Recently, on Friday, the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) made it clear that they had chosen Microsoft over Amazon in their $10 billion cloud computing contract, also known as JEDI. With this contract, the Department of Defense will move its database to the cloud. However, this has left Amazon Web Services wondering as they were considered as leaders in the field, and the most likely winner of this contract.“We’re surprised about this conclusion. AWS is the clear leader in cloud computing,...
Read More »Justin Sun’s Hype-Train Trumpets ‘$100 Billion Mega Corp’ Tron Partner
Blockchain company Tron is expected to reveal a partnership with a US “mega corporation” this week. Founder Justin Sun tweeted the announcement last week, hyping Tron, BitTorrent and Wink. Sun is prone to over-the-top announcements that often fail to materialize, like the infamous canceled lunch with Warren Buffett. Blockchain company Tron will reveal a partnership with a US “mega corporation” this week, according to founder Justin Sun. In typical over-the-top fashion, Sun teased...
Read More »China Reveals over 500 Projects as It Goes Supernova in Blockchain Technology
Following Chinese President Xi Jinping’s call for his Country to “Seize the opportunity” offered by blockchain technology and the crypto space, it has been revealed by sources that the Chinese have been quietly working on over 500 blockchain projects in so many different fields with as many use-case scenarios which can be deployed practically in every sense.Sources indicate that the Cyberspace Administration of China has been in charge of the filings for blockchain technology projects before...
Read More »Justin Sun Teases $100B Partnership with Megacorporation and Says TRX Is to Take 4th Place
TRON founder and BitTorrent CEO Justin Sun has announced a teaser to whet appetites in the TRON community about an announcement from him and the TRON foundation before October completely runs out. Taking to Twitter to post the teaser, Sun announced that TRON will enter into a partnership by next week, with a “hundred billion USD megacorporation.”#TRON will partner with a hundred billion USD megacorporation next week. It will not only benefit $TRX but all TRC10&20 tokens including $BTT...
Read More »Good Luck 3 Announces Upcoming RAKUN IEO on Liquid Exchange
Good Luck 3, the Japan-based developer behind popular games such as Sanrio’s (i.e. Hello Kitty) Gudetama Quest, Aerial Legends, and Crypt-Oink, a high ranked game on the global Dapp (Decentralized Application) ranking site Dappradar, has announced their initial exchange offering for their RAKUN platform project. The Rakun Initial Exchange Offering hosted by Liquid Exchange will begin on November 18th.RAKUN utilizes blockchain technology to create a new entertainment platform. On RAKUN,...
Read More »#737 China Blockchain Gesetz & Bitfinex Crypto Capitol Skandal
Hey Krypto Fans, willkommen zur Bitcoin-Informant Show Nr. 737. Heute geht’s um folgende Themen: China erlässt Blockchain-Gesetz ab Januar 2020 & Bitfinex distanziert sich von Crypto Capitol und den mutmasslichen Drogengeschäften. 1.) China erlässt Blockchain-Gesetz ohne Bitcoin – Tritt ab Januar 2020 in Kraft 2.) Bitfinex distances itself from Crypto Capital,...
Read More »Will Facebook Exit the Libra Association?
It’s never a good sign when a company is forced to leave something it’s created behind, but in the case of Facebook and Libra, the danger is all too real.Libra Is Heading for the “No Fly” ZoneFollowing his recent testimony before Congress regarding the new financial platform, Mark Zuckerberg announced that if Libra moves forward without congressional approval, Facebook would be forced to leave the Libra Association.This is not a good sign. First off, Facebook is the initial creator of the...
Read More »4 Cryptocurrency Conferences to Cap Off 2019
So far, 2019 has been an excellent year for crypto enthusiasts. The collective crypto market cap increased by more than $120 billion, blockchain technology continues to proliferate, and Facebook’s plans for a digital currency bolstered the sector.This enthusiasm expresses itself in many ways, but it often comes together at the industry’s conferences, which bring together its many constituents. From developers and dreamers to financiers and fanatics, cryptocurrency and blockchain conferences...
Read More »Vidéos – Cryptomonnaies et blockchains : quelles perspectives ? (Colloque du CEIFAC)
Organisé par le CEIFAC, Collège Européen des Investigations financières et de l’Analyse Financière criminelle, le colloque « Cryptomonnaies et blockchains : quelles perspectives ? » s’est déroulé à Strasbourg le 24 octobre 2019. Conférence filmée par Canalc2, la web-télé de l’Université de Strasbourg Au programme : Cryptomonnaies et blockchain : état des lieux – Robby Houben – Professeur à...
Read More »Roller coaster
Après un décrochage notable mercredi dernier, le cours du Bitcoin est aujourd’hui en très forte hausse sur les principales plateformes de trading : plus de 25% en 24 heures avec un pic cette nuit à 9300€. Pour le magazine Coindesk cette hausse serait liée à une déclaration de Xi Jinping qui s’exprimait hier devant le Comité central du Parti communiste chinois. Le président de la République...
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