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Tag Archives: AA News

Bitcoin Price To Reach $5,000 Before 2020, Accoridng to Recent Analysis

Bitcoin’s price has continuously been a subject of numerous predictions. Some proponents expect new all-time highs within the next few months, while others take the opposite stand, foreseeing the cryptocurrency’s demise. Naturally, a lot of the predictions seem quite far-fetched, but some well-known and reputed analysts think that Bitcoin might go to $5,000 before 2020.Bitcoin’s Price On A Bearish TrajectoryFor starters, a leading cryptocurrency market analyst, Credible Crypto, recently...

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Bitcoin Price To Reach $5,000 Before 2020, According to Recent Analysis

Bitcoin’s price has continuously been the subject of numerous predictions. Some proponents expect new all-time highs within the next few months, while others take the opposite stand, foreseeing the cryptocurrency’s demise. Naturally, a lot of the predictions seem quite far-fetched, but some well-known and reputed analysts think that Bitcoin might go to $5,000 before 2020.Bitcoin’s Price On A Bearish TrajectoryFor starters, a leading cryptocurrency market analyst, Credible Crypto, recently...

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Approaching 2020: Why The World Needs Bitcoin More Than Ever (Op-Ed)

We live in a paradoxical world in that it is both expanding and shrinking at the same time. The rise of high-speed internet allows us to instantly communicate across the globe, stream movies and TV shows, shop from the comfort of our couch, dig through the archives of famous museums and libraries, and watch events in other countries unfold in real-time. The flip-side of such openness is that a small number of corporations are increasing their stranglehold on how we live our lives. As such,...

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CZ: Binance Fake News Is The Reason For Yesterday’s Bitcoin Price Crash To $6700

News broke out two days ago that Binance’s Shanghai office has been raided by local police and has shut down consequently. The CEO of the cryptocurrency exchange, Changpeng Zhao, has since refuted the claims, while also saying that it’s FUD of the kind that damaged Bitcoin’s price in the past couple of days.Binance To Sue The Block Media OutletCryptocurrency news media The Block reported on November 21st that the Shanghai office of Binance has shut down because it has been clamped down by...

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China Clarifies Cryptocurrencies Are Illegal: Bitcoin Records 6-Month Low In Response

Yesterday, Bitcoin’s price went through a serious decline, losing more than $550 of its value in a matter of hours. Today, news from China came that the country’s views on cryptocurrencies remain unchanged and that they are, in fact, illegal. Almost immediately after that, Bitcoin lost another $500, marking a 6-month low.China Clarifies: Cryptocurrencies Are IllegalA few weeks ago, China’s president, Xi Jinping, urged the country to get more involved with blockchain-based technologies....

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Bakkt Cash-Settled Bitcoin Futures To Launch On December 9th

The Intercontinental Exchange (ICE) announced today that its Bitcoin Futures trading platform, Bakkt, will be launching a cash-settled contract. Starting from December 9th, they will be listed on the ICE Futures Singapore. It’s interesting to see how and if this will have an impact on Bitcoin’s price, given what has happened before.Bakkt Futures Contract on ICE SingaporeICE, the owner of the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), revealed the upcoming launch earlier today. Bakkt’s cash-settled...

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Bitcoin ATM Robbed: Thieves Forgot The Most Importnat Thing

More and more Bitcoin ATMs are popping up across the world and sometimes they become a target of wrongdoers. A couple of thieves recently robbed a Bitcoin ATM in Canada. They took around $3,000 out of the machine and what is more interestingly – forgot to take the remaining $37,000.Bitcoin ATM Robbery In CanadaThe place of the heist was a local food market in Vernon, British Columbia, Canada. Apparently, two thieves decided that the Bitcoin ATM is a valuable target, and as per the reported...

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Bloody Thursday: Bitcoin Plunges $800 Today, Back To October Lows

Volatility is back in the cryptocurrency market but unfortunately, this time, the prices went south. Bitcoin lost almost $800 in today’s trading session, dragging the entire market down with it. BTC’s dominance, however, remains untouched, meaning that altcoins are still unable to capitalize on the sudden drop.Bitcoin Plunges $800 In HoursBitcoin’s price took a beating today. The cryptocurrency dropped from a daily high $8,110 on BitMEX down to $7,350, marking a steep decrease of more than...

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Top 20 Cryptocurrencies In Red As Bitcoin Falls Below $8,000: Thursday Market Watch

It’s safe to say that the cryptocurrency market has seen better days. In just a few days, it lost around $20 billion of its total capitalization and it currently stands at $218 billion – a decrease of more than 8%.All of the top 20 cryptocurrencies are trading in the red with absolutely no exception. Regardless of whether it’s against the USD or against Bitcoin, altcoins are bleeding. TRON (TRX) has lost the most over the past 24 hours as it’s down by 6.63%, followed by Binance Coin (BNB)...

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CFTC Chairman Bullish on Bitcoin and Blockchain

The last couple of years have seen national governments grappling with how to regulate Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Some of them have been hostile to virtual currencies while others have been more accepting. The United States is no exception to this difficulty, but the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) is one federal agency that is actually supportive of Bitcoin and blockchain. This bullish view was reinforced by CFTC Chairman Heath Tarbert when he appeared on CNBC’s “The...

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