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Ethereum (ETH)

INVAO emittiert weltweit erste vollwertige Anleihe auf Ethereum-Blockchain

INVAO Trading AG: INVAO emittiert weltweit erste vollwertige Anleihe auf Ethereum-Blockchain INVAO hat die weltweit erste vollwertige Anleiheemission auf der Ethereum-Blockchain getätigt. Mit dem erfolgreich abgeschlossenen Token Generation Event (TGE) des IVO – Blockchain Diversified Bond (ISIN: LI0471823018) wurden sämtliche im von der FMA Liechtenstein gebilligten...

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Cheap ETH: Ethereum Just Flash Crashed 20% on Poloniex

The second-largest cryptocurrency, Ether (ETH) went through a sudden flash crash on popular exchange Poloniex. It saw its price dropping down with 20% in an instant, allowing those who had placed orders along the way to benefit from the quick recovery.ETH Flash-Crashed On PoloniexFlash-crashes tend to take place every now and then on the cryptocurrency market. Just now, Ether (ETH), the second-largest altcoin went through a sudden steep drop which saw its price being reduced by as much as 20%...

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Band Capital Allows Users to Take Short and Long Positions on BTC

The main net of Band Capital, a decentralized finance network, began on Monday, September 30, and customers will now have access to the startup’s new decentralized application Bit Swing, which offers bitcoin binary trading options.Band Capital Is Live for Crypto TradersThe company is backed by a venture capital firm known as Sequoia India, and this is interesting in that India has had a very mixed relationship with cryptocurrency. The nation has repeatedly banned activity surrounding crypto,...

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Venezuela Is Going to Use Crypto for Payments, Maduro Says

Venezuela’s President Nicolas Maduro openly admitted that his policy is definitely pro-crypto – especially regarding Bitcoin and Ethereum. He said Venezuela’s government will use cryptocurrencies as a “method for free national and international payments.”Let’s not forget that the U.S. imposed sanctions that have largely isolated the country from the global financial system, causing one of the world’s most severe economic crises and forcing statesmen and executives to use a whole new network...

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Bitcoin Depot Looking to Expand to 1,000 Crypto ATMs to Better Serve Underbanked

The prevalence of underbanked people in the United States is a cause for concern. Currently, eight percent of 115 million households in the United States alone are underbanked or don’t have access to banking services such as checking accounts, savings, loans, or lines of credit. This prevalence is driven largely by high fees, inconvenience, and a distrust of traditional banking systems. While there’s no fast or easy solution to America’s underbanking issue, could cryptocurrency ATMs be the...

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Crypto Rating Council: Bitcoin-Börsen entwickeln gemeinsam Bewertungssystem für Token

CRC Securities Framework Asset Ratings Die Krypto-Börsen Coinbase, Kraken, Bittrex, Anchorage, Circle, DRW Cumberland, Genesis sowie Grayscale Investments haben zusammen ein Punktesystem für Token herausgebracht. Dieses soll anzeigen, ob und inwieweit eine Kryptowährung einem Wertpapier entspricht. Kryptowährungen – Aktien, Handelswaren oder Zahlungsmittel? Über die Frage, ob Kryptowährungen eher als Aktien, Handelswaren oder...

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Ethereum Ropsten Testnet Splits After the Early Launch of the Istanbul Upgrade

Ethereum testnet Ropsten split following the release of the Istanbul upgrade. This occurred because the upgrade was expected on approximately October 2nd, 2019 and at a block height of 6, 485, 846. The upgrade was released about 48 hours earlier on September 30th at around 3:40 a.m UTC.This, of course, has expectedly caused quite a bit of difference in terms of block confirmation times. Ethereum foundation community manager indicated in a tweet that there is no cause for alarm in this...

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Sequoia-Backed Band Protocol Enters DeFi With Ether-Denominated Binary Options

Photo: Band Protocol / MediumBand Protocol, Sequoia-backed data management company, has launched the mainnet of its decentralized trading app. The news follows Band Protocol’s announcement about going live on Ethereum mainnet.2/ Another key highlight today is the launch of BitSwing Mainnet, which represents a perfect example of dApps made possible with $BAND oracle.?Available now on:— Band Protocol (@BandProtocol) September 30, 2019Features of BitSwingCalled BitSwing,...

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Ethereum Price Analysis: ETH Could Struggle To Continue Higher

Ethereum price started an upside correction after trading as low as $152 against the US Dollar.ETH price is currently trading above $175, but it is facing a strong resistance near $185 and $188.There is a crucial bearish trend line forming with resistance near $188 on the 4-hours chart (data feed from Coinbase).The price is likely to struggle to surpass the key $185 and $188 resistance levels in the near term.Ethereum price is climbing towards a major resistance near $185-$188 against the US...

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Coinbase and Others Taking “Security” Measures Into Their Own Hands

Regulation has been a hard topic in the crypto space as of late. Despite the push for it, however, it has arrived at a rather slow pace, and many major companies and exchanges within the crypto arena are looking to themselves to potentially enhance the safety of their operations. Some of these companies include Coinbase in the U.S., along with DRW Cumberland, Kraken and Grayscale.Coinbase and Others Take Security Into Their Own HandsOne of the primary things these ventures are looking at is...

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