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Youtube Live : Table ronde virtuelle du Cercle du Coin

Le Cercle du Coin, association francophone sur le Bitcoin, les monnaies décentralisées et les blockchains, vous convie à sa première table ronde virtuelle qui aura le mercredi 8 avril de 17h00 à 19h00. Le format est semi-participatif, les intervenants discuteront d’un sujet et les spectateurs pourront interagir via le chat Youtube. Les modérateurs auront alors le loisir de faire remonter les questions intéressantes.  Au...

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Ethereum (ETH) Price Fell by around 1.5% but May Rise Soon as ETH 2.0 Upgrade Gets Closer

Though Ethereum price is falling now, many traders think that a massive rally is underway as ETH 2.0 upgrade is getting closer.Ethereum (ETH) price has fallen by 1.27% in the past 24 hours. This comes as the new upgrade to Eth 2.0 is just around the corner. Current price levels at $168.63 have made everyone believe that Ethereum holds promise and may do even better in the markets this year. The first fundamental thing to change for Ethereum this year would be the shift to proof-of-stake...

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Opinion: How Matic Network Overtakes Loom in the Second-Layer Scaling War

Blockchain scaling is back in the news – although, in truth, it never went away. Instead, higher global events conspired to relegate it to the inside pages for a time. Now, as the crypto markets show signs of a resurgence, with bitcoin back in the green for the year to date, on-chain scaling is a hot topic again.Decentralized applications require fast and low-cost transactions since every activity made in-app, such as placing a bet or creating an avatar, is saved on-chain. Networks such as...

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Market Greenlights AMZN Stock, It Is Up 0.47% in Pre-market as Amazon Halts Its New Delivery Service

Amazon (AMZN) stock is set to climb higher as the company suspends its new shipping services to focus on its core business as customer demand Inc (NASDAQ: AMZN) has announced plans to suspend its delivery service until further notice. The company had started Amazon Shipping to rival other logistics giants like FedEx and UPS, making the option available in a few places, including Los Angeles. However, according to a Wall Street Journal report, Amazon will stop from June, and...

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#855 Warum DAX und Bitcoin zeitnah wieder einbrechen & Max Keiser – Bitcoin jetzt verkaufen ein Verbrechen

Hey Krypto Fans, willkommen zur Bitcoin-Informant Show Nr. 855. Heute sprechen wir über folgende Themen: Warum DAX und Bitcoin zeitnah wieder einbrechen werden & Max Keiser – Bitcoin jetzt für „Fiat-Schuldscheine“ zu verkaufen  ein Verbrechen 1.) Warum DAX und Bitcoin zeitnah wieder einbrechen werden 2.) Max Keiser: Bitcoin jetzt für „Fiat-Schuldscheine“ zu verkaufen, wäre ein...

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Tesla Tested A Blockchain-Based Cargo Release Application

A collaboration including CargoSmart Limited, Cosco Shipping Lines (COSCO), Shanghai International Port Group (SIPG), and Tesla has tested a blockchain-based cargo release application. The app managed to significantly shorten the discharging time needed and made it easier for Tesla’s logistics teams to control the offloading process.Tesla To Employ A Blockchain-Based AppIn a press release from earlier today, CargoSmart Limited announced the pilot project. It comes as a result of a partnership...

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#854 Binance schluckt CoinMarketCap – das bedeutet die Übernahme

*Sponsored Post –* CoinMarketCap ist eine der am häufigsten besuchten Seiten in der Krypto-Sphere. Folglich ist ein gewisses Interesse seitens anderer Unternehmen keine sonderliche Verwunderung.  Nichtsdestotrotz sorgte die Mitteilung, dass die Krypto-Börse Binance nun die Übernahme von CoinMarketCap für ein Gesamtvolumen von 400 Millionen US-Dollar plant, für Verwunderung. Die Meldung hat das normalerweise gut informierte Medium TheBlock unter...

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Eminer Seeks to Emerge Victorious in the Battle for Hash Rates

The three characteristics of blockchain decentralization, security and immutability are all based on hash rate guarantee. As the price of Bitcoin continues to rise, the hash rate of the entire network is also increasing. We have found that the energy consumption brought about by the significant increase in hash rate is also intensifying. How can hash rates be efficiently used to extract maximum value?  The Eminer hash rate service platform solved this problem.The core of Eminer is the...

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Ripple-Compatible Chip Development Is Said to Be Sponsored by U.S. Navy 

Ripple and XRP are in the spotlight once again after the news that the U.S. Navy is hiring a firm to create implantable microchips that would be compatible with Ripple’s blockchain.It was a huge breakthrough for Ripple and the XRP community after the company’s blockchain won a big boost from the U.S. Navy. In an interview, the president of Solari Inc., Catherine Austin Fitts, said a year ago the U.S. Navy had hired a Danish tech company to develop an implantable microchip and make it...

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XRP Price Hits $0.20 as Over 200M Coins Transferred Anonymously

XRP price has risen by around 8% within the last 24 hours. 211 million XRP has been recently transferred between several wallets with some anonymous and others identified to be owned by corporate investors.As every crypto coin has begun to gain momentum and is rising now, XRP price is also rising. The coin is trading at $0.20 at the time of writing. It means that the coin has gained 7.78% within 24 hours.The crypto has broken above the overhead resistance at $0.18867. If the bulls can sustain...

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