Polygon, the Ethereum layer-2 solution formerly known as Matic Network, announced today its blockchain datasets will be integrated on Google Cloud. Polygon Coming to Google Cloud The initiative aims to provide developers, data analysts, and crypto-enthusiasts with a better understanding of the Polygon blockchain. Google’s BigQuery would ensure that query and in-depth analysis of Polygon’s on-chain data are conducted in a simple and organized manner using the Google Cloud...
Read More »Google Pay neu mit Gutscheinen und Tickets Google Pay wird zur Shopping-Plattform
Google-Pay-Update bringt Coupons und Tickets Mit dem neuesten Update von Google Pay sind seit November 2020 nun auch Coupons und Gutscheine in der App verfügbar. Mit diesem Schritt setzt Google ein klares Zeichen und verschiebt seinen Fokus vom mobilen Bezahlen hin zum Online-Shopping und Finanzmanagement. Zudem bietet die neue App weitere Features, wie etwa zum Versenden von Geld oder für einen detaillierten Finanzüberblick an. Somit...
Read More »Homeoffice: Google spart mehr als eine Milliarde
Google spart enorme Kosten und daher drängt sich die Frage auf: Rettet Homeoffice Unternehmen durch die Pandemie? Homeoffice ist das „new normal“ in der Arbeitswelt. Schon vor der Corona-Pandemie setzten immer mehr Unternehmen auf flexible mobile Arbeitszeiten. Dass Homeoffice auch für enorme Einsparungen sorgen kann, zeigt der erste Quartalsbericht der Google-Mutter Alphabet. Google Alphabet spart durch Homeoffice-Regeln Alphabet konnte im ersten Quartal 2021 fast 270...
Read More »Keyword Bitcoin: Suchanfragen im April um 100% gestiegen
Keyword Bitcoin: Suchanfragen im April um 100% gestiegen Verdoppelung; so einen Anstieg gab es noch nie: Die Google-Suchanfragen für „Bitcoin“ sind in den letzten Wochen um 100% gestiegen. Ob dies mit der aktuellen Preis-Entwicklung zusammenhängt? Oder war der Börsengang von Coinbase ein wichtiger Treiber? Es gibt immer wieder Studien, welche eine Korrelation von Google...
Read More »How Did Bitcoin Grow So Much Faster Than the Tech Industry?
When compared with some of the world’s biggest tech startups, bitcoin is one of the fastest-growing industries the world has ever seen. The currency reached a $1 trillion valuation in half the time it took leading tech companies such as Amazon, Google and Microsoft. Bitcoin Has Reached $1 Trillion in 12 Years According to Crypto Parrott – a trading simulator in Ireland’s capital city of Dublin – Amazon took a whopping 24 years to reach a $1 trillion valuation. Microsoft...
Read More »Bitcoin Google Searches in Turkey Skyrocket as the Lira Tumbles 15% in a Day
The Google searches for bitcoin skyrocketed to new highs in Turkey earlier today. The sudden increase comes amid a 15% daily price drop for the Turkish lira following the decision of President Tayyip Erdogan to remove the governor of the country’s central bank.Turkish Lira Plummets by 15% in a DayTurkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan shocked the country during the weekend by firing without any explanation the nation’s central bank governor – Naci Agbal. Although Erdogan failed to provide a...
Read More »Cardano Google Searches at All-Time High as Retail Investors Come for ADA
Retail investors appear to have flooded the third-biggest cryptocurrency by market cap – Cardano’s ADA. Google searches have skyrocketed to new highs in the past few weeks, coinciding with the latest price record for the ADA token.Cardano Google Searches Through the RoofGoogle trends data is generally a good indicator of the behavior of retail investors, especially when it comes down to the cryptocurrency space. The number of Google searches for a specific token/project provides a rather...
Read More »Propulsion Academy lanciert Blockchain-Kurs als Reaktion auf wachsenden Bedarf
Propulsion Academy adds Blockchain course in response to growing needs Die in Zürich ansässige Programmier- und Data-Science-Akademie bietet ab sofort vertiefende Blockchain-Schulungen an, um Unternehmen die benötigten Spezialisten zur Verfügung zu stellen Elon Musk Tweets, Armeen von neuen Kryptowährungen, Rekordpreise, … was braucht es noch an Beweisen? Die Blockchain ist hier, um zu bleiben, und die Menschen müssen wissen, wie sie...
Read More »4 Countries Where Bitcoin Searches Hit ATH In Early 2021
With BTC’s price exploding to new highs, the asset’s popularity has grown globally. Google searches for Bitcoin have reached ATH records in several countries, including Chile, Nigeria, Argentina, and Colombia. Interestingly, the trading volumes from most of these nations have also increased lately.Google Searches of BTC To New ATHs In Several CountriesAlthough the worldwide Google searches for the primary cryptocurrency failed to hit a new all-time high amid BTC’s price record of $42,000,...
Read More »Retail Interest in Ethereum Skyrockets as Small ETH Addresses on the Rise
The interest in Ethereum from retail investors has skyrocketed in the past few weeks. Apart from the Google searches reaching all-time high levels beyond the 2017/2018 craze, the number of wallet addresses with relatively small ETH portions has seen new records as well.Google Trends Sees ATH For Ethereum SearchesGoogle trends data is typically a good indicator of the behavior of retail investors, especially when it comes down to less-known investment assets, such as the crypto field. The...
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