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Bitcoin Schweiz News

Articles by Bitcoin Schweiz News

Der US-Militärstandard MIL-STD-810: Härtetest für extreme Bedingungen

1 day ago

Das Asus Zenbook 14, wird u.a. vom UK und US-Militär eingesetzt und besteht auch den spezifischen Test. Computer Chips und Halbleiter werden nicht mehr in Taiwan, sondern in Malaysia und Arizona gebaut. Und auch in Sachen Computer hat das US-Militär von Lenovo zu Ausus gewechselt, um dem wachsenden Einfluss von China in Taiwan und Hong Kong entegegen zuwirken. ASUS baut jetzt Notebooks für das US-Militär, welche den Extremen Testbedingungen des MIL-STD-810-Standards entsprechen.
Was ist der US-Militärstandard MIL-STD-810?
Der MIL-STD-810 ist ein US-amerikanischer Militärstandard, der die Widerstandsfähigkeit von Ausrüstung unter

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Crypto Assets-Ökosystem immer diverser: Vielfalt in der Schweiz und Liechtenstein wächst

1 day ago

Das Crypto Valley konzentriert sich in Zug und Zürich – mit gewichtigen Ablegern in Liechtenstein, Genf, Tessin und Waadt. In der Schweiz und Liechtenstein hat sich in den letzten Jahren ein diverses Ökosystem rund um Investitionen in Crypto Assets entwickelt. Auch in den letzten zwölf Monaten ist dieses stetig gewachsen und hat an Vielfalt hinzugewonnen. Die Regionen Zug und Zürich beherbergen die grösste Anzahl von Unternehmen. Einen aktuellen Überblick gibt die neueste «Crypto Assets Study» der Hochschule Luzern.
Zwischen Juli 2023 und Juni 2024 haben sich die Preise und die Marktkapitalisierung von Bitcoin und anderen Crypto

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Hyperbitcoinisierung: Die Bitcoin-Revolution

3 days ago

Hyperbitcoinisierung – ein Begriff, der in der Krypto-Community zunehmend an Bedeutung gewinnt, beschreibt ein Szenario, in dem Bitcoin zur dominierenden globalen Währung aufsteigt und traditionelle Fiat-Währungen in den Schatten stellt. Ein Szenario, wobei auch der Bitcoin-Preis auf allen Bitcoin-Börsen durch die Decke schiesst! Es geht um mehr als nur eine steigende Akzeptanz von Bitcoin; es geht um eine grundlegende Veränderung des globalen Finanzsystems, weg von zentralisierten, staatlich kontrollierten Währungen hin zu einem dezentralisierten, auf Kryptographie basierenden System.
Befürworter der Hyperbitcoinisierung sehen in

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Darum ist Bitcoin in der Prepper-Szene so beliebt

3 days ago

Prepper (abgeleitet von englisch to be prepared für bereit sein bzw. dem englischen Pfadfindergruß Be prepared für „Sei bereit! “ oder „Allzeit bereit“) bezeichnet Personen, die sich mittels individueller Maßnahmen auf verschiedene Arten von Katastrophen vorbereiten. In der Prepper-Szene, einer Subkultur, die sich intensiv auf Krisen- und Katastrophensituationen vorbereitet, erfreut sich Bitcoin wachsender Beliebtheit. Diese digitale Währung, die dezentral und unabhängig von staatlichen Institutionen funktioniert, bietet Preppern eine Reihe von Vorteilen, die sie ideal für ihre Bedürfnisse machen. Hier sind einige der Hauptgründe,

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JustAnswer: Expertenwissen auf Abruf

3 days ago

JustAnswer: Haben Sie Fragen aus dem medizinischen Bereich? Fragen Sie jetzt einen Arzt online! JustAnswer ist eine Online-Plattform, die Ratsuchende mit qualifizierten Experten auf verschiedenen Fachgebieten verbindet. Das Prinzip ist simpel: Nutzer stellen ihre Fragen und erhalten Antworten von Experten, die ihr Wissen und ihre Erfahrung teilen.
Der Prozess beginnt mit der Frage des Nutzers, die er detailliert formuliert und in die entsprechende Kategorie eingibt. Anschließend wird die Anfrage an verfügbare Experten weitergeleitet, die ihre Expertise anbieten. Der Nutzer kann dann einen Experten auswählen, basierend auf

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Open Source Hardware: Das MNT Reform Notebook

3 days ago

MNT Reform is uniquely designed to be as open and transparent as possible, and to support a free and open source software stack from the ground up. We invite you to take a look under the hood, customize the documented electronics, and even repair it yourself if you like. In einer Welt, in der Technologie oft als Black Box erscheint, stellt das MNT Reform Notebook eine erfrischende Ausnahme dar. Es verkörpert die Philosophie von Open Source Hardware, bei der jeder Aspekt des Geräts transparent und für Modifikationen und Reparaturen zugänglich ist.
Das MNT Reform ist nicht einfach nur ein Laptop. Es ist ein Statement für digitale

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Stress wird Smile Influencer und tritt im neuen TV- Spot auf

3 days ago

Stress wird Smile Influencer und tritt im neuen TV-
Spot auf Smile, die grösste Online-Versicherung der Schweiz, erweitert ihr bunt gemischtes Influencer-Kollektiv mit einem weiteren hochkarätigen Künstler: Rapper Stress ist ab heute mit an Bord.
Stress, mit bürgerlichem Namen Andres Andrekson, hat die Schweizer Hip-Hop-Szene in den letzten Jahrzehnten stark geprägt. Mit zehn Alben, wovon zwei Platinstatus erreichten und fünf auf Platz 1 der Schweizer Musik Charts landeten, gilt er als einer der grössten Schweizer Musiker. Er ist der meistprämierte Artist der Swiss Music Awards und veröffentlichte das erste frankofone

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Deutsche Bank-Backed Taurus Expands Reach with $41T State Street Partnership

3 days ago

State Street Announces Agreement with Taurus to Deliver Full Service Digital Platform for Institutional Investors State Street Corporation (NYSE: STT) and Taurus SA („Taurus“), a global leader in digital asset infrastructure, today announced a strategic agreement that will deliver trusted and reliable digital assets capabilities for State Street Bank and Trust Company clients. The agreement will further enhance State Street Digital, which seeks to provide an integrated business and operating model that supports the digital investment lifecycle.

“The collaboration with Taurus underscores our ongoing commitment to further

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Postfinance: Wissenswertes über Bitcoin

3 days ago

Die Postfinance erkärt Bitcoin: Wissenswertes über digitale Vermögenswerte Die Postfinance hat mittlerweile ein nettes Portal aufgeschaltet, wo die Postfinance den Kunden auf eine gute Art Bitcoin erklärt:
Es gibt viele verschiedene Kryptowährungen und jeden Tag kommen neue hinzu, während andere manchmal verschwinden. Sie stossen bei Anleger:innen auf grosses Interesse, werden aber nach wie vor kontrovers diskutiert. Möchten Sie selbst Bitcoins und andere Kryptowährungen kaufen, ist es ratsam, sich vorab zumindest ein Grundverständnis

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Integrierte Solana-Links auf herkömmlichen Websites: Ein Schritt in die Zukunft des Web3

4 days ago

Solana ist ein öffentliches Blockchainprojekt. Es ist quelloffen und dezentralisiert, wobei der Konsens durch Proof of Stake und Proof of History erreicht wird. Ihre interne Kryptowährung trägt das Kürzel SOL. Die Plattform wird auch mit Projekten wie Ethereum verglichen Die Blockchain-Technologie hat das Potenzial, die Art und Weise, wie wir mit dem Internet interagieren, grundlegend zu verändern. Solana, eine der führenden Blockchain-Plattformen, ist bekannt für ihre schnellen Transaktionen und niedrigen Gebühren. Durch die Integration von Solana-Links auf herkömmlichen Websites können wir einen wichtigen Schritt in Richtung einer

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SUI: Der neue Solana-Herausforderer?

4 days ago

SUI: Herausforderer oder Nachzügler im Solana-Rennen? In der sich ständig weiterentwickelnden Blockchain-Landschaft tauchen immer wieder neue Plattformen auf, die etablierte Platzhirsche herausfordern. SUI, eine Smart-Contract-Plattform mit Fokus auf schnelle Transaktionen, hat kürzlich durch einen beeindruckenden Preisanstieg seines nativen Tokens SUI für Aufsehen gesorgt. Doch kann SUI wirklich mit Solana, einem der führenden Player im Bereich der schnellen Blockchains, konkurrieren?
SUI hat zweifellos einige überzeugende Eigenschaften. Die Plattform wurde von Grund auf für Geschwindigkeit und Skalierbarkeit entwickelt und kann

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DENT: Die eSIM-Revolution mit eigenem Token

6 days ago

This Year’s Theme: “On the Move” Throughout history, people have left their homes for a variety of reasons and have found themselves in faraway places. This has led to encounters with foreign lands, their inhabitants, their customs, their flora and fauna. Cultural heritage collections are full of artifacts resulting from and bearing witness to those people “on the move”: archival records, travel reports, audiovisual documents, object collections, oral histories etc. These artifacts weave an invisible web between people and places, between events and stories being told about them, between heritage collections and scholars, and between the people of every generation making sense of them – through artistic creation, through the (de-)construction of collective memories, or by

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Wird Odysee zum neuen Youtube?

7 days ago

Odysee ist eine unterhaltsame, freundliche und sichere Video-Sharing-Plattform, die Memes und Spaghetti liebt. Odysee ist eine Videoplattform, die sich als dezentrale und zensurfreie Alternative zu etablierten Plattformen wie YouTube positioniert. Sie basiert auf der Blockchain-Technologie und der Kryptowährung LBRY Credits (LBC), was zu einem einzigartigen Belohnungssystem für Content-Ersteller und Nutzer führt.
Sieht ein wenig aus wie Youtube, ist aber eine voll funktionstüchtige Alternative mit integrierter Kryptowährung (LBRY-Token): Odysee: Die zukunftsweisende Alternative zu YouTubeIm Gegensatz zu zentralisierten Plattformen,

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Odysee: Das neue Youtube?

7 days ago

This Year’s Theme: “On the Move” Throughout history, people have left their homes for a variety of reasons and have found themselves in faraway places. This has led to encounters with foreign lands, their inhabitants, their customs, their flora and fauna. Cultural heritage collections are full of artifacts resulting from and bearing witness to those people “on the move”: archival records, travel reports, audiovisual documents, object collections, oral histories etc. These artifacts weave an invisible web between people and places, between events and stories being told about them, between heritage collections and scholars, and between the people of every generation making sense of them – through artistic creation, through the (de-)construction of collective memories, or by

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Trade Republic vs. Bitpanda: Die Suche nach dem idealen deutschen Depot

7 days ago

This Year’s Theme: “On the Move” Throughout history, people have left their homes for a variety of reasons and have found themselves in faraway places. This has led to encounters with foreign lands, their inhabitants, their customs, their flora and fauna. Cultural heritage collections are full of artifacts resulting from and bearing witness to those people “on the move”: archival records, travel reports, audiovisual documents, object collections, oral histories etc. These artifacts weave an invisible web between people and places, between events and stories being told about them, between heritage collections and scholars, and between the people of every generation making sense of them – through artistic creation, through the (de-)construction of collective memories, or by

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Affenpocken via Geldnoten? Ein genauerer Blick auf die Übertragungswege

7 days ago

This Year’s Theme: “On the Move” Throughout history, people have left their homes for a variety of reasons and have found themselves in faraway places. This has led to encounters with foreign lands, their inhabitants, their customs, their flora and fauna. Cultural heritage collections are full of artifacts resulting from and bearing witness to those people “on the move”: archival records, travel reports, audiovisual documents, object collections, oral histories etc. These artifacts weave an invisible web between people and places, between events and stories being told about them, between heritage collections and scholars, and between the people of every generation making sense of them – through artistic creation, through the (de-)construction of collective memories, or by

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Bitpanda sponsert AC Milan und will damit zum Nr. 1 Bitcoin Broker in Italien werden!

9 days ago

This Year’s Theme: “On the Move” Throughout history, people have left their homes for a variety of reasons and have found themselves in faraway places. This has led to encounters with foreign lands, their inhabitants, their customs, their flora and fauna. Cultural heritage collections are full of artifacts resulting from and bearing witness to those people “on the move”: archival records, travel reports, audiovisual documents, object collections, oral histories etc. These artifacts weave an invisible web between people and places, between events and stories being told about them, between heritage collections and scholars, and between the people of every generation making sense of them – through artistic creation, through the (de-)construction of collective memories, or by

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3 Gründe, warum sich deutsche Händler auf den neuen SOL Meme Coin stürzen

9 days ago

This Year’s Theme: “On the Move” Throughout history, people have left their homes for a variety of reasons and have found themselves in faraway places. This has led to encounters with foreign lands, their inhabitants, their customs, their flora and fauna. Cultural heritage collections are full of artifacts resulting from and bearing witness to those people “on the move”: archival records, travel reports, audiovisual documents, object collections, oral histories etc. These artifacts weave an invisible web between people and places, between events and stories being told about them, between heritage collections and scholars, and between the people of every generation making sense of them – through artistic creation, through the (de-)construction of collective memories, or by

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Bitget Wallet erreicht 30 Millionen Nutzer und überholt MetaMask in App-Downloads im Juli

9 days ago

This Year’s Theme: “On the Move” Throughout history, people have left their homes for a variety of reasons and have found themselves in faraway places. This has led to encounters with foreign lands, their inhabitants, their customs, their flora and fauna. Cultural heritage collections are full of artifacts resulting from and bearing witness to those people “on the move”: archival records, travel reports, audiovisual documents, object collections, oral histories etc. These artifacts weave an invisible web between people and places, between events and stories being told about them, between heritage collections and scholars, and between the people of every generation making sense of them – through artistic creation, through the (de-)construction of collective memories, or by

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Blockchain Africa Conference 2024: Celebrating a Decade of Blockchain Innovation Across the Continent

9 days ago

Cape Town, South Africa – 13 August 2024 – Prepare yourself for the most thrilling African Web3 event of the year! The Blockchain Africa Conference is back, celebrating its monumental 10th anniversary. This year marks a decade of groundbreaking innovation, transformative conversations, and game-changing solutions that are propelling Africa to the forefront of the global blockchain revolution.
Since its inception, the Blockchain Africa Conference has been the epicenter of dynamic discussions on how blockchain technology is reshaping the continent. From financial inclusion and cross-border payments to identity management, healthcare, and supply chain management, this milestone event is where the future of Africa’s blockchain ecosystem is forged.
Why You Can’t Miss Blockchain Africa

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China kauft seit 3 Monaten kein Gold mehr

10 days ago

This Year’s Theme: “On the Move” Throughout history, people have left their homes for a variety of reasons and have found themselves in faraway places. This has led to encounters with foreign lands, their inhabitants, their customs, their flora and fauna. Cultural heritage collections are full of artifacts resulting from and bearing witness to those people “on the move”: archival records, travel reports, audiovisual documents, object collections, oral histories etc. These artifacts weave an invisible web between people and places, between events and stories being told about them, between heritage collections and scholars, and between the people of every generation making sense of them – through artistic creation, through the (de-)construction of collective memories, or by

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Kartenüberweisungen in 70 Ländern mit Revolut Business einfach gemacht

11 days ago

This Year’s Theme: “On the Move” Throughout history, people have left their homes for a variety of reasons and have found themselves in faraway places. This has led to encounters with foreign lands, their inhabitants, their customs, their flora and fauna. Cultural heritage collections are full of artifacts resulting from and bearing witness to those people “on the move”: archival records, travel reports, audiovisual documents, object collections, oral histories etc. These artifacts weave an invisible web between people and places, between events and stories being told about them, between heritage collections and scholars, and between the people of every generation making sense of them – through artistic creation, through the (de-)construction of collective memories, or by

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Gedenkmünzen der Bundesrepublik Deutschland: Ein Überblick über Geschichte, Design und Sammlerwert

11 days ago

This Year’s Theme: “On the Move” Throughout history, people have left their homes for a variety of reasons and have found themselves in faraway places. This has led to encounters with foreign lands, their inhabitants, their customs, their flora and fauna. Cultural heritage collections are full of artifacts resulting from and bearing witness to those people “on the move”: archival records, travel reports, audiovisual documents, object collections, oral histories etc. These artifacts weave an invisible web between people and places, between events and stories being told about them, between heritage collections and scholars, and between the people of every generation making sense of them – through artistic creation, through the (de-)construction of collective memories, or by

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Ab 100 Franken in Dubai-Immos investieren

11 days ago

This Year’s Theme: “On the Move” Throughout history, people have left their homes for a variety of reasons and have found themselves in faraway places. This has led to encounters with foreign lands, their inhabitants, their customs, their flora and fauna. Cultural heritage collections are full of artifacts resulting from and bearing witness to those people “on the move”: archival records, travel reports, audiovisual documents, object collections, oral histories etc. These artifacts weave an invisible web between people and places, between events and stories being told about them, between heritage collections and scholars, and between the people of every generation making sense of them – through artistic creation, through the (de-)construction of collective memories, or by

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Tiflis: Ein aufstrebender Bitcoin-Hub

11 days ago

This Year’s Theme: “On the Move” Throughout history, people have left their homes for a variety of reasons and have found themselves in faraway places. This has led to encounters with foreign lands, their inhabitants, their customs, their flora and fauna. Cultural heritage collections are full of artifacts resulting from and bearing witness to those people “on the move”: archival records, travel reports, audiovisual documents, object collections, oral histories etc. These artifacts weave an invisible web between people and places, between events and stories being told about them, between heritage collections and scholars, and between the people of every generation making sense of them – through artistic creation, through the (de-)construction of collective memories, or by

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Bitget fördert Blockchain-Talente durch Zusammenarbeit mit der Universität Zürich

11 days ago

This Year’s Theme: “On the Move” Throughout history, people have left their homes for a variety of reasons and have found themselves in faraway places. This has led to encounters with foreign lands, their inhabitants, their customs, their flora and fauna. Cultural heritage collections are full of artifacts resulting from and bearing witness to those people “on the move”: archival records, travel reports, audiovisual documents, object collections, oral histories etc. These artifacts weave an invisible web between people and places, between events and stories being told about them, between heritage collections and scholars, and between the people of every generation making sense of them – through artistic creation, through the (de-)construction of collective memories, or by

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GITEX Technology 2024: Das globale Epizentrum der Innovation

11 days ago

This Year’s Theme: “On the Move” Throughout history, people have left their homes for a variety of reasons and have found themselves in faraway places. This has led to encounters with foreign lands, their inhabitants, their customs, their flora and fauna. Cultural heritage collections are full of artifacts resulting from and bearing witness to those people “on the move”: archival records, travel reports, audiovisual documents, object collections, oral histories etc. These artifacts weave an invisible web between people and places, between events and stories being told about them, between heritage collections and scholars, and between the people of every generation making sense of them – through artistic creation, through the (de-)construction of collective memories, or by

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Morgan Stanley goes Bitcoin

11 days ago

This Year’s Theme: “On the Move” Throughout history, people have left their homes for a variety of reasons and have found themselves in faraway places. This has led to encounters with foreign lands, their inhabitants, their customs, their flora and fauna. Cultural heritage collections are full of artifacts resulting from and bearing witness to those people “on the move”: archival records, travel reports, audiovisual documents, object collections, oral histories etc. These artifacts weave an invisible web between people and places, between events and stories being told about them, between heritage collections and scholars, and between the people of every generation making sense of them – through artistic creation, through the (de-)construction of collective memories, or by

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Airalo: Der beste Anbieter von eSIM-Karten?

11 days ago

This Year’s Theme: “On the Move” Throughout history, people have left their homes for a variety of reasons and have found themselves in faraway places. This has led to encounters with foreign lands, their inhabitants, their customs, their flora and fauna. Cultural heritage collections are full of artifacts resulting from and bearing witness to those people “on the move”: archival records, travel reports, audiovisual documents, object collections, oral histories etc. These artifacts weave an invisible web between people and places, between events and stories being told about them, between heritage collections and scholars, and between the people of every generation making sense of them – through artistic creation, through the (de-)construction of collective memories, or by

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PayPal-Aktie: Eine Investition mit Potenzial?

12 days ago

This Year’s Theme: “On the Move” Throughout history, people have left their homes for a variety of reasons and have found themselves in faraway places. This has led to encounters with foreign lands, their inhabitants, their customs, their flora and fauna. Cultural heritage collections are full of artifacts resulting from and bearing witness to those people “on the move”: archival records, travel reports, audiovisual documents, object collections, oral histories etc. These artifacts weave an invisible web between people and places, between events and stories being told about them, between heritage collections and scholars, and between the people of every generation making sense of them – through artistic creation, through the (de-)construction of collective memories, or by

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