The leader of the Iran Blockchain Association (IBA) – Abbas Ashtiani – opined that the country’s central bank (CBA) is not capable of implementing a comprehensive regulatory framework on digital assets. As such, the authorities need to develop an “independent counsel” to resolve the issues. How Will Iran Regulate Crypto? Imposing regulations on the digital asset industry is a policy that each government takes quite individually. While China completely banned crypto mining and...
Read More »Bitdeer Group Expands Its Digital Mining Offerings with Filecoin (FIL) Integration
Why do I have to complete a CAPTCHA? Completing the CAPTCHA proves you are a human and gives you temporary access to the web property. What can I do to prevent this in the future? If you are on a personal connection, like at home, you can run an anti-virus scan on your device to make sure it is not infected with malware. If you are at an office or shared network, you can ask the network...
Read More »Wie lange gibt es noch frische Bitcoins?
Knappheit: Gehen den Bitcoin-Börsen die Coins aus? Wie man in dieser Grafik sieht, nehmen die Bitcoin-Bestände auf den Hot Wallets der Bitcoin-Börsen ab. Nachdem der Bitcoin kürzlich ein neues Allzeithoch erreicht hat, befindet sich der Kurs aktuell in einer Konsolidierungsphase. Was aber viel brisanter ist: Wie lange gibt es noch Bitcoins? Von den 21 Millionen Bitcoins, welche insgesamt hergestellt werden können, sind bereits rund 18,9 Millionen...
Read More »How to Earn BTC By Mining Every Day
Introduction: What Is Crypto Mining!! Most people think of crypto mining simply as a way of creating new coins. Crypto mining, however, is the process of validating cryptocurrency transactions on a blockchain network and adding them to a distributed ledger. However, the challenge of a digital currency is that digital platforms are easily manipulated. Bitcoin’s distributed ledger, therefore, only allows verified miners to update transactions on the digital ledger....
Read More »Future FinTech Picks Paraguay to Host Its New Crypto Mining Site
Blockchain and e-commerce firm Future FinTech Group Inc. is looking to build a new crypto mining farm in the South American nation of Paraguay. Future FinTech Brings Crypto Mining to South America The country’s minister of social development and the mayor of the city of Coronel Oviedo announced that they’ve had discussions with many of the firm’s executives regarding the development of its plans and the proposed site. In addition, the former deputy minister of national...
Read More »Mogo Is Looking to Plant Trees to Offset BTC’s Carbon Emissions
Digital payments and financial technology firm Mogo Inc. has created what it’s calling the world’s first official “green” version of bitcoin. The item in question is not necessarily a product, but rather an initiative. For every bitcoin unit purchased through its system, the company will plant trees and work to offset the carbon emissions allegedly caused by bitcoin and crypto mining. Mogo Is Trying to Make the Crypto World Greener The argument surrounding bitcoin’s growing carbon levels has...
Read More »Worldcoin: Das nächste Bitcoin?
Worldcoin: Eine neue digitale Währung, welche beim Start fair verteilt wird. Es gab schon einige derartige Versuche und gerade dann, wenn vom ’nächsten Bitcoin‘ oder dergleichen die Rede ist, dann hatten sich diese Projekte stets als eine Art von Scam herausgestellt. Meist waren es billige Marketing-Tricks, um beispielsweise an möglichst viele Email-Adressen zu gelangen, sogenanntes Data Mining (Initiative Q lässt grüssen). Und nun ist es also...
Read More »China kostet der Crypto-Bann eine Billionen Dollar
Gerüchten zufolge bereut man in Peking längst den Crypto-Bann, der vor wenigen Monaten landesweit ausgesprochen wurde. Dieser hatte den Crypto Mining Markt durchgerüttelt und die vermeintliche Monopolstellung des Landes in diesem Sektor zerstört. Crypto News: China kostet der Crypto-Bann eine Billionen DollarAssets im Wert von 10 Milliarden US-Dollar wurden durch die Politik Pekings jährlich aus dem Land gejagt. Bei einer prognostizierten Wachstumsrate des Marktes von 100 Prozent pro Jahr...
Read More »Byron Bay to Become Australia’s Bitcoin Mining Hub: Report
The Nasdaq-listed company Mawson Infrastructure Group reportedly inked a partnership with Quinbrook Infrastructure Partners to set up one of Australia’s largest bitcoin mining operations. It will be located in the beachside town – Byron Bay – and will use 100% renewable energy. Australia Aims at Green BTC Mining Apart from being one of the leading touristic hotspots in Australia, Byron Bay could also become the center of the country’s bitcoin mining. A recent report reads...
Read More »55% of Britons Believe Banning Bitcoin Would Not Make The Planet Greener: Poll
A recent survey revealed that the majority of the UK residents would not support their government if it imposed a crackdown on bitcoin due to environmental reasons. Somewhat expectedly, the elderly were bigger proponents of the move. Not The Best Idea The first ten months of 2021 have been another turbulent period for bitcoin. The primary cryptocurrency hit an all-time high price of nearly $65,000 in April but then plunged in the next several months to as low as $29K in July....
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