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Tag Archives: daniel gorfine

Vom Helikoptergeld zum Digitaldollar

Die Demokraten, die im US-Repräsentantenhaus über die Mehrheit verfügen, zeigen sich sehr offen für die Möglichkeit zukünftige Helikoptergeldzahlungen digital vorzunehmen. Federal Reserve übt Zurückhaltung In der Vergangenheit zeigte sich die amerikanische Notenbank wenig überzeugt von der Option, Echtzeit-Überweisungen mithilfe einer Digitalwährung zu ermöglichen. Hatte sich der amerikanische FED-Chef Jerome Powell zuletzt offener für die Möglichkeit digitaler Transaktionen...

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Digital Dollar Team Adds 22 Advisors, Hints at Whitepaper in Q2 2020

Ex-CFTC chief’s Digital Dollar Initiative adds 22 new advisors and will release a white paper in the next two months. The Digital Dollar is serious as never, as ex-CFTC, FED, Treasury board directors join the venture.Chris Giancarlo is gathering the industry’s top minds around what could soon become the Bitcoin killer for institutions. The Digital Dollar initiative is serious as never, as ex-CFTC, Treasury board directors join the venture. Digital Dollar Foundation (DDF) issue a press...

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Former CFTC Officials Want to Promote U.S. Digital Dollar Concept in Cooperation with Accenture

The U.S. Digital Dollar concept is being pushed by the former CFTC chairman J. Christopher Giancarlo. Reports indicate that he, Daniel Gorfine and Charles Giancarlo are planning to do this privately. Daniel Gorfine is the former LabCFTC director. Charles Giancarlo is an investor. They have decided to form the Digital Dollar Foundation. It is a non-profit initiative in association with Accenture. They also have plans to work with various professionals to achieve this. They plan to work towards...

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