Japanese billionaire Yusaku Maezawa has decided to check if money can make people happy in this world. To test that, the Japanese billionaire gives away $9 million (or 1 billion yen) to his Twitter followers. 1000 randomly selected users who retweet the post below may become lucky.ZOZOTOWN新春セールが史上最速で取扱高100億円を先ほど突破!!日頃の感謝を込め、僕個人から100名様に100万円【総額1億円のお年玉】を現金でプレゼントします。応募方法は、僕をフォローいただいた上、このツイートをRTするだけ。受付は1/7まで。当選者には僕から直接DMします! #月に行くならお年玉 pic.twitter.com/cKQfPPbOI3— Yusaku Maezawa (MZ) 前澤友作...
Read More »Story of Melanie Perkins: $3.2 Billion Business from Teenage Dream
You have probably heard of an Australian online design platform Canva and even used it to create graphic designs. But have you known that Canva’s founder Melanie Perkins is one of the youngest female CEOs that leads a $3.2 billion business? Here we are going to tell you the story of Melanie Perkins’ success and show how a dream cherished in high school can come true and totally change one’s life.Melanie Perkins was born in Australia. While attending Sacred Heart College, she started her first...
Read More »How to Passively Earn +1825% per Year: Tips from Bitsmax CEO
Investing in something up-and-coming is the most popular way to get passive earnings. But it is important to know where to invest and how to allocate your funds. David Harding, CEO of crypto trading company Bitsmax, believes it is possible to passively earn +1825% per year. And his prove, provided in this article, is quite solid to believe.Firstly, David Harding is highly optimistic about cryptos and their role in modern society. Admitting their complexity, especially for newbies, he points...
Read More »With the Start 2020, Billionaire Bill Gates Calls for Higher Taxes to the Rich
Microsoft co-founder and billionaire, Bill Gates has a new wish this year and for the next decade starting 2020. In his new year’s wish, Bill Gates asks the government to increase the taxes on the rich.Off lately, Bill Gates has been quite vocal about tweaking the country’s taxation system wherein the ultra-rich pay more taxes to balance the growing income inequality. Therefore, he endorses a tax system that favors “taxing large fortunes that have been held for a long time”. In his latest...
Read More »Decade to Remember: Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, Warren Buffett and Other Best Performers
This year was pretty good for one of the most famous world’s billionaires. However, the whole decade seems to finish even better. Take Warren Buffett for example. He is ending the year with a net worth of approximately $89 billion, up around $42 billion since 2010 and making him the seventh-biggest billionaire gainer of the past 10 years. Let it also be known that the Oracle of Omaha never sold any Berkshire Hathaway, and about 98% of his fortune is made up only of the company’s shares.But,...
Read More »Bill Gates Participated in Reddit’s Secret Santa, Here’s What He Sent as a Gift
Reddit’s Secret Santa gifts exchange is matching people on a random basis, then they send gifts to each other. This year, Reddit user Shelby receives gifts from the top U.S. business shark – Bill Gates.An 81 Pounds Box of Good TasteShelby lives in Detroit, Michigan and she was participating in Reddit Gifts since 2013, just like Bill Gates did. This year, she and her husband were shocked to see that the present sent to them by Secret Santa was an 81 pounds box with a mark #95 on it. This is...
Read More »Tesla’s Hiring Process Doesn’t Require a College Degree, Says Elon Musk
CEO Elon Musk said in a recent tweet that Telsa’s hiring process doesn’t require a degree. He said this in answer to a question on his twitter handle. This is in line with the Technology Entrepreneur’s belief that people are more important than their academic qualifications. It has also affirmed the belief that there are people who possess abilities that college degrees can’t measure.Yes— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) December 22, 2019This echoes the same requirements he gave for employment at the...
Read More »Here’s the Best 2020 Financial Advice from Five Millionaires
The right financial advice is the best way for anyone to join the rank of millionaires. Regardless of what your income level is, there is an ever-present need to make very smart financial decisions. This is one of the best ways to ensure bankruptcy is avoided. However, apart from simply avoiding bankruptcy, there’s a need to avoid stagnancy.Making sure that money doesn’t run out will never be enough. You have to take deliberate steps and make conscious efforts to ensure that there is...
Read More »Warren Buffett’s Gifts He Presents His Family on Holidays
Warren Buffett, an American business magnate, is well-known for his successful investments and vast fortune, has started thinking of gifts for his family amid the upcoming holidays. Being an investment guru, Buffet stays true to his strategic principles when it comes to presents. Warren Buffett’s gifts are well-thought-out.As Buffett’s former daughter-in-law Mary has said, the billionaire used to always give $10,000 in hundred-dollar bills to each of his relatives previously. Then, he started...
Read More »Barcelona and Real Madrid Are the Best-Paid Teams, Shows Sporting Intelligence Survey
Every year, online-provider of sports news Sporting Intelligence conducts Global Sports Salaries Survey. The survey represents the basic annual pay of teams and shows the best-paid of them. According to the latest Sporting Intelligence survey, this year Spanish Barcelona and Real Madrid and Italy’s Juventus have enjoyed the highest salaries. It is notable that Barcelona has managed to keep its top status for the second year in a row.Global Sports Salaries Survey 2019 reads:“Barcelona have...
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