A class-action suit against both Tether and cryptocurrency trading platform Bitfinex alleging that these parties manipulated the bitcoin price back in 2017 has been withdrawn.Tether and Bitfinex Are In a RutNote that this doesn’t mean the lawsuit has been dropped or taken out of commission. Rather, it was withdrawn and then resubmitted through a new plaintiff in an entirely different jurisdiction.Both companies have been under fire for some time when in 2018, University of Texas finance...
Read More »PewDiePie Shamelessly Shills TRON and Ponzi Blockchain DLive
PewDiePie’s credibility is in question after he shamelessly plugged a rather dubious cryptocurrency project DLive claims to be blockchain-based but their proprietary currency has some major issues If you blindly trust everything that Felix Kjellberg says you need to re-evaluate your priorities Swedish digital influencer Felix ‘PewDiePie’ Kjellberg is almost certainly not short of cash. But that didn’t stop the YouTube superstar from shilling a rather sketchy...
Read More »Is Chainlink Outperforming Bitcoin?
Bitcoin, for the most part, has been rather bullish during the start of the new year, but there’s one cryptocurrency – Chain Link – that some sources say is doing much better.Chain Link Is Doing Quite WellBitcoin initially began the year over $7,000. It later fell back into the $6,000 range (albeit briefly) before a military drone strike in Iran by U.S. forces led bitcoin into what is considered the first bull rally the coin has experienced in roughly two months. It has been jumping by...
Read More »Bitfinex Gets Recent Lawsuit Refiled to Another Court
On 8 January, a day after the document is taken from the court, two plaintiffs sent a lawsuit against iFinex Inc., Bitfinex and Tether to another court. This lawsuit travels from Washington to New York, according to the Block.Bitfinex Has Three Weighty Cases against ItselfThe Western District Court in Washington gave the case back to Eric Young and Adam Kurtz, the crypto traders standing behind the third lawsuit against Tether. Despite yesterday’s news, the lawsuit was filed again, this time...
Read More »TRON’s Justin Sun Teases Secret ‘Multibillion Benefits’ Project
TRON (TRX) CEO Justin Sun teased a new secret project which would bring in at least 100 million new users. Sun also promised his new DLive and BitTorrent project would bring “multibillion benefits” to the TRON ecosystem. Reaction to Sun’s tweet was healthily skeptical, given the founder’s long history of baseless predictions and promises. TRON founder Justin Sun is cooking up a secret project that will bring “multibillion benefits” to the TRX ecosystem. That’s...
Read More »Bitcoin Surges to $8,300 As Altcoins Regain Confidence: Sunday Crypto Market Watch
The whole cryptocurrency market has been somewhat volatile over the last several days. Bitcoin, for example, is almost invariably on the move. Friday, it went down to $7,666 on Bitstamp and yesterday surged to nearly $8,300. At the time of this writing, it has calmed to around $8,100.Taking a look at the technical aspects, $7,700 serves as a major support line now, followed by $7,400. If Bitcoin’s bullish 2020 move is to continue, it would have to break the most significant resistance level...
Read More »SEC Shows Proofs Telegram Is Violating Securities Law
On Friday, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) had filed invoices to the court. The SEC is claiming that brothers Nikolai and Pavel Durov were selling the Gram tokens after the initial pre-sale end.If It Has No Flaws, Invent ThemTelegram officially claimed that they did not conduct any sales after the initial offering end.However, the SEC representatives are sure that Telegram accountants have been messing with papers. Maybe Telegram managers got a total of 1.7 billion during the...
Read More »New York Is Looking to Release Its Own Blockchain Payment System
Here’s an interesting “reversal of attitude.” The state of New York – which up to this point, has been relatively anti-crypto – is suddenly announcing plans to launch its own cryptocurrency payment system in the coming years.Does New York Suddenly Love Crypto?This is strange given that New York has widely been criticized for stifling cryptocurrency and blockchain innovation within its borders. The state issued the dreaded BitLicense approximately five years ago.Many saw this document as a...
Read More »Bitcoin SV mit fast 50 Prozent Kursplus
Craig Wright behauptet immer noch, Erfinder des Bitcoins zu sein. Als Satoshi Nakamoto habe er den BTC entwickelt und als er erkannte, was aus seiner Kreation geworden ist, erfand er den Bitcoin SV, als „wahren Bitcoin“ – so zumindest seine Geschichte.Cryptocoin News: Bitcoin SV mit fast 50 Prozent KursplusAuch die Rechtsstreitigkeiten im Zusammenhang mit Wright und seiner vermeintlichen Identität als Satoshi nehmen kein Ende. Und sie waren nun Auslöser für einen Boom des Bitcoin SV (BSV),...
Read More »NBA Player’s Tokenized Investment Platform DREAM Not to Be a Dream after All?
Brooklyn Nets guard Spencer Dinwiddie is said to finally be issuing shares tied to his contract beginning January 13 through his DREAM platform. Just to remind y’all, in September last year NBA blocked this idea. The organization then claimed that Dinwiddie’s plan to bond one part of his contract earnings for a security token offering is against the league’s collective bargaining agreement.NBA wrote:“The described arrangement is prohibited by the C.B.A., which provides that ‘no player shall...
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