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VeChain Compromised; Nearly $7 Million in Crypto Funds Stolen

It’s happened again, folks. Another massive cryptocurrency hack is in the books. This time, the subject of the attack is VeChain, an enterprise blockchain platform that’s reporting losses of nearly $7 million.VeChain Is In the PitsApproximately 1.1 billion VET tokens – the official cryptocurrency of VeChain – have been stolen, amounting to roughly $6.53 million USD. In a blog post, the company states that the hack came about due to “human error” and the “mismanagement of the private key by...

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Accenture to Welcome Corporate Clients on Marco Polo Shipping Blockchain

In what seems like a perfect match, Accenture has entered into a working relationship with a blockchain startup TradeIX to begin onboarding service for clients onto the Marco Polo Network. Sources have indicated that the relationship between the two entities began after Accenture made a yet-to-be-known investment in TradeIX. Accenture will provide specific use-case scenarios that go beyond their traditional banking services to provide unique solutions that involve trade finance for clients...

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Dow Jones Predicted to Keep Rising as U.S-China Trade Deal Moving Forward

2019 has been a very interesting year for the stock market. While it has had its ups and downs as should be normally expected, it’s performed quite impressively regardless of certain issues. One of the most popular issues that have affected the stock market and the economy at large is the trade war between the U.S. and China that has been going on for a while now. Both countries have repeatedly slammed each other with tariffs that have had significant effects on both economies. However, both...

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State Street Announces Partnership with Gemini to Launch Crypto Asset Pilot

American financial services and holding company State Street Corporation has announced a new partnership with the Gemini crypto exchange and custodian firm, to test a new product that will perform reporting scenarios on digital assets held in custody with Gemini.According to the official State Street press release, the trial is the first of its kind and will first report on custody held on only two digital assets, citing issues with liquidity. The plan, however, is that the pilot will later...

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Open Interest in Bakkt’s Bitcoin Futures Hits Record Highs of $7.02 Million

In what has been seen by many in the crypto space as a win, the open interest of the Bitcoin futures platform Bakkt has reached new all-time highs. Sources indicate that this occurred yesterday and that this shows fresh inflows from new entrants into the Bitcoin marketplace. Twitter’s BakktBot has further put the open interest at $7.02 million which shows strong trading activity on the Intercontinental Exchange-managed platform and also greater liquidity within the Bitcoin futures market in...

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Bitcoin Tanks Below $7000 as PlusToken Scammers Cash Out

In yet another major sell-off Bitcoin price crashed below its crucial support of $7000 on Monday, December 16. As per blockchain researcher Chainalysis, this dumping is part of another major scam brewing in the crypto industry.In its report, Chainalysis mentions a China-based Ponzi scheme PlusToken which is dumping its crypto holdings to cash out. PlusToken, a cryptocurrency wallet, trapped investors by promising high returns to those purchasing their native PLUS cryptocurrency against...

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Top 7 Referral Programs in Crypto Trade: Where to Go and What to Expect

When some folks claim they’re into cryptocurrencies because of the thrill of the blockchain… well, they’re lying for the most part. Or at the very least not revealing everything. All things aside, it’s about the profits. How can I make money? How can I do it fast? How can I do it legitimately and securely?Whereas media sources nowadays bombard their readers and viewers with a zillion ways to make a quick buck by trading, exchanging, and investing into cryptocurrencies, there exist other, more...

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Cryptocurrencies Work Thanks to Key People, Not Blockchains

The outsiders may believe fancy Telegram graphs showing Bitcoin‘s decentralization levels and metrics. However, many of that stats supply data from a parallel reality. Because you cannot claim full decentralization when the majority of the industry is maintained by the same three to five companies. The will of the investors, not the cyberpunk spirit, changes the price of coins or destroys companies.There are at least seven influential people in the crypto space, including investors and...

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Metaverse to Accelerate Blockchain Adoption with Lightning Networks for Merchants

Blockchain networks have been plagued by slow transaction speeds and limited block times since their inception. Although many projects have tried to increase the transactional capacity of blockchain networks, there have been few functioning solutions that do not compromise on security or decentralization as a result. Solving the issue of scalability is essential if blockchain-based payment networks are to compete with traditional payment processors, such as the Visa network, which can process...

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#773 BTC unter 7k, Peter Schiff glaubt BTC Halving irrelevant & Bitfinex Tether Skandal geht weiter

Hey Krypto Fans, willkommen zur Bitcoin-Informant Show Nr. 773. Heute sprechen wir über folgende Themen: Bitcoin rutscht unter 7.000 US-Dollar, Peter Schiff sieht kommendes Halving als irrelevant an & Prozess um Bitfinex und Tether geht in die nächste Runde. 1.) Bitcoin rutscht unter 7.000 US-Dollar, Anzahl der Long-Positionen nimmt trotzdem zu 2.) BTC am Ende? – Peter...

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