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World-Class Team Leads the Way at BitMovio

BitMovio is aiming to disrupt the video entertainment industry’s current model of content distribution and financing with its blockchain-powered, gamified content platform. In order to do this, the company has put together a team of talented individuals with combined decades of experience in technology, media, software, blockchain, gaming, eSports, and content streaming and licensing.The collective resume of the team includes experience at companies such as Netflix, Amazon, Fox, The Walt...

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#735 Bitcoin Bärenmarkt voraus, Coinbase 2 Milliarden verdient & Zuckerberg Kongress Libra

Hey Krypto Fans, willkommen zur Bitcoin-Informant Show Nr. 735. Heute geht’s um folgende Themen: Bullenmarkt vorbei – Bitcoin Crash auf $7400, Coinbase hat seit 2012 über 2 Milliarden verdient & Zuckerberg steht dem Kongress bzgl. Libra Rede und Antwort. 1.) Bitcoin-Kurs fällt massiv – Das steckt hinter dem Crash 2.) Coinbase Generated Nearly $2 Billion in Transaction Fees Since...

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Deutsche Börse: Blockchain im Settlement

Deutsche Börse: Neuer Handelssaal der Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse Foto Gmeinfrei via Wikipedia Commerzbank, Deutsche Börse und MEAG, Asset Manager von Munich Re und ERGO, haben einen weiteren Schritt bei der Untersuchung der Möglichkeiten von Distributed-Ledger-Technologie (DLT) für den Bereich Post-Trade-Services gemacht. Die Partner haben die Abwicklung eines rechtsverbindlichen Wertpapiergeschäfts im Sekundärmarkt mit tokenisiertem...

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Blockstream CEO: Bitcoin Sidechains werden die Altcoins verdrängen

Blocksteam CEO Adam Black an der Korea Blockchain Week 2019 Foto: Zur Verfügung gestellt von D.Fine Weiterhin ist Bitcoin die mit Abstand beliebteste Kryptowährung. Laut einem führenden Krptoexperten könnten die Sidechains von Bitcoin jetzt auch andere Altcoins überflüssig machen. Adam Black, der bereits 1997 mit seiner Erfindung HashCash den Grundstein für die heutigen...

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Bitcoin Loses $800; Crashes to the $7,400 Mark

Well, it sure seems like we’re in for another faulty end-of-year mark for bitcoin. At press time, the currency has fallen by roughly $800 over the past 24 hours and the asset is now trading at $7,400.Bitcoin Falls; Zuckerberg to Blame?The sentiment is that this all has to do with Mark Zuckerberg’s testimony today. Zuckerberg – the famed CEO of Facebook – is set to speak before a congressional committee today regarding Libra, the cryptocurrency being released by the social media giant in 2020....

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Congress Hearing: I Will Pull Facebook Out of Libra if Things Go Wrong, States Zuckerberg

Ever since Facebook officially announced its plans to float a digital currency and then released the Libra whitepaper, there have been very polar reactions to the idea, which continue to this day. The United States Congress right from the start has made it clear that they are not excited about the idea and would prefer it doesn’t continue. We have already reported that as part of the process of seeking regulatory support, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has been obliged to support his position...

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Bitcoin Has Proven Itself as the Best Store of Value Over the Last Decade

Since 2010, bitcoin has died 377 times at the hands of experts and popular media outlets. At the height of the bear market in 2018, bitcoin was declared dead a total of 90 times. Peter Schiff is just another personality to recently call the death of bitcoin. | Source: TwitterWe are hurtling towards the end of 2019 and bitcoin is doing so well that it managed to carve a niche in today’s financial system. We talked to crypto traders, blockchain executives and researchers and they all...

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INX Crypto Trading Platform Will Use Brave New Coin’s BTC and ETH Indices for Forthcoming IPO

Photo: ShutterstockPer a recent announcement, blockchain and cryptography data and research company Brave New Coin (BNC) has said that its cryptocurrency indices will now be applied by crypto trading service INX, as it prepares to launch its first fully approved security token sale. INX is focused on making sure that its offerings and practices are strict and as transparent as possible, a decision that has pointed the digital asset trading service in the BNC direction.According to BNC, INX...

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Facebook Won’t Participate in Libra Launch unless Congress Gives Greenlight, Says Zuckerberg

In an effort to ensure that Facebook’s Libra cryptocurrency breaks down regulatory walls and launches on time or at least not too far from the earlier planned launch date, the social media giant is willing to make some compromises.In a testimony recently submitted to the House Financial Service Committee, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has confirmed to U.S. lawmakers that Facebook itself will not handle Libra, suggesting that the Libra Association which is the body tasked with the role of...

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Facebook’s Libra Head David Marcus Cautions US on China’s Win if Libra Fails

Facebook‘s head of the Libra project – David Marcus – has recently given an indirect warning to the U.S. lawmakers of losing the digital currency war to China, if the company’s Libra Project fails.Since its Libra cryptocurrency announcement in June 2019, Facebook has been in odds with the regulators over the Libra launch. The regulators have repeatedly questioned Facebook’s ability to execute this project at a global level.However, David Marcus has warned Washington that if Libra is derailed,...

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