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Tag Archives: Wall Street Journal

Can BLOCKTV Transform Content Monetization Models with the BLTV Token?

“Content is king” and has been since Bill Gates first wrote those words in 1996. Nevertheless, online media publishing is a highly competitive space. News outlets all over the world struggled with the transition to digital and ended up with global publications, including Bloomberg, the Economist, and the Wall Street Journal, paywalling their content. There are still many thousands of outlets providing free news. Advertising is one of the most popular means. The digital advertising market is...

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Facebook Launches News Tab in Partnership with News Outlets to Publish Verified Stories

Over the years, Facebook has had more than its fair share of problems that revolve around the privacy and authenticity of the content found on its platform. There have been many cases of reported breaches causing private data of many of its users to fall into the hands of others, without the users’ consent. There have also been stories surrounding the dissemination of a lot of false or harmful information and even advertisements, on Facebook.On Wednesday, during a biting hearing for...

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Wirtschaftliche Freiheit für alle Länder durch Kryptowährungen?

Hier sind die Top- und Bottom-Ranking-Länder aus dem Index für wirtschaftliche Freiheit von 2018. Die digitale Währung ist möglicherweise der effektivste Weg, den die Welt je gesehen hat, um die wirtschaftliche Freiheit zu erhöhen. In diesem Fall sind die Auswirkungen tiefgreifend. Die Frage ist also: Ist Bitcoin die Währung der Zukunft? Diese Kryptowährung könnte viele Länder aus der Armut befreien, das Leben von Milliarden von Menschen...

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