Dank Bitcoin-Gewinn erhielten die Grünen die bislang größte Parteispende: Ein Entwickler ließ den Grünen kürzlich eine Wahlkampfspende im Wert von einer Million Euro zukommen. Die bislang größte Parteispende in der Geschichte der Grünen ist auf einen Bitcoin-Gewinn zurückzuführen. Laut einer Sprecherin der Grünen handelt es sich bei dem wohlwollenden Spender um ein Parteimitglied aus Greifswald in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. Mit seiner Spende wollte der selbstständige...
Read More »Bitcoin Mining-Boom: Nvidia erwartet Rekordumsatz
Kryptowährungen machen derzeit einen Boom durch und treiben den Absatz von Mining-Chips in die Höhe. Hardware-Entwickler Nvidia hat nun die Umsatzprognose für den im Februar vorgestellten CMP-Chip nach oben korrigiert. Nvidia korrigiert Umsatzziel auf 150 Millionen US-Dollar Nvidia plant in der Gaming-Sparte mit einem Umsatz von etwa 150 Millionen US-Dollar. Zuvor hatte man noch einen Umsatz von...
Read More »Gryphon Digital Mining Is Opening the Door to Completely “Clean” BTC
Gryphon Digital Mining has just completed a new funding round in which the company has raised a whopping $14 million to launch a new bitcoin mining firm that will leave no carbon footprint. Gryphon Digital Mining Has Raised a Lot of Money The hate towards bitcoin mining appears to be growing now that bitcoin has reached its new all-time high of more than $60,000 per unit. The idea is that granted bitcoin’s price grows, so do its mining costs and requirements, which are...
Read More »Sign up and Get Free $30 Coupon With Nhash Cloud Mining Services
Bitcoin is regarded as the leading cryptocurrency and is seen by many as the most profitable. Many companies have begun accumulating bitcoin, with Tesla recently purchasing vast amounts of bitcoins. Making a profit with Bitcoin is not as easy as it seems. The volatile nature of bitcoin means that assets purchased can quickly dip in value, and there is a report that 90% of day traders lose their money. One way to make good profits from bitcoin is via mining. Cloud mining...
Read More »Alfacash Is Now Supporting Binance Coin (BNB) On Binance Smart Chain
Our non-custodial exchange Alfacash just enabled the trading for Binance Coin (BNB) on the Binance Smart Chain. Now, the users can easily buy and sell BNB against 30+ cryptocurrencies or fiat money. The Binance Smart Chain (BSC) is an independent blockchain designed to build decentralized applications (Dapps) with smart contracts. It’s compatible with the Ethereum systems and it works with Binance Coin (BNB) to pay gas fees. This chain already offers very popular DeFi...
Read More »Sign up and Get Free $30 Coupon With Nhash Cloud Mining Services
Bitcoin is regarded as the leading cryptocurrency and is seen by many as the most profitable. Many companies have begun accumulating bitcoin, with Tesla recently purchasing vast amounts of bitcoins. Making a profit with Bitcoin is not as easy as it seems. The volatile nature of bitcoin means that assets purchased can quickly dip in value, and there is a report that 90% of day traders lose their money. One way to make good profits from bitcoin is via mining. Cloud mining...
Read More »The Message Coinbase Embedded in Bitcoin’s Blockchain on Listing Day
Paying homage to Satoshi Nakamoto and his message embedded in the Bitcoin Genesis Block in 2009, Coinbase has done the same today. On the day they’re set to become a publicly traded company, the exchange asked a large Bitcoin mining pool to embed a note in the Bitcoin blockchain in regards to the latest stimulus bill. When launching the Genesis Block of the first-ever cryptocurrency in January 2009, the anonymous creator(s) embedded the following message referring to the...
Read More »Cryptoexchange.com Review – Bitcoin Marketplace to Buy Products
The best bitcoin marketplaces depend on the products you are looking for as a consumer. A bitcoin marketplace works similarly to a traditional marketplace. Many sellers can list their offerings at a certain price. Multiple sellers repeat this same process to create a marketplace. Users can browse through various offerings in various product categories online and may leave the marketplace with multiple items. Some marketplaces also offer crypto exchange features for those...
Read More »DeFi Yield Protocol Launched on Binance Smart Chain for Staking and Governance DApp
In the Q1 2021, DYP has made arrangements that include dispatch ETH mining pool and yield farming for miners, Earn Vault, Tools dispatch, Partnerships, and applications improvement of DYP. DeFi Yield Protocol (DYP) is a decentralized yield farming firm. Through this, the liquidity providers can grab their ETH and DYP rewards. Moreover, it gives ease from hazard implied in Yield Farming by offering various decisions for DYP holders to acquire regardless of holding full decentralization. Users...
Read More »Webinaire : « Tout ce que vous avez voulu savoir sur les NFT’s et le CryptoArt : techniques, usages, écologies »
Débat organisé le 7 avril 2021 par Laurence Allard, maîtresse de conférences, sciences de la communication, IRCAV-Université Paris-Sorbonne Nouvelle/Université de Lille. Avec : – Albertine Meunier (artiste, curatrice de l’exposition « De la Tulipe à la Crypto Marguerite ») ;– Adrian Sauzade (expert praticien en cryptomonnaies) ;– Gauthier Roussilhe (designer, auteur notamment du rapport « Que peut...
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