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Ethereum Member Virgil Griffith Released from Jail Pending Trial

Ethereum developer and a research scientist Virgil Griffith, who was last week arrested in Los Angeles, will be released from jail until trial. It was told by Brian Klein who acts as his defense lawyer.Just for reminder, Ethereum Foundation staffer Griffith has been arrested for reportedly going to a blockchain conference in North Korea where he wanted to share his knowledge of using cryptocurrency. However, such a move is said to violate the U.S. sanctions law.John Demers, an assistant...

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Marc Friedrich – Bitcoin und der grösste Crash aller Zeiten – Schadensmaximierung auf Kosten der Steuerzahler

Hey Krypto Fans, willkommen zur Bitcoin-Informant Show. Heute habe ich den Bestseller Autor und Crashpropheten Marc Friedrich im Interview zu seinem neuen Buch: Der größte Crash aller Zeiten: Wirtschaft, Politik, Gesellschaft. Wie Sie jetzt noch Ihr Geld schützen können Der studierte Betriebswirt erlebte 2001 den Staatsbankrott der argentinischen Regierung und dessen ruinöse Folgen für das Land und seine Bürger aus nächster Nähe mit. Bereits in jungen Jahren sammelte er...

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Bitfinex intègre les transactions Lightning

The Block rapporte que l’exchange hongkongais Bitfinex prendra en charge à partir d’aujourd’hui les dépôts et les retraits via le Lightning Network. « L’échange de crypto-monnaie a annoncé lundi dans un e-mail qu’il prendrait en charge les dépôts et les retraits de Lightning Network à partir du 3 décembre […]. Bitfinex est l’un des premiers grands échanges qui intègre le Lightning Network. Grâce à...

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Former SoFi CEO Mike Cagney’s Figure Technologies Raising Additional $100 Million

Mike Cagney, famous for being the founder and CEO (since 2017 ex-CEO) of SoFi fintech company, is reportedly aiming to raise funds money via another firm. Cagney co-founded a two-year-old San Francisco-based fintech firm known as Figure Technologies.By February 2019, Figure had already managed to raise $120 million in equity funding. The amount was brought to the project by a group of prominent investors including partners at DST Global, RPM Ventures, Morgan Creek, Ribbit Capital, Nimble...

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Tokyo-Based Softbank To Offer Cryptocurrency Debit Cards To Its Clients

Softbank, one of the popular banks in Japan, has announced the introduction of a new type of debit card for its clients. Reportedly, the bank will start providing debit cards equipped with Internet of Things (IoT) chips, and it would be usable as a cryptocurrency wallet as well.Softbank Launches Cryptocurrency Debit CardThe popular Japanese bank, Softbank, announced today a new debit card that seeks to implement cryptocurrencies into traditional market products. As with any regular debit...

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Bakkt Bitcoin Monthly Futures Trade Set a New Weekly Volume Record of $124 Million

Bakkt is easily one of the most interesting platforms in the crypto market. Operated by the Atlanta-based Intercontinental Exchange (ICE), the platform is designed to push Bitcoin much deeper into mainstream adoption, by offering physically settled Bitcoin futures contracts. Bakkt initially had a very disappointing start, making many believe it wouldn’t amount to much. However, the platform has surprised many, including the naysayers, and has seen impressive and steady growth, as it...

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This Black Friday with $7.4B Sales Is the 2nd Largest Online Retail Sales Day in History

Online shoppers in the United States seem to have made a new name for themselves as the last Black Friday event produced the second-largest sales in history next to last year’s Cyber Monday. Sources indicate that while the Black Friday Sales have been the biggest so far, “small business Saturday” has also gone up by 18% as against last years’ figures reaching $3 billion while Black Friday sales reached about $7.4 billion. But let’s not forget about the last year’s Cyber Monday sales that were...

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Have a Look at the Most Valuable Companies in Crypto Space

Many things have been said about the champions who have been at the forefront of making things happen in the crypto space but not much has been known about them. The list below and the descriptions indicate the biggest companies in the industry not only by valuation and capitalization but also by goodwill and corporate presence both online and offline as well. They shall be listed in no particular order of preference. Ripple (Valuation of about $5 Billion)Many people have heard one way or the...

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Binance to Launch Its Troy IEO Tomorrow and Announces New Internal Transfer Feature

As CoinSpeaker has already reported, the Binance Launchpad Platform is all set to facilitate an Initial Exchange Offering (IEO) for a new crypto project dubbed Troy (TROY) tomorrow, December 3. Over the last month starting November 3, Binance has been recording users’ BNB balances.The final BNB balance will be the average of BNB tokens held over the last month. Based on the final BNB balance, Binance will decide the number of tickets a user can get for the TROY IEO.Furthermore, the...

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VeChain (VET) Jumps a Whooping 26%, Thanks to an Iconic Retro Game Remake

VeChain is up 26% today. Microsoft and VeChain Thor collaborate on a retro game project. It’s been a good few months for VET. While the rest of the market continues to torment investors, one cryptocurrency is covering some significant ground. VeChain (VET) is up 26% today and showing no signs of slowing down, but what’s driving the token? Impressively, the token is back to price highs not seen since May this year. VeChain up 26% | Source: CoinmarketcapIt seems a trifecta of partnerships,...

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