Praxxis: Programmierer und Krypto-Legende David Chaum meldet sich mit einem neuen Projekt zurück. Foto: David Chaum an der Korea Blockchain Week, Foto zur Verfügung gestellt von D.FINE Bitcoin und die meisten seiner Klone basieren auf der Elliptische-Kurven-Verschlüsselungstechnik. Dise gilt momentan als sicher. Aktuell kann mit allerhöchster Wahrscheinlichkeit kein Computer aus einer Wallet-Adresse den dazugehörigen Privatekey...
Read More »John McAfee Launching McAfeeDEX, No-Restrictions Decentralized Exchange
This summer, computer programmer, businessman, entrepreneur and the US presidential candidate John McAfee revealed his idea to launch a digital currency access point that would merge both manual and bot trading over eight exchanges on one interface.Dubbed McAfee Magic, this new project connects people to more than 500 digital currencies and has assembled 11,743 users at the time of the writing.Last week, on Friday, McAfee announced the whole launching of the exchange that has gor the name...
Read More »Cardano and Ethereum Might Finally Switch to PoS in 2020
2020 is looking to be a year of PoS blockchains. While Tim Ogilive, the founder and CEO of multi-blockchain staking service Staked argues that 2019 has already been a big year for PoS, we have a lot to expect from the upcoming year. First and foremost, Ethereum, the second-largest cryptocurrency by market capitalization, is expected to finally switch to PoS. They have been wanting the switch from 2014, when Vitalik Buterin said that he viewed PoS as a way for Ethereum to mature.“Ethereum 1.0...
Read More »EOS Scaling Solution the DAPP Network Gets a Major Upgrade
The DAPP Network, born out of frustration at the rising cost of vRAM for EOS’ virtual hard drive, has just had a major upgrade. Developer LiquidApps has announced the release of DSP 2.0, bringing with it a wide range of new features and fixes. Combined, these improvements make the emergent EOS scaling solution a force to be reckoned with, and pave the way for a flurry of new decentralized applications that can operate at scale. The DAPP Network is not a sidechain for EOS – LiquidApps call it...
Read More »Dow Futures Plunge as China Hints at No Compromise in U.S.-China Trade Talks
The U.S. and China are all set to engage in discussion this Thursday, October 10, over the year-long trade dispute between the economic giants. The world is observing these events closely as they will set the tone for the future global economic scenario.While the Trump administration has set some demands and policy changes, China has shown a strong reluctance to it. According to the latest Bloomberg report, China has narrowed down the scope for the upcoming discussions. Beijing officials have...
Read More »#722 Russland Ermittlung gegen Bitcoin Miner, BTC Erpressung & World Digital Mining Summit Frankfurt
Hey Krypto Fans, willkommen zur Bitcoin-Informant Show Nr. 722. Heute geht’s um folgende Themen: Russische Behörden ermitteln gegen Bitcoin Miner, Spanische Gemeinde wird um Bitcoin erpresst & World Digital Mining Summit 2019 Frankfurt. 1.) Russische Behörden ermitteln gegen Bitcoin Miner 2.) Gemeiner Hack: Spanische Gemeinde wird um Bitcoin...
Read More »IKEA testet die Ethereum Blockchain
Hot-Dogs essen und Möbel aufbauen; richtig, es geht um IKEA. Bald jedoch könnte unter die Aufzählung noch ein Drittes fallen: die Ethereum-Blockchain. Eine kleine schwedische Filiale steuerte nämlich seinen Teil bei zu den 38 Milliarden US-Dollar Jahresumsatz 2018 und dass mit einer Transaktion per Smart Contracts über die Ethereum-Blockchain. Vier Unternehmen und die Isländische Krone Für diese...
Read More »PayPal Exits the Libra Association; Are Partnerships Failing?
Facebook’s Libra has no doubt incurred a mixed reception among crypto fans and regulators alike, but the fact that it could now be left in the dark by one of its biggest supporters – PayPal – doesn’t look good at all.Libra and PayPal Part WaysPayPal and Facebook are hugely connected through Libra in that former PayPal exec David Marcus is the leader of development with Facebook’s blockchain division. He’s the guy in charge of Libra, and he’s often the man who serves as the face of the...
Read More »Tom Lee: BTC Is “Too Small” for Institutions
Tom Lee of Fundstrat fame is back in the news again. This time, he’s explaining why institutional players have been so reluctant to get involved in digital assets.Lee: Crypto’s Not Big Enough for InstitutionsIn a recent interview, Tom Lee explains:There’s a mechanical issue for crypto in terms of infrastructure that’s needed, but there’s probably also a size of market issue.He believes that cryptocurrency might be “too small” for institutional players, who are used to investing in major...
Read More »John McAfee Hits at Justin Sun for Overhyped Lunch
Eccentric millionaire John McAfee is in the news again. This time, the 2020 presidential candidate found himself mocking Justin Sun on Twitter, saying that he had a bad habit of hyping up events that ultimately never occur.McAfee Points the Finger at SunMcAfee is referring to the $4.5 million lunch Sun allegedly had planned with Berkshire Hathaway CEO Warren Buffett. Over the summer, the lunch was marketed in a way one might advertise a bitcoin hard fork. The situation was being looked at by...
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