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#737 China Blockchain Gesetz & Bitfinex Crypto Capitol Skandal

Hey Krypto Fans, willkommen zur Bitcoin-Informant Show Nr. 737. Heute geht’s um folgende Themen: China erlässt Blockchain-Gesetz ab Januar 2020 & Bitfinex distanziert sich von Crypto Capitol und den mutmasslichen Drogengeschäften. 1.) China erlässt Blockchain-Gesetz ohne Bitcoin – Tritt ab Januar 2020 in Kraft 2.) Bitfinex distances itself from Crypto Capital,...

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Will Facebook Exit the Libra Association?

It’s never a good sign when a company is forced to leave something it’s created behind, but in the case of Facebook and Libra, the danger is all too real.Libra Is Heading for the “No Fly” ZoneFollowing his recent testimony before Congress regarding the new financial platform, Mark Zuckerberg announced that if Libra moves forward without congressional approval, Facebook would be forced to leave the Libra Association.This is not a good sign. First off, Facebook is the initial creator of the...

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4 Cryptocurrency Conferences to Cap Off 2019

So far, 2019 has been an excellent year for crypto enthusiasts. The collective crypto market cap increased by more than $120 billion, blockchain technology continues to proliferate, and Facebook’s plans for a digital currency bolstered the sector.This enthusiasm expresses itself in many ways, but it often comes together at the industry’s conferences, which bring together its many constituents. From developers and dreamers to financiers and fanatics, cryptocurrency and blockchain conferences...

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Vidéos – Cryptomonnaies et blockchains : quelles perspectives ? (Colloque du CEIFAC)

Organisé par le CEIFAC, Collège Européen des Investigations financières et de l’Analyse Financière criminelle, le colloque « Cryptomonnaies et blockchains : quelles perspectives ? » s’est déroulé à Strasbourg le 24 octobre 2019. Conférence filmée par Canalc2, la web-télé de l’Université de Strasbourg Au programme : Cryptomonnaies et blockchain : état des lieux – Robby Houben – Professeur à...

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Roller coaster

Après un décrochage notable mercredi dernier, le cours du Bitcoin est aujourd’hui en très forte hausse sur les principales plateformes de trading : plus de 25% en 24 heures avec un pic cette nuit à 9300€. Pour le magazine Coindesk cette hausse serait liée à une déclaration de Xi Jinping qui s’exprimait hier devant le Comité central du Parti communiste chinois. Le président de la République...

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Bitcoin Prices Takeoff Again as Chinese President Makes Pro-Blockchain Comments

Bitcoin prices which have been sliding for the past few days recovered slightly after President Xi Jinping was reported to have made statements that support the Chinese use and adoption of Blockchain technology. Sources indicate that the statements credited to the President of the World’s second-largest economy were first reported by Chinese media sources.Speaking on Thursday at the 8th collective study of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee in Beijing Xi said:“[We must] clarify the...

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Bitcoin Price Catapults Near $9,000 with Triumphant 14% Rally

The bitcoin price zoomed higher on Friday, reversing its punishing losses from earlier in the week. Following a 14% rally, BTC now boasts a market cap of more than $150 billion. Some observers have connected the move to Chinese President Xi Jinping’s recent comments on blockchain. Despite a wave of bearish calls on social media in recent weeks, the bitcoin price is bucking the trend on Friday. The flagship cryptocurrency has skyrocketed back above $8,000 to set a two-week high at...

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Crypto Slots and Provably Fair Gaming

Cryptocurrency gaming is one of the fast-growing sectors in the blockchain industry with adoption at an all-time high due to various reasons like faster deposits and withdrawals, transparency, fairness and above all the lack of geographical limitations when it comes to making transactions. Even though the blockchain gambling platforms continue to be one of the major drivers of cryptocurrency usage, many of them are still lagging behind when it comes to innovation as they attempt to reduce the...

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China’s President Xi Jinping Seeks Blockchain Industry Domination

Although China has introduced an absolute ban on cryptocurrencies in 2017, the country has been making major developments in the blockchain space. Currently, China holds the most number of patents in the blockchain sector, leading its rival U.S. by a considerable margin.In a move to dominate the blockchain industry, Chinese president Xi Jinping has urged the country to accelerate the adoption of blockchain technologies. In the future, the country with higher technological superiority will...

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Visa-backed Crypto Custodian Anchorage to Introduce Governance Platform with Voting Rights

Photo: Anchorage / MediumIn what seems to be forward-thinking move, the premier cryptocurrency and digital asset custodian Anchorage backed by Visa has introduced a governance platform that has on-chain voting rights. The first cryptocurrency token to be supported in this regard is the Maker DAO’s Maker (MKR) token.The platform referred to as Anchorage Governance will enable all the custodian’s clients which hold the MKR token to be able to vote at the Multi-Collateral Dai (MCD) vote which...

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