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Tag Archives: BTC

Exploration versus Exploitation

Ambidextry is the ability of a company to strike a balance between optimising and renewing its business model. This makes it a core capability of digital transformation. Exploration versus exploitation Innovation is one of the three cornerstones of digital transformation. But companies are usually geared towards optimisation (exploitation). This leaves little time for adventure or exploration. This is a balancing act for many companies Established companies have one strong hand above all:...

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Deutsche-Bank führt Bitcoin-Wallets ein

Die Deutsche Bank hat bekannt gegeben, eine Kooperation mit dem Schweizer Unternehmen Taurus einzugehen, um die Verwahrung von Kryptowährungen anzubieten. Im Zuge des wachsenden Interesses an digitalen Assets hat die Deutsche Bank erkannt, dass sie ihren Kunden eine sichere und zuverlässige Lösung für die Aufbewahrung ihrer Kryptowährungen anbieten muss.Kryptowährungen wie Bitcoin und Ethereum sind digitale Währungen, die auf der...

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Ethereum Co-Founder Vitalik Buterin Moves 400 ETH to Coinbase

Just a few hours ago, the Ethereum founder deposited 400 ETH to Coinbase. With the price of ETH at $1,573.35 as of the time of writing, the value of the transfer amounts to an impressive $629,200. Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin has recently been observed engaging in noteworthy transactions involving ETH, specifically directing substantial deposits to Coinbase. This development has sparked a myriad of conversations, speculations, and a quest to understand the motives behind such...

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DeFi Platform Mixin Network Faces $200 Million Crypto Hack

Mixin Network immediately suspended the deposits and withdrawals stating that they would soon announce their decision to deal with the lost assets. Earlier today, the decentralized finance (DeFi) project Mixin Network announced the suspension of all deposits and withdrawals after losing $200 million in crypto assets in a recent hack. The SlowMist team was the first to report this incident. It also noted that the breach happened through a compromise in Mixin’s cloud service database....

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Das ist Mrs. Watanabe

Frau Watanabe ist eine Personifizierung der japanischen Hausfrauen-Spekulanten, die stark genug sind, um die internationalen Märkte, insbesondere die Devisenmärkte, zu beeinflussen. Inzwischen hat sich der Begriff auf Kleinanleger im Allgemeinen erweitert. Die Figur „Mrs. Watanabe“ ist in der Welt der internationalen Finanzmärkte kein Unbekannter. Aber wer ist Mrs. Watanabe genau? Warum ist dieser Name so symbolisch? Und welche Rolle spielt sie in...

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Der Oura-Ring: Bald das gefragteste Gadget für Tech- und Gesundheitsfreaks?

In den letzten Jahren hat sich der Markt für tragbare Technologie rasant entwickelt. Vom klassischen Fitnessarmband bis zur High-End-Smartwatch, der Wunsch, Technologie und Gesundheitsmonitoring zu kombinieren, hat ein beeindruckendes Wachstum verzeichnet. Nun zeichnet sich jedoch ein neuer Favorit ab: der Oura-Ring. Ist dieser schicke und doch dezente Ring etwa das nächste Must-Have-Gadget für alle Tech- und Gesundheitsenthusiasten? Schauen wir...

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Atlas VPN: Der beste VPN-Service der Welt?

In einer Zeit, in der Online-Privatsphäre und -Sicherheit immer wichtiger werden, ist die Wahl des richtigen VPN-Dienstes von entscheidender Bedeutung. Viele Anbieter versprechen herausragende Leistungen, aber nur wenige halten wirklich, was sie versprechen. Atlas VPN ist in den letzten Jahren immer mehr in den Fokus gerückt. Aber ist es wirklich der beste VPN-Service der Welt? In diesem Artikel werfen wir einen genaueren Blick darauf. Was ist...

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Mt. Gox Trustee Extends Repayment Deadline to October 2024

The trustee cited the need for additional time to facilitate the rehabilitation process. Defunct cryptocurrency exchange Mt. Gox has yet again postponed its repayment deadline by one year. This significant development was confirmed in a letter shared by Nobuaki Kobayashi, the trustee responsible for overseeing the rehabilitation of the exchange. Initially slated for October 31, 2023, the repayment deadline has been shifted to October 31, 2024, following approval from the Tokyo District...

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Former Alameda Employee Accuses Firm of Causing BTC 87% Price Dip in 2021

The ‘honest’ mistake did eventually cost Alameda some millions of dollars. An individual simply identified as Baradwaj has dropped a bombshell of an accusation on his former employer Alameda Research. According to him, Alameda, which was owned by Sam Bankman-Fried, played a prominent role in the downward spiral of Bitcoin (BTC) that saw its prices plunge over 87% on Binance.US within minutes. This was back in 2021. At the time, BTC’s price dipped to as low as $8,200 from around $65,760,...

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Bitcoin Maintains Price Above $27,000 as Predictions from Stakeholders Come In Bullish and Bearish

The price of Bitcoin is still above $27k as investors and stakeholders await monetary policy announcements from regulators worldwide. The price of Bitcoin stayed above $27,000 on Wednesday as most of the largest cryptocurrencies remained barely changed for the most part. The crypto market is likely reacting to investors holding out for official monetary policy announcements from central banks around the world. Earlier, BTC was unable to scale its 50-day moving average as it met with stiff...

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