Le collectif WE3 organise un journée de conférences et de tables rondes à bord d’un catamaran de 200 personnes. Quand ? – Mercredi 3 juillet à partir de 14h00 Où ? – Embarquement à Toulon Programme :Le Bitcoin et le minage Bitcoin et environnement Impacts géopolitiques du Bitcoin La réglementation Avec : Pierre Noizat, Cofondateur et CEO de PaymiumSamira Karrach, fondatrice de FreSKSaimi...
Read More »Claire Balva/Gilles Cadignan vs Nastasia Hadjadji/Jean-Paul Delahaye
Table ronde dans le cadre de la 4e édition des rencontres crypto d’Investir : Claire Balva, directrice de la stratégie chez la société de portefeuilles numériques Deblock Saimi Barragan, PDG de l’entreprise de minage StartMining Gilles Cadignan, responsable chez la plateforme de services décentralisés Bull Bitcoin Jean-Paul Delahaye, professeur émérite d’informatique à l’université de...
Read More »BTC Sees Whales and Miners Selling $1.2 Billion in Two Weeks
- Ad - Bitcoin whales and miners have liquidated $1.2 billion of collective holdings, indicating increased profit-taking. It has been so ever since the largest cryptocurrency by value crossed the $70,000 mark at the end of May. They are most likely selling their reserves to brokers rather than on exchanges. CryptoQuant’s data suggests exactly that, as it reveals Bitcoin UTXO age band sizes decreasing – a phenomenon associated with increased BTC selling – without funds moving to exchanges....
Read More »Bitcoin (BTC) Miner Reserves Plummet to 14-Year Low, Signalling Supply Squeeze
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Read More »Deutsche Telekom Will Soon Mine Bitcoin
Deutsche Telekom, T-Mobile’s parent company, will jump into the Bitcoin mining space shortly to expand its revenue generation avenues. The telecommunications company has been active in the Web3 space for a while, already running a Bitcoin node, multiple nodes on the Lightning Network, a Bitcoin scalability solution, and validating on other networks. Dirk Röder, head of Web3 infrastructure and solutions at Deutsche Telekom, said at BTC Prague, “Since 2023, we are running a Bitcoin node, and we...
Read More »Bitcoin L2 Stacks Sees Outage for Over 9 Hours
Stacks, a Bitcoin layer 2 network, experienced an outage for 9 hours last week, leaving user transactions and blocks unprocessed for that entire period. Stacks Status, the official X account for the network’s updates, mentioned the cause was due to block reorganization (reorgs) on the layer 1 Bitcoin network and its miners behaving unexpectedly. “We are experiencing a delay in Stacks block production due to unexpected mining behavior and a Bitcoin reorg. Core developers in the ecosystem are...
Read More »JPMorgan Identifies US Bitcoin Mining Stocks with Outperformance Trend
CoinspeakerJPMorgan Identifies US Bitcoin Mining Stocks with Outperformance Trend Collectively, the 14 US mining companies have a network hash rate of approximately 23.8% of the total market share. JPMorgan Identifies US Bitcoin Mining Stocks with Outperformance Trend
Read More »Hidden Champion: Litecoins leiser Aufstieg über Bitcoin
Litecoin: Der stille Überflieger im Kryptowährungsrennen Während Bitcoin oft im Rampenlicht steht, hat sich Litecoin, sein oft übersehener kleiner Bruder, in vielen Bereichen leise an die Spitze gesetzt. Obwohl Litecoin ursprünglich als eine verbesserte Version von Bitcoin konzipiert wurde, hat es sich zu einer eigenständigen Kryptowährung entwickelt, die in fast allen Metriken Bitcoin übertrifft. Litecoin is the most active blockchain in the world!!! Surpassing #Bitcoin...
Read More »Optimale Standorte für Bitcoin-Mining-Farmen: Eine umfassende Analyse
Bitcoin Minining Die Wahl des idealen Standorts für eine Bitcoin-Mining-Farm ist ein entscheidender Faktor für den Erfolg des Unternehmens. Mehrere Schlüsselfaktoren spielen dabei eine Rolle. Zuallererst sind die Stromkosten von entscheidender Bedeutung. Bitcoin-Mining ist ein energieintensiver Prozess, und niedrige Strompreise können die Rentabilität erheblich steigern. Regionen mit einem Überschuss an erneuerbaren Energien wie Wasserkraft oder Windenergie sind daher...
Read More »Bitcoin Miners Are Selling Again: CryptoQuant
Bitcoin (BTC) has fallen 4.5% in the past seven days, going to a monthly low of $65,000. This plunge in the digital asset’s value could be linked to increased selling from mining entities. In the latest CryptoQuant weekly report, analysts revealed that the number of BTC sent from Bitcoin mining entities to exchanges has reached a two-month high amid a decline in their revenues due to lower transaction fees. Miner Selling Hits Two-Month High On June 9, the hourly transfer of...
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