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Tag Archives: emirates

Emirates Group Reports Record Annual Profit of $3B after Prior Devastations of Covid-19 Restrictions

Emirates Group announced global freight expansion to different destinations including Tanzania, Germany, Canada, and Brazil. Emirates Group, a state-owned Dubai-based international aviation holding company, released its 2022-2023 financial results. According to the announcement, Emirates achieved a record annual profit of AED 10.9 billion, approximately $3 billion. The airline service company was impressed with the financial year 2022-2023, after posting a huge decline in operations during...

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Immobilien besser als Bitcoin? Mit nur 100 Franken Investor in Dubai!

Dubai steht am Rande einer Immobilienrevolution, die Bauprojekte sind in vollem Gange und Investoren aus aller Welt haben die Möglichkeit, davon zu profitieren. Diese luxuriöse Stadt in den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten hat aufregende Pläne, sich zu einer wahren Weltstadt zu entwickeln. Mit nur 100 Franken ist es jetzt sogar möglich, sich in die Riege der cleveren Investoren einzureihen, die ein regelmässiges passives Einkommen erzielen – und das in dieser pulsierenden Stadt. Unglaublich,...

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Bitcoin, Oil and Gold Jump because of U.S.-Iran Tensions

Bitcoin hit its record yesterday coming to $8,400. However, the reasons for that are not as nice as it might seem. There is something to do with the current U.S.-Iran political tensions.Yesterday political situation came to its climax when the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps confirmed that it conducted rocket attacks on the Al Asad base in western Iraq that hosts American troops.Right immediately after this news was outlived, all “safe haven assets” jumped sky-high. But let’s go from the...

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