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Matic Launches Public Staking Testnet amid Flurry of Progressive Updates

Matic Network – the Plasma-based layer-two scaling solution for Ethereum – has announced the live testnet of its public incentivized staking network, Counter Stake. Detailed in the latest project update by the Matic team, Counter Stake will encompass several stages, beginning with stage 0 (node setup stage), which is now available to the public.“We have therefore released a detailed step-by-step guide to assist you to install dependencies and set up your node, along with information in the...

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Blockchain Challenge der Universität Basel

Letzten Donnerstag fand die Blockchain Challenge 2019 des Center for Innovative Finance der Universität Basel im Rahmen eines grossen Galaevents ihren Abschluss. Blockchain, Smart Contracts und Tokenisierung sind Begriffe, die momentan in aller Munde sind, mit denen aber die meisten Unternehmen bisher wenig Erfahrung haben. Um die Technologie mit konkreten Anwendungen zu untermalen und das Potenzial in einem Business-Kontext aufzuzeigen,...

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Forbes Allows Paying with Ethereum for Monthly Ad-Free Experience

Thanks to Unlock’s solution Forbes can now charge a tiny fee per 7 days of ad-free reading. You can also buy 30 days of reading the website without seeing the hateful banners. Subscription is available through the MetaMask, Opera or Coinbase. The first option allows buying one week of reading for ~0.0052 ETH. If you want to buy the monthly subscription, you will have to send out ~0.02 ETH.A main feature of the offer: it appears only in the crypto dedicated Forbes section. If you read some...

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FinanceFWD-Podcast: „Unser Finanzsystem ist auf fragilem Fundament gebaut“

„Unser Finanzsystem ist auf fragilem Fundament gebaut“ – Blockchain-Expertin Katharina Gehra im FinanceFWD-Podcast „Unser Finanzsystem ist auf fragilem Fundament gebaut“ – Blockchain-Expertin Katharina Gehra im FinanceFWD-Podcast. Und Katharina Gehra kennt die traditionelle Finanzbranche sowie die neue Bitcoin und Blockchain-Welt. Immutable-Insight-Gründerin Katharina Gehra...

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Was sind Smart Contracts?

Smart Contracts sind digitale Vereinbarungen, deren Ergebnisse dezentral in der Blockchain gespeichert werden. Wenn zwei Parteien miteinander ins Geschäft kommen, schliessen sie üblicherweise einen Vertrag. Er besteht aus dem Angebot der einen Partei und der Annahme durch die andere Partei. Ein Vertrag kann in der Schweiz eine Form haben, also auf einem Papier daherkommen, oder aber auch formlos sein. Das heisst eine reine, mündliche...

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XRP Price Is the Lowest in 2 Years: Will It be the Worst Performer of the Year?

Not long ago XRP was a hit ‘per se’. Everybody was talking about it. However, in 2019, we can hear much about XRP once being a great tool for “pumping and dumping” and now is pretty much irrelevant. However, we don’t agree. It went up pretty strongly in July this year but the truth is that it’s fighting in the last few days to have its head above the water. At the time of writing XRP price was down 5.57% to $0,187 that is the lowest in more than two years.Usually, the losses in XRP present...

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Alchemy Is Going to Become the Microsoft for Blockchain

While it may sound like a marketing gimmick or a play on words, two founders behind blockchain startup Alchemy believe that their two-year-old startup might become the “Microsoft” of blockchain technology. In a series of serendipitous events, the founders Nikil Viswanathan and Joe Lau (who are both Stanford graduates) have been able to raise about $15 million from several investors that include billionaire Charles Schwab, Reid Hoffman who is LinkedIn’s co-founder, Stanford University and...

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Bill Gates and Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella Both Read a Lot of Books

Bill Gates, one of the world’s most popular people and Microsoft co-founder, has something in common with the company’s CEO Satya Nadella. Can you guess what it is (if not to take the company that unites them)? It has appeared that they both like books.Bll Gates is known to be one of the world’s richest man especially. Though now this status belongs to Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, Gates had managed to take over Jeff Bezos some weeks earlier. But his popularity isn’t all about his money. If it...

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After IPO Canaan’s Stock Loses about 35% of Its Value

In what has been seen by many as a travesty of sorts, major cryptocurrency equipment manufacturer Canaan Creative has seen its stock decline sharply in the past 17 out of 21 trading sessions. Sources indicate that Canaan’s stock hasn’t fared well as many would have hoped. Just to remind you, the company at its IPO was valued at $1.3 billion. The company’s stock has lost about 35% of its value this week. Since the late November shares have tumbled indicating that the company wasn’t as valuable...

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Circle Is to Anchor Its Business on Stablecoin Services as Its Executives Leaving the Team

Circle payments startup announced that it is anchoring its business model primarily to providing stablecoin services. The news comes after the firm sold its over-the-counter (OTC) trading desk to Kraken. Additional executives were leaving as part of that Circle OTC sale deal. These top-ranking individuals leave just weeks after co-CEO Sean Neville said that he would be stepping down.Neville and CEO Jeremy Allaire used a long blog post on December 17 to say that the company would majorly focus...

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