Das Bitcoin Halving ist zum Beginn der Woche durchgeführt worden. Zum Wochenende wurde der Preis durch den Hype um das Halving zwischenzeitlich sogar wieder 5-stellig. Doch – wenig überraschend – stiegen einige Investoren zum Wochenstart aus, um ein gutes Plus einzufahren.Bitcoin News: Das Bitcoin Halving ist durchEtwa 20 Prozent ging es im unmittelbaren Zeitraum um das Halving herum runter – einige Daytrader hatten wahrscheinlich die Marktsituation genutzt, um ein schnelles Plus zu machen....
Read More »World’s Largest Steelmaker Reportedly Completes First Iron Ore Transaction Using Blockchain
The giant mining firm, BHP Billiton, has reportedly completed its first yuan-denominated transaction of iron ore utilizing blockchain technology. The company sold materials worth over $14 million to China Baoshan Iron & Steel Co LTD (Baosteel) – the listed arm of the world’s biggest steelmaker China Baowu Steel Group (Baowu).Blockchain Utilized For Iron Ore SaleNearly four years ago, the massive mining firm revealed its plans to begin employing the Ethereum blockchain to improve the...
Read More »51% Attack And Higher Transaction Fees: What Are The Risks Post Bitcoin Halving 2020?
The real buzz in the cryptocurrency industry right now is about the long-awaited Bitcoin third halving, which is only a few hours away. Expectedly, results in Google Trend show an increasing interest in the topic.Bitcoin 2020 Halving In HoursEveryone, including critics, is alert as the Bitcoin miners move closer to block 630,000, where the mining reward is scheduled to half from 12.5 BTC to 6.25 BTC. At the time of this writing, the current block is 629967, meaning there are less than 35...
Read More »10 Blocks In 47 Minutes: Miners Are Accelerating, Bitcoin Halving Block Can Be Reached Quicker Than Expected
The median confirmation time for transactions with miner fees to be included in a mined block and added to Bitcoin’s ledger has decreased substantially on the day that the halving is estimated to take place. If the rate continues as it is, the event will take place a few hours sooner than expected.10 Blocks Mined in 47 MinutesAccording to information from Blockchain.com, the average time for the network to generate new blocks has decreased substantially.Blocks 629952 through 629961 were mined...
Read More »Riot Blockchain Buys More Than 1,000 New Antminers
Bitcoin mining company Riot Blockchain has announced the purchase of more than 1,000 additional mining machines in the face of bitcoin’s latest halving event, set to occur on Tuesday of next week.Riot Blockchain Is Boosting Its EffortsThe company put out a statement explaining that it has bought 1,040 next-generating Bitmain S19 (95 TH) Antminers. Overall, the company spent just shy of $2 million on the machines. The company says it will use these machines to up the ante on its mining...
Read More »Cambridge University Launches A Bitcoin Mining Tracking Tool
A designated team at Cambridge University has just released The Bitcoin Mining Map. The digital tool shows the geographical location of Bitcoin hash rate distribution and the countries where it’s concentrated.The Bigger PictureThe tracking tool enables users to locate and keep an eye on the monthly share of the global hash rate of different countries, starting from September 2019. The bitcoin tracker will also provide users with an additional second map consisting of focused, detailed and...
Read More »Bitcoin Mining Map: China dominiert das Bitcoin Mining
Bitcoin Mining Map Das Cambridge Centre for Alternative Finance publiziert immer wieder sehr wertvolle Studien über das Bitcoin-Netzwerk. Insbesondere im Bereich Stromverbrauch ist die Forschung die Universität von Cambridge federführend. Daher ist folgende Publikation absolut spannend und brisant: Eine Karte die aufzeigt, wo auf der Welt die Bitcoin Mining Geräte verteilt...
Read More »Numuni Inc. Announces Plans to Enter Bitcoin Mining
Sun Kissed Industries, Inc.’s Numuni Inc. subsidiary says that it sees bitcoin mining as a key source of revenue for its digital media platform.Numuni Is Getting Into Mining At an Odd TimeThe company works to ensure digital content creators garner funds for their work. The company recently put out a statement suggesting that it may get into bitcoin and cryptocurrency mining in the coming weeks, though it’s probably not thinking everything through.For one thing, miners are about to lose a lot...
Read More »Ukraine Might Use Excess Electricity From Nuclear Power Generation For Cryptocurrency Mining
Merely days ahead of the Bitcoin halving, Ukraine and Iran are taking steps into expanding mining services within their borders.Ukraine plans to utilize excess nuclear power, while the Asian country has granted a license to a Turkish company to operate up to 6,000 mining rigs in Semnan.Nuclear Power Utilized For Crypto Mining?The Ukrainian Ministry of Energy and Environmental Protection recently published a press release outlining the possibility of adopting cryptocurrency mining soon....
Read More »Bitcoin Halving 2020: Everything You Need to Know
The Bitcoin halving 2020 will be here in just one short week. And while we don’t know the exact date and time yet (more on that in a minute), it’s a fairly big deal. That’s because if we look at previous Bitcoin halvings, we see a pretty clear trend of the Bitcoin price rising shortly after the halving. So what exactly is “the halvening,” why does it happen, and why don’t we know when it will occur? In this article we’ll explain everything you need to know. What does the...
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