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Amazon Introduces Cash Payments for Online Purchases in the U.S. via Amazon PayCode

Easily the largest e-commerce platform in the world, Amazon has decided to give its customers a new cash-focused way to pay for their online shopping even as the world moves into cashless transactions. According to an official press release, Amazon PayCode will now be available to residents in the US who will be able to pay for already-made orders on, at one of many physical Western Union branches nationwide.The partnership between Amazon and Western Union kicked off a few months...

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SEC Chief: You’re ‘Sorely Mistaken’ if You Think Bitcoin’s All Grown Up

Think Bitcoin's ready for prime-time trading on a major stock exchange? SEC Chairman Jay Clayton says you're "sorely mistaken." | Source: REUTERS / Aaron P. Bernstein U.S. Securities and Exchange Chairman Jay Clayton just delivered a rebuke to cryptocurrency backers, alleging that Bitcoin is unlikely to trade on a major US exchange until it's much better regulated....

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Deutschland: Immer mehr Deutsche wandern aus

Bald leere Gassen in Deutschland? Foto: Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Dutschland CC0 Gemeinfrei via Unsplash Immer mehr Deutsche wandern aus. So zumindest steht es in einem zugegeben etwas polemischen Bericht auf Die Elite sieht rot! Jedes Jahr eine Kleinstadt wie Würzburg. Ausgewandert. Eine Statistik auf Statista bestätigt diese These. Die Zahl der Deutschen Auswanderer hat sich in den letzten 3 Jahren mehr als verdoppelt....

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Deutschland: Bundesregierung plant Blockchain-Gesellschaft

Stenografen dokumentieren eine Rede der Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel im Deutschen Bundestag. Foto: CC 3.0 by Tobias Koch, Wikipedia Die Bundesregierung weckt den Anschein, dass Deutschland Vorreiter in Sachen Blockchain und Kryptowährungen werden soll. T3N berichtet, dass es noch im Jahr 2019 Blockchain-Wertpapiere geben soll. Das Bundeskabinett soll die in Berlin von der...

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NEO Launches NEO3 Preview1 On Testnet

Top features on NEO like on-chain and off-chain governance as well as Delegated Byzantine Fault Tolerance (DBFT) have already made it one of the more appealing blockchains for businesses and enterprises. Now, the project is adding additional features that improve functionality.What Is NEO3 Preview1?NEO3 Preview1 is the first look at some of the changes that are anticipated to occur when the project transitions from its current NEO2 protocol to NEO3. NEO3 TestNet, which was also released on...

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Amazon Music Streamer Relegates Apple and Spotify with Its New HD Service

Photo: UnsplashAmazon Music has done what other major streaming services are yet to do; the inclusion of an “HD” subscription option into its streaming service. Now Amazon Music is in the league of streaming platforms like Qobuz, Tidal, and Deezer, which can boast of high-quality audio options, though these platforms are “smaller” when compared to Amazon Music. The streaming services that are actually comparable to Amazon Music like Apple Music and Spotify are yet to join the high-resolution...

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Binance Says Its Venus Stablecoin Would Be More Government-Friendly Than Facebook’s Libra

As the stablecoin race catches up, cryptocurrency exchange Binance wants to position its Venus stablecoin more aggressively. Taking a dig at Facebook‘s Libra, Binance said that the Venus will be a government-friendly alternative to the Libra Coin.Last month in August 2019, Binance unveiled its plans to launch stablecoins and other digital assets pegged to fiat currencies across the globe. This initiative is part of the company’s plan to form major partnerships and alliances with global...

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#710 Bitcoin auf ATH nach Leitzinssenkung, VanEck Bitcoin ETF & Nordkorea Kryptowährung

Hey Krypto Fans, willkommen zur Bitcoin-Informant Show Nr. 710. Heute geht’s um folgende Themen: Bitcoin Kurs auf 20.000 USD durch Leitzinssenkung der FED, VanEck-SolidX Bitcoin ETF-Antrag zurückgezogen & Nordkorea eigene Kryptowährung 1.) Bitcoin Kurs auf 20.000 USD durch Leitzinssenkung der FED? – CEO von Bitmex über Zentralbanken 2.) VanEck-SolidX...

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Mozilla, Coil, and Creative Commons Join Hands to Pump $100M for Web Monetization

With the massively exploding global internet user-base, the web is cluttered with a lot of information and companies providing web services are facing severe challenges in segregating the useful information and getting it to their users.Taking a step towards effective web monetization, open-source web browser Mozilla, Ripple-backed content platform Coil, and non-profit organization Creative Commons have pledged a whopping $100 million for a program dubbed Grant for the Web that aims at...

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Binance Coin (BNB) Will Be Available for US Traders on Binance US

Binance, one of the world’s leading crypto exchange is opening its platform for the American market today, on September 18. In the official post published by CEO Catherine Coley, it was noted that Binance US will support the biggest coins in the market and will offer to make US Dollar deposits as well. The blog post reads:“We will be accepting inbound transfers of BTC, ETH, XRP, BCH, LTC, USDT, and USD upon appropriate account verification.”But what’s about Binance Coin (BNB)? It was not...

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