Ethereum (ETH) was recently at the center of a “Christmas controversy.”What’s Going On with Ethereum?Several cryptocurrency enthusiasts reported a ton of ether tokens being moved between exchanges on Christmas Day. The selloff left several observers confused and wondering if perhaps a whale was at work, thereby inciting worry and concern that the crypto industry was likely to suffer from some stiff drops. Overall, more than 200,000 Ethereum was moved.The amount totals nearly $26 million. At...
Read More »Samsung Adds Support For 3 New TRON dApps
TRON network’s partnership with the technological giant Samsung appears to be expanding. Just two months after announcing on the initial deal to be integrated on the latter’s Blockchain Keystore, Samsung adds support for three new TRON-based dApps for its Galaxy S10 phone.Samsung To Support 3 New TRON dAppsAccording to a recent Korean report, three of TRON-based decentralized applications will be available on of the bestselling smartphones launched by the tech giant, such as the flagship...
Read More »Craig Wright: My BTC Fortune Cannot Be Accessed
To say that Craig Wright has been a controversial figure in the cryptocurrency industry would be something of an understatement. To say that he’s a man who’s sought to turn the space upside down would probably be more accurate to some analysts and observers.Wright: Nobody Can Touch My CoinsWright recently emerged to say that his alleged bitcoin fortune – which may or may not exist – is likely to remain locked for some time. Recently, a lawsuit outcome required that Wright forfeit roughly $3...
Read More »Swiss President Says ‘No’ to Libra Project
Swiss outgoing President and Finance Minister Ueli Maurer said on Friday that Facebook’s Libra project “failed in its current form and needs reworking to be approved.”He said:“I don’t think Libra has a chance in its current form, because central banks will not accept the basket of currencies underpinning it. The project, in this form, has thus failed.”Regulators all over the world have been worried that Libra would possibly increment the risk of money laundering and criminal actions through...
Read More »Bitcoin P2P Trading Volume at ATH in Venezuela And Argentina
Interest in cryptocurrencies, especially bitcoin, in Latin America is on the rise as popular bitcoin Peer-to-Peer trading platform LocalBitcoins has been recording tremendous surges in its weekly BTC trading volume in Venezuela and Argentina. P2P Bitcoin Volume SpikesData from CoinDance, a crypto statistics platform, reveals that there was a spike in trading activities on LocalBitcoins last week, leading to a new all-time high in the weekly trading volume of Bitcoin in the local currencies of...
Read More »Bosch als Obyte Witness bestätigt
Es war eigentlich nur eine Formsache, dennoch lag die Entscheidung komplett in den Händen der Community. Bosch Connectory wurde von dieser (fast einstimmig) als neuer Obyte Witness bestätigt, wodurch der Standort Stuttgart zu einem der aufregendsten Standorte der Crypto-Community in Deutschland werden könnte.Crypto News: Bosch als Obyte Witness bestätigtLetztlich stimmten 178 der 180 abgegebenen Stimmenadressen für Bosch als neuen Obyte Witness – ein klares Votum. Bosch Connectory ist damit...
Read More »Lumi Wallet Recalls 2019: EOS, Dapps, Credit Card Payments and a Special Holiday Offer
Place/Date: - December 28th, 2019 at 9:49 am UTC · 4 min read Contact: LUMI, Source: LUMI Photo: LUMIThis was a hot year for crypto, with BTC surging up from the pit it was in at the beginning of the year to a stable $7-8k by the end, rapidly developing altcoins and the rapt attention of governments and users. It is early to speak about mass adoption, but the fact that crypto is in our lives to stay is undeniable.Lumi Wallet wasn’t an exception as 2019 was a challenging and productive year...
Read More »Job Losses and Indirect Finances: The “Darker Side” of Ethereum?
No doubt Ethereum (ETH) is a hardcore crypto asset that’s not to be messed with. It’s the second-largest cryptocurrency by market cap, and it holds its ground over the likes of Ripple (XRP), bitcoin cash (BCH), EOS (EOS) and Litecoin (LTC).Ethereum Still Has Some IssuesBut even top products and companies appear to suffer from time to time, and Ethereum is no exception. The company recently announced that it was having to cancel out several jobs in both the Philippines and India. While it’s...
Read More »UEFA, AlphaWallet to Power Up EURO 2020 Tickets with Ethereum Blockchain
AlphaWallet is a tokenization firm providing companies with exclusive services of launching their coins. Boosted by the Ethereum network, AW allows users to take advantage of DeFi, DAOs, stable coins and ERC-20 smart contracts.Together with the UEFA, AW plans to bring the crypto fans together with football fans. This will happen through an Ethereum integration, with over 20,000 tokens put on the custom blockchain to back up the tickets.Victor Zhang, AlphaWallet CEO, noted:“If we can convert...
Read More »Roger Ver: BCH Will Soon Be Much Larger than Bitcoin
Roger Ver used to be a full-time bitcoin fanatic. He was one of the currency’s early investors, which earned him the nickname “Bitcoin Jesus.”Roger Ver: I’m a BCH Man, Not BitcoinHowever, in recent years, Ver has shifted his focus and love over to bitcoin’s baby brother bitcoin cash (BCH). BCH came about in 2017 following a hard fork of the head honcho of crypto. The currency rose to prominence just months later when the entire industry was experiencing bull behavior like we had never...
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