwährung besser als Bitcoin, Bitcoin Rüstungswettlauf beginnt, da neuer chinesischer Mining-Pool für Furore sorgt & McAfee Ghost Coin kopiert? 1.) Ripple soll neuer weltweiter Zahlungsstandard werden – XRP als Brückenwährung besser als...
Read More »Not Much Has Happened After the Halving
It’s been almost a week since bitcoin’s widely anticipated third halving, and thus far, the event has turned out to be a real bore.The Halving Hasn’t Amounted to MuchWhile bitcoin isn’t necessarily in bad shape, the halving made everyone believe that something big was about to happen. That perhaps the world’s number one cryptocurrency by market cap was going to aim for the stars and get there overnight. That may have been somewhat unrealistic, but there is certainly some speculation as to why...
Read More »Elon Musk Praises BTC, Decries Stimulus Package
Elon Musk – the CEO of both SpaceX and Tesla – is continuing his praise for bitcoin, along with his attack on central banks.Elon Musk: The Stimulus Was a Bad IdeaMusk has a serious issue with the way the U.S. government has handled the coronavirus pandemic. He says that a trillion-dollar stimulus package is no way to fix the situation, and that printing money out of thin air just so everyone can enjoy a small piece of relief will only mask the real problem. He’s confident that central banks...
Read More »#883 J.K. Rowling Bitcoin Twitter Debakel, Bitcoin Transaktionsgebühren steigen & Mega Krypto-Scam
Hey Krypto Fans, willkommen zur Bitcoin-Informant Show Nr. 883. Heute sprechen wir über folgende Themen: J.K. Rowling Bitcoin Twitter Debakel, Bitcoin Transaktionsgebühren steigen weiter & Nächster Mega Krypto-Scam erbeutet 1 Milliarde. 1.) J.K. Rowlings Anfrage liefert 3 Gründe warum Bitcoin nicht überzeugt 2.) Bitcoin Transaction Fees Are Up 800% in One...
Read More »Stably Gets $1 Million to Bring Its New Stable Coin to Market
Stable currencies are becoming all the rage in the cryptocurrency space, and Seattle-based startup Stably – which specializes in making stable coins mainstream – is moving ahead of the game with an additional $1 million in funding.Stably Is Making Headway in the Crypto SpaceStable currencies are designed to be less volatile than other forms of crypto. Typically, they are tied to fiat currencies such as the U.S. dollar, the yen, the yuan, and the euro. This allows them to move at a more normal...
Read More »Spencer Dinwiddie Sets Up Bitcoin GoFundMe Account
Who would have thought that sports and crypto would mix so well? Spencer Dinwiddie – a guard for the Brooklyn Nets – has announced a new bitcoin-based crowdfunding campaign that will allow his fans to choose which team he plays for next.Spencer Dinwiddie Is Looking for Crypto HelpDinwiddie first came to the bitcoin scene last year when he announced he wanted to allow people to invest in his basketball contract. While the league he played with raised an eyebrow or two over the idea, Dinwiddie...
Read More »J.K. Rowling Asks for Help with Bitcoin
It’s funny that someone who’s so rich wouldn’t know anything about bitcoin or cryptocurrency, but that seems to be the case for bestselling author J.K. Rowling, who’s won multiple awards and garnered worldwide fame for her Harry Potter book series.J.K. Rowling Doesn’t Understand BitcoinRowling has a net worth of approximately $1 billion, which means she’s a wealthy person. The author has sold more than 500 million books across the world, primarily from her Harry Potter series. These books...
Read More »Bitwala Bank Allows Customers to “Stake” Their BTC
Bitwala – a bank in Germany – is forming a close relationship with cryptocurrency and is giving its customers the chance to buy, sell and trade bitcoin, as well as earn interest on their stashes.Bitwala Brings Crypto to CustomersIn the past, traditional banks and cryptocurrencies have not gotten along, as they both share extremely different values. Banks are centralized and controlled by outside entities, whereas cryptocurrencies are not. Banks seek to regulate money and only offer their...
Read More »Jerome Powell and His Words of Doom and Gloom Lead to BTC Buys
Bitcoin, as of late, has been seen by investors as a tool that can potentially hedge wealth against inflation and other economic problems. It looks like that attitude towards the cryptocurrency is likely to continue in America for some time considering the new warning by Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell.Jerome Powell: The Economy Is Still WeakYesterday, Powell emerged to warn U.S. citizens that the economy is slated to face weak growth in the coming months “without modern precedent.” He...
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