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Libra (LBA) & Facebook

Wirbt Ripple in diesem Werbefilm für Bitcoin?

Ripple Werbung Ripple hat ja kürzlich seine alten Produkte eingestampft und sich neu aufgestellt. Seit heute lüuft in zwei Ländern unter dem Hashtag #RunsOnRipple folgender Ripple-Werbespot: Ripple lanciert einen neuen Werbespot der grosses erahnen lässt. Ripple wirbt damit für sein Netzwerk, welches länderübergreifend und in allen Währungen inklusive...

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Facebook Won’t Participate in Libra Launch unless Congress Gives Greenlight, Says Zuckerberg

In an effort to ensure that Facebook’s Libra cryptocurrency breaks down regulatory walls and launches on time or at least not too far from the earlier planned launch date, the social media giant is willing to make some compromises.In a testimony recently submitted to the House Financial Service Committee, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has confirmed to U.S. lawmakers that Facebook itself will not handle Libra, suggesting that the Libra Association which is the body tasked with the role of...

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Facebook’s Libra Head David Marcus Cautions US on China’s Win if Libra Fails

Facebook‘s head of the Libra project – David Marcus – has recently given an indirect warning to the U.S. lawmakers of losing the digital currency war to China, if the company’s Libra Project fails.Since its Libra cryptocurrency announcement in June 2019, Facebook has been in odds with the regulators over the Libra launch. The regulators have repeatedly questioned Facebook’s ability to execute this project at a global level.However, David Marcus has warned Washington that if Libra is derailed,...

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Gold: Russland kauft auch im September 12 Tonnen Gold

Die russische Zentralbank kauft jede Woche vier bis fünf Tonnen Gold. Ziel ist es, den Rubel zu stabilisieren und von der Weltleitwährung US-Dollar unabhängiger zu werden. China macht es ebenso. Foto: St. Nicholas Naval Kathedrale, St. Petersburg, Russland CC0 Gemeinfrei via Unsplash ie russische Zentralbank, Bank Rossii mit Sitz in Moskau, hat auch im vergangenen Monat...

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Zuckerberg’s Congressional Testimony Includes Zero References to Crypto or Bitcoin

CEO Mark Zuckerberg will be the next Facebook executive to face a bipartisan grilling when he testifies before the US House Committee on Financial Services tomorrow. The committee published a transcript of Zuckerberg’s prepared testimony ahead of the hearing, and there was one thing noticeably absent from his statement: any reference to bitcoin, cryptocurrency, or even blockchain. House Releases Mark Zuckerberg’s Libra Testimony That’s somewhat remarkable, given that Zuckerberg has...

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U.S. Technology Stocks FANMAG Identified as Heavy Hitters in a Bubble by Rob Arnott

Veteran United States investor, writer, and Entrepreneur Rob Arnott has come out in favor of the American major technology stocks again as being in a bubble even as he lashes out at Bitcoin. He made his thoughts known to the Financial Times in an exclusive while defending the position of including Microsoft in the popular acronym FANMAG which he says is the new direction of technology stocks rather than FAANG.FAANG which is a play on technology companies Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Netflix and...

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Facebook Open to Using Fiat-Pegged Stablecoins for Its Libra Cryptocurrency

Social media giant Facebook has been facing severe regulatory troubles for launching its Libra cryptocurrency. Last week, even big giants like Mastercard, Visa, PayPal, Stripe, who were earlier part of the Libra Association, announced their withdrawal from the project.Facebook is now working out other ways to keep its Libra project alive. As reported by Reuters, Facebook proposed using fiat-pegged digital stablecoins for its project. It means that instead of directly pegging the Libra token...

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#732 Poloniex wird Polo Digital Assets, Krypto im Fokus der Zentralbanken & Fiat 27 Jahre Lebensdauer

Hey Krypto Fans, willkommen zur Bitcoin-Informant Show Nr. 732. Heute geht’s um folgende Themen: Poloniex wird zu Polo Digital Assets – US-Kunden müssen draußen bleiben, Kryptowährungen im Fokus der Zentralbanken & Fiat 27 Jahre Lebensdauer. 1.) Poloniex wird zu Polo Digital Assets – US-Kunden müssen draußen bleiben 2.) Why Cryptocurrency is in The Spotlight For More...

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U.S. Considers Developing Digital Currency to Compete with Libra

It seems like Facebook’s new currency, Libra, has regulators scared out of their wits… So much, in fact, that the United States government is now looking into potentially developing its own digital currency – issued by its central bank – as a means of competing.Libra Has Everyone TerrifiedLibra, as we all know, has gotten very mixed reactions from both regulators and the general public in the past, with very few Facebook users saying they would consider using Libra if it was available today....

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Peter Thiel Invests in Layer1; Looks to Boost U.S. BTC Mining Presence

For many people, i.e. Warren Buffett, bitcoin and cryptocurrency are two things that should be avoided at all costs. For others however, like billionaire Peter Thiel, bitcoin’s success is just getting started, and the coin represents a whole new wave of financial innovation that the world hasn’t seen yet.Peter Thiel: The BTC Champion?Thiel is the co-founder of PayPal. His love of crypto is ironic considering he lost former executive David Marcus to Facebook’s blockchain division. Marcus later...

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